Chapter 60

Name:My Adolescence Author:bai yu qiu xia
The short white gourd gangster said with a bad smile and stretched out his hand to touch Zhang Qingqing's ass. at this time, I not only paid attention to the surrounding environment, but also paid attention to the every move of the three guys. I quickly blocked Zhang Qingqing in front with my body, glared at the three inch nail less than one meter six tall, and yelled at him, but because my mouth was blocked, It can only make a "woo woo" sound.


The little white gourd named Lao Si kicked me over when he raised his foot. Although he was not tall, he was very strong, dark and full of flesh. The whole person looked like a group of powerful pig iron.

After he kicked me down, he made up his feet and put up his feet and sprayed the foam. He said, "the younger one is still trying to be brave." you want the hero to save the United States, right? Four brother will give you a lesson tonight. What do you mean by a real lesson?

Zhang Qingqing's mouth was also blocked. At this time, she was so frightened that she turned pale. She squatted beside me and was anxious. My purr was like a frightened deer.

Seeing that short white gourd was going to be rude to Zhang Qingqing, but scar Qiang, who was walking in front, stopped, turned back and said coldly, "what are you doing, old four?"

The short white gourd seemed to be in awe of their scar faced boss. He smiled and said, "Hey, boss, this woman is old and beautiful. Brother, I want to touch two."

Scar Qiang said angrily, "first take them to the abandoned cabin in the old bear forest in front and finish what boss Qin ordered. Then you'll enjoy yourself slowly. It's important to do business now."

The dwarf white gourd could only give up when he heard the speech. He came over and kicked me depressed and scolded, "get up and go on and pretend to be a dead dog?"

I looked at the short white gourd with hate and thought that if you let me escape tonight, I must kill you bastard another day. Just as I struggled hard, my eyes inadvertently saw a small circular pile of fallen leaves slightly raised on the ground a few meters in front. The moonlight was just projected there. There was a small place with a slight flood of cold light. It seemed that a small blade tip came out of the ground.

I looked carefully and suddenly found that there was a beast trap installed by local mountain people for hunting animals. The trap was hidden and covered with a layer of fallen leaves. If I hadn't just seen the moonlight reflected by the sharp serrated tip of the trap at this angle, I couldn't have found such a dangerous beast trap not far away.

Judging from the prototype outline of the fallen leaves in front, this is a clip for catching badgers, badgers and beavers. Although it is not as powerful as a boar clip, if humans step on it, they will be seriously injured.

"Why are you squatting there? Didn't you hear me tell you to get up?"

Seeing that I didn't get up for a long time, the dwarf white gourd grabbed my hair angrily and grabbed me up. After I stood up, I couldn't see the reflection of the sawtooth of the clip in front because of the angle, but I've confirmed that there was a very dangerous trap hidden there.

I already had a dispute in my heart, comforted Zhang Qingqing who was so anxious that she only shed tears with her eyes, and then slowly continued to move forward. The third and fourth gangsters were still vigilant behind us.

Pretending to be very tired and weak, I deliberately stumbled and crooked, deliberately leading the short white gourd behind me to the beast trap.

I saw that I was almost in front of the beast trap. The short white gourd behind me despised me for walking slowly and skewing East and West. When I raised my foot, I kicked it on my ass. at the same time, I scolded: "little bastard, hurry up and don't fucking dally -"

I jumped forward and almost fell on the trap of the beast trap. I was so frightened that I rushed forward, flew over the beast trap with a dog's posture of eating shit, and fell into the mud full of rotten leaves in front

"Ha ha, the little bastard fell and ate shit."

Seeing my awkward falling posture, the short white gourd grinned proudly, and then strode towards me, completely unaware of the hidden danger under the leaves on the ground.

His right foot stepped heavily on the pile of slightly bulging leaves, and then immediately made a metal sound. At the same time, the ground leaves splashed, and two clips full of sharp serrations, like the open mouth of a beast, "click" a pair of hard clips on the right leg of the dwarf white gourd.

