Chapter 223

Name:My Adolescence Author:bai yu qiu xia
Zhang Qingqing was sitting by the window of the milk tea shop, and suddenly a little brother who sent flowers came and politely handed her a beautifully packaged rose for her to sign. She was a little stunned. Then she saw the message on the urinal note with the rose. She brushed it and stood up and asked anxiously what the boy who bought the rose looked like?

The little brother who sent flowers scratched his hair and said honestly, "he is over 1.75 meters tall, slender, beautiful, and looks a little handsome, but his eyes are narrow and long, and his eyes are very sharp when looking at people."

"It's him!"

Zhang Qingqing hurried out of the milk tea shop with roses in her hand and pursued the past towards the flower shop. However, at this time, I had hidden in a dark corner of the street and looked at Zhang Qingqing anxiously everywhere from a distance. Li Mengting around me sighed softly and said, "in fact, if you regret now and give up going to purgatory, it's still time."

I shook my head and said, "no, I can't protect my brother, my wealth, my beloved woman, and even my personality will be trampled on. I've decided to go to purgatory."

When I finished, I asked Li Mengting to give me her mobile phone. I logged in to the florist website with her mobile phone, then prepaid a sum of money and booked roses for 65 days. The address is naturally our home. I hope Zhang Qingqing gets up every morning and receives a bunch of bright roses at the first time.

When Li Mengting saw it, she asked me curiously why it was 65 days instead of other days?

I glanced at her and said calmly, "because you said there was only two months in infernal purgatory, I ordered roses for 65 days. If I can come back alive in two months, I hope I can appear at Zhang Qingqing's door with a bunch of red roses in my hand in the morning of the 66th day."

I haven't said a word. If I don't come back on the 66th day, it's time for Zhang Qingqing to forget me, because if I can't come back, it means I'm dead.

Although Zhang Qingqing didn't find me, after she received the roses, the whole person was still in a lot of spirit. About waiting in her heart, she was not as flustered and hesitant as before.

I watched Zhang Qingqing leave by bus before coming out of the corner with Li Mengting.

Li Mengting took me to a nearby nightclub to drink and dance. I had something on my mind. In addition, my drinking capacity was not good. Where was Li Mengting's opponent? She soon got drunk.

I can't remember clearly what happened after I got drunk. I vaguely remember that Li Mengting helped me into a luxury hotel and opened a room. Then I seemed to have a dream that I went back to the night when I married Zhang Qingqing. Zhang Qingqing was wearing a bride's cheongsam and dressed beautifully. I went up drunk to flirt with her.

Wearing cheongsam, "Zhang Qingqing" didn't resist me very much. She let me hold and kiss, but she was angry and said she wasn't Zhang Qingqing. When I was drunk, I tried to open my bleary eyes and looked at her seriously. At the beginning, it seemed to be the great witch Li Mengting, but when I looked again, I was blindfolded and said definitely, "no, no mistake, you are my wife Zhang Qingqing."

After that, I was so drunk that I hugged the other party and directly kissed the other party's mouth regardless of the other party's protest. After tasting the charming fragrance, I became more intoxicated and desperately wanted more. One hand was anxious to untie her cheongsam, but I was so drunk that I was clumsy and didn't know how to solve it. I couldn't untie it for a long time, I want to tear it with my hand.

"Fool, don't tear it!"

The other party grabbed my hand and took off my clothes automatically. I was like a hungry wolf. When I saw the white sheep, I rushed up

The next morning, when I still projected in from the window, I woke up tired from my hangover. When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a luxurious hotel room. I had only a pair of small pants, and all the other shirts and trousers were thrown on the ground beside the bed. There was a clatter of water in the bathroom. It seemed that someone was taking a bath in it.

What happened last night?

I got up a little weak, but I found that there were many more marks on my body inexplicably, such as nail scratch marks and kiss marks. Then I found that the white sheet of the bed I slept in disappeared. It's a fucking strange thing. The guests didn't get up. Why did the waiter come and take away the sheets?

I got up, picked up the shirts, trousers, belts, watches and other things on the ground, dressed neatly one by one, and then Li Mengting came out of the bathroom. Like last night, she still wore the blue embroidered cheongsam, but I don't know why, she looks more charming and more like a beautiful woman today. It's probably because she has spring in her eyes and shy in her charming expression.

"Calf, are you awake?"

Li Mengting saw that my cheeks were a little red. This is a rare thing. She is very bold on weekdays.

When I heard Li Mengting call me calf, I was always unhappy and said, "wake up, sister Ting, why are there so many scratches on me?"

Li Mengting was stunned when she heard the speech, and then her eyes were like water. She gently said, "well, there were insects in the room last night that bit you. After you were drunk and bitten, you scratched like this."

"Shit, this hotel looks very advanced. How can there be insects?" I looked at her suspiciously and said, "can't you bully me in the middle of the night and pinch me in the middle of the night?"

Li Mengting rolled her eyes angrily, very charming: "hum, it's you who bully me!"

I don't know why. After getting up today, Li Mengting called me very strange. She scolded me that I was a calf and said angrily that I was a pretty donkey. I was not happy when I heard it. She said to her, "shit, sister Ting, what's the matter with you today? You always change and ridicule me that I am an animal. I don't seem to offend you?"

Li Mengting didn't know what she thought, but Xiafei's cheeks were as beautiful as silk. She hummed, "no matter what, you're a domineering and savage calf anyway."

Women are really unreasonable animals. I went to the bathroom angrily and said, "it seems that your great aunt came today. I'm in a bad mood. I'm too lazy to provoke you."

While brushing my teeth, I asked Li Mengting in a vague voice, "sister Ting, did we sleep in the same room last night?"

"What do you say?"

"Ah, we slept together?"

Li Mengting seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering, "no, you guy is drunk. I'm going to sleep on the sofa."

When I heard the speech, I remembered my beautiful dream with Zhang Qingqing last night. Hei hei smiled and thought that Li Mengting didn't sleep with me. Otherwise, I might treat her as Zhang Qingqing in my dream last night.

After washing, I left the hotel room with Li Mengting. Li Mengting seemed to be very attached to here and was a little reluctant to give up. I said to her depressed, "why, this hotel is not very good. You seem to be reluctant to give up."

Li Mengting glanced at me charmingly and said, "you know a fart, stubborn donkey."

When I came out of the room and walked to the elevator, I took a few steps and found that Li Mengting didn't keep up with me in time. I looked back and saw her frown, her pretty face with a touch of pain and shyness. Her two slender legs seemed to be unable to step. She didn't keep up for a long time. She was very different from her graceful walk on high heels.

When Li Mengting saw me looking back, she gave me a white look and said angrily, "calf, what are you doing there? Come and help me!"

The great witch is really endless. I can only help her and ask curiously, "sister Ting, your great aunt is here today?"

"Yes, yes," Li Mengting asked me to help her. She muttered, "hum, stupid calf."

I was so angry that my face turned black. I thought I would have ignored you if I hadn't been so kind to me on weekdays. Your own aunt is coming. I'm to blame for your inability to walk. It's as if I made you unable to walk. It's unreasonable!