Chapter 111

Name:My Adolescence Author:bai yu qiu xia
I walked out of the community with seven yuan in my arms. My mobile phone and wallet were confiscated by the woman Zhang Qingqing. She deliberately left me with only seven yuan and had to honestly run a few kilometers away to buy her McDonald's ice cream.

I know she wants to trick and torture me. In fact, if I use the seven yuan to take the bus back to school, borrow some money from my classmates, then buy ice cream, come back by car, and then come back panting to give Zhang Qingqing the ice cream, maybe Zhang Qingqing will think I'm walking back and forth, and will forgive me.

However, it was probably because I lost the bet on the money Zhang Qingqing gave me to repay my debt first, and I still had contacts with Li Mengting privately, and I almost made a fool of myself tonight. I felt a deep guilt for Zhang Qingqing, so I didn't choose opportunism in the end, but used the stupidest method, That is to really walk to McDonald's a few kilometers away to buy ice cream for Zhang Qingqing.

I used a jogging speed to run to the nearest McDonald's in the community. At the beginning, I was right to take exercise.

It takes only a few minutes to drive a few kilometers, but running can really kill people. Rao is that I have a strong physique, but it took me half an hour to run to McDonald's sweating and panting.

At this time, my throat was dry and smoking. When I took out the only seven yuan I had to buy ice cream, I almost said to give me a big coke and drink it with my head up, but finally I said to the salesperson rationally, "I want a chocolate ice cream cake."

After I bought the ice cream, I found another more troublesome thing, that is, the ice cream will melt, so I have to hurry back, so I can only run back with a hard head. The speed is a little faster than when I came here, and the pace should be more stable, otherwise it is easy to bump the ice cream off.

This tests my physical strength and endurance even more. My feet seem to be filled with lead. They are sour and painful. They are very heavy. I feel hard to walk. My heart is burning. It's hard to breathe. My compassion has long been soaked with sweat. This uncomfortable feeling is like the time my father-in-law taught me eight gun boxing on the first day.

I ran slower and slower, and finally I was struggling. Even an old horse that would fall down at any time after running all day and night.

But I'm still struggling. What I don't know is that soon after I left the door of the community, a blue crown car followed me. The driver was Sun Xiaomeng, our next door neighbor, and Zhang Qingqing was sitting in the co driver's seat.

Zhang Qingqing was looking at me with complex eyes at this time, while sun Xiaomeng, who was driving, slowly drove behind me, glanced at Zhang Qingqing with his eyes tilted, and asked curiously, "Qingqing, it's not your husband Chen Yu. What are you two doing?"

Zhang Qingqing returned to her senses after hearing the speech. She bit her lips and said, "nothing."

Sun Xiaomeng said reluctantly, "it's no wonder. You hurriedly asked me to go downstairs and drive with you to follow your husband. I thought how did you ask me to go with you to catch adultery. Now Chen Yu even walked a few kilometers away to buy ice cream, and you secretly followed him. I said what are you two husband and wife doing?"

Zhang Qingqing hesitated and said, "that guy made me angry. I said I wanted to eat ice cream. I only gave him seven yuan to buy it. This fool really bought it."

Sun Xiaomeng was stunned when he heard the speech, and then said, "you bully your husband like this. He's so tired now. If I let my husband walk to buy ice cream, it's strange that he doesn't scold me. You just don't know your happiness. A good husband still bullies him like this."

Zhang Qingqing snorted: "who told him to make me angry first."

Sun Xiaomeng observed his words and expressions and said, "I think you should be relieved now. You see, Chen Yu is very tired now. Why don't we drive up to give him a ride, or this fool will really walk back with his legs all the way."

"Don't" Zhang Qingqing looked down on my back and said softly, "maybe I'm selfish, but I really like to see this guy doing something seriously, especially when he tries to do something for me. I'm very moved and happy. I want to see him pay hard for me. Tonight, let me be willful..."

Of course I didn't know that Zhang Qingqing and her best friend drove behind me, otherwise I would be angry, but I escaped unknowingly. If I use the 7 yuan to go back to school by car, borrow money from my classmates, buy ice cream and come back by car, Zhang Qingqing will certainly think I'm opportunistic and won't be moved at all. I'm sure I won't forgive me. This is something I didn't expect at all. Maybe a fool has a fool's blessing.