"Ah --"

The dwarf white gourd was like a wild boar stabbed. It gave a scream that rang through the night sky. Then the whole fell on the ground, holding its right foot in both hands and rolling and wailing constantly. The cry was particularly sad and shrill, which startled the birds living in the forest.

"What's the matter?"

"Old four, are you okay?"

Scar Qiang in front and the third behind almost screamed at the same time. They hurried over and took a photo with a flashlight. They found that the fourth's foot was clamped by a sharp beast clip. The sharp sawtooth easily pierced the pants of dwarf white gourd and then deeply penetrated the muscle of his right foot. It seems that it is very deep and the wound is bleeding, Probably hurt a bone.

All of this, even the scar was shocked and shouted at the "woodlouse," the village boy installed a beast clip here. Fortunately, I didn't clip Lao Tzu just now.

The dwarf white gourd has lost its prestige when it kicked me just now. The whole face is pale without blood color, and the lips are trembling: "brother Qiang and Qiang, stop talking nonsense, and quickly help me open the clip. My legs are going to be useless, sobbing -"

Scar Qiang quickly squatted down to help the dwarf white gourd break off the beast clip, but just made an effort, the dwarf white gourd shouted pain, so that scar Qiang didn't dare to break it. He said there, "don't fucking howl. How dare I break the clip for you?"

The tall and thin third gangster seems to have a good relationship with the injured fourth. At this time, he forgot to take care of me and Zhang Qingqing. He stood on the side and commanded, "the clip is estimated to hurt the bone. Brother Qiang, don't move too fast. Break the clip slowly and use even force. Don't let go, or the fourth will be hurt again..."

While the three of them were in a hurry to tamper with the beast trap, I shook my head, secretly pushed the cloth strip stuffed in my mouth out, and then looked at me with a shocked face. Zhang Qingqing used a wink, meaning that I would loosen the binding rope for her with my mouth.

In this way, scar Qiang and the old three were sweating and nervously broke the beast clip for the short white gourd on the ground; And I took the opportunity to untie the rope for Zhang Qingqing with my mouth. At this time, Zhang Qingqing and I were very nervous, because we untied the rope almost under the eyes of three gangsters. They could find our little moves as soon as they looked back.

Fortunately, probably because Zhang Qingqing is a delicate woman, the rope they tied to Zhang Qingqing's hands is not very reliable. As long as you give me some time, I'm sure I can untie Zhang Qingqing's rope with my teeth.

I just used to untie Zhang Qingqing's rope, and scar Qiang's voice of relief came from the side: "Damn, it's finally smooth to break off the beast. The third, you wrap up the fourth."

The third squatted down and tore open the trouser leg cloth of the dwarf white gourd, ready to help the dwarf white gourd bandage the wound. At the same time, he scolded: "I thought it was just to help people delete a mobile phone photo. Tens of thousands of dollars can be easily obtained. I didn't expect that this job would be more fucking troublesome than robbery. The fourth is estimated to cost thousands of medical expenses."

"Shit, you dare to play tricks?"

As soon as scar Qiang turned around, he just saw me help Zhang Qingqing untie the rope. In fact, it was just a minute. He didn't expect that it had changed and shouted with surprise and anger.

"Zhang Qingqing, run quickly and I'll drag them."

At this time, seeing that the story was revealed, I didn't have time to consider how far Zhang Qingqing could run in the deep mountains and forests, and whether she would be caught up by the strong gangsters. I rushed up with an arrow step. Because my hands were tied back, I had to hit scar Qiang with a head hammer. Scar Qiang couldn't dodge when he was in a hurry and was knocked down by me.

I immediately struggled again, flew a foot towards the crotch of the old three who had just stood up, kicked the guy "Oh" with a stuffy hum, covered the crotch with both hands, and squatted down with pain on my face.