When I came home with my exhausted body, my father-in-law and mother-in-law were watching TV in the living room. They were shocked to see me like this and said, Chen Yu, have you fallen into the smelly ditch? Your skin is blue, your face is swollen, your body is wet, and there is a smell of smelly sweat.

I didn't dare to tell the truth. I just said that I had just run back at night, and then gasped and asked, "where's Qingqing?"

Before the father-in-law and mother-in-law spoke, Zhang Qingqing opened the door from the outside and said calmly, "I just went downstairs to throw away the garbage. Are you back?"

"Qingqing, I bought you the ice cream you said you wanted to eat."

I handed the ice cream in my hand like a treasure. At this time, I was stunned to find that the ice cream was about to melt away. It was ugly. If I really looked at it, I had no appetite.

"Hum, who likes to eat in a mess?"

Zhang Qingqing took the ice cream and put it on a plate on the table of the tea table. I was depressed at this time. I looked at Zhang Qingqing pitifully and thought, did you forgive me or didn't you forgive me?

"You stink of sweat. Go to the bathroom and take a bath. I'll put the water for you."

I was a little flattered when I heard the speech. I vaguely felt that Zhang Qingqing had forgiven me. I ran to get clean clothes and take a bath in the bathroom.

As everyone knows, when I just entered the bathroom, the face originally held by Zhang Qingqing in the living room suddenly changed and became like a flower, like a dry land. Suddenly, a hundred flowers bloom and are particularly beautiful.

Zhang Qingqing not only smiled, but also hummed like a little girl. She ran to the cupboard and took out a small spoon. Then she sat down on the leather sofa in the living room, holding the plate containing ice cream in one hand and a small spoon in the other hand. She ate the ice cream as a milkshake, and ate it with relish.

Father in law Zhang Dagui and mother-in-law Xu Shuqin looked at each other. Xu Shuqin couldn't help glancing at Zhang Qingqing and said, "didn't you just say that messy ice cream doesn't like to eat? How can you treat it as a baby now?"

Zhang Qingqing's face flushed slightly, and she hummed, "I suddenly want to eat again, can't I?"

"Duplicity" Zhang Dagui taught his daughter angrily: "Chen Yu has just become so tired. It's estimated that you bullied him again. You should accept your princess temper. Don't bully Chen Yu all day and bully him away. Don't cry at that time."

Xu Shuqin also said: "yes, I think you were disgusted when you hired Chen Yu as our son-in-law. Now your little husband and wife relationship has become so good unconsciously."

Zhang Qingqing blushed at the speech and retorted, "Mom, you should be the one who hasn't been very nice to see Chen Yu."

Xu Shuqin said, "in fact, I always thought Chen Yu was not worthy of you, but now I see you with him. I suddenly feel very good. The main reason is that Chen Yu has no temper with you and is accommodating to everything. This is what makes me happy."

Zhang Qingqing said carelessly, "what's comforting? Isn't my husband going to bully his wife?"

Seeing his daughter's attitude, Zhang Dagui was a little unhappy. He glared and said, "don't think about bullying Chen Yu all day, but also pay attention to doing something serious."

Zhang Qingqing was stunned: "Dad, don't I teach and work in school now? Isn't that serious?"

Xu Shuqin whispered in her daughter's ear: "your father's serious thing is to have a child with Chen Yu and inherit the incense of our Zhang family. Today, I went to Tianlong temple with your father for incense. The master said that midnight is the zodiac auspicious time tonight and said that having sex at that time is likely to be pregnant. Remember to talk to Chen Yu tonight..."

Before Xu Shuqin finished, Zhang Qingqing blushed: "Mom and Dad, you are really unreasonable. Nine out of ten words said by the monks in the temple are deceived. You believe these absurd words. I don't care to pay attention to you."

Then she was ready to escape into the room. I just came out after taking a bath. I asked curiously, "Mom and Dad, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Dagui stared at the TV and said without raising his head, "Zhang Qingqing asked you to go back to her room to do serious business."

Zhang Qingqing, who had just come to the bedroom door, suddenly fell down when she heard her father's words. I looked at Zhang Qingqing's red face and thought what serious business it was. How did Zhang Qingqing panic like this?