"The people in the ghost city have always kept a good secret and never disclose the information of their clients. So it is not so easy to find out who invited them." Bai yunning said this, the eyebrow obvious frown, also slightly shook his head.

"The people who can become the ghost city, even the most extreme people, have been heavily trained." Night LAN Chen's eyes squint, slowly make up a sentence.

"That night, they used Gong Yun to design people who were definitely yeshao, but yeshao didn't go. Tang Ling lived in yeshao's room, so they temporarily changed their plans." When Bai Yu Ning says this words, lift Mou to look at night three little with Chu Wu worry one eye.

"How do you know that they're temporary plans?" Night three small Mi eyes quickly flash.

Chu Wuyou's lips slightly pulled. They always thought that the target of the person behind was Tang Ling. If according to Bai Yuning, did Tang Ling really replace the night lanchen? !

but why do they do it? If their goal is just three nights, isn't that what they're doing?

"After Gong Yun went to the eighth floor with Tang Ling and others last night, the people in the ghost city contacted Gong Yun. The people in the ghost city were always careful. If the temporary plan had not changed, they would not have contacted the people in the plan." Bai Yu Ning's face slightly heavy: "that is to say, yeshao didn't go to Guoxin hotel last night, which disrupted their original plan."

"Who caused Gong Yun's injuries? When Gong Yun went upstairs last night, he didn't have any injuries at all. During this period, Gong Yun never left the eighth floor, and Tang Ling didn't touch her at all. How can I explain her injuries?" On this point, Chu Wuyou has been a little confused.

According to the doctor, Gong Yun was seriously injured and even had a serious tear in his lower body. Therefore, Gong Yun must have been insulted at that time.

It's impossible for that kind of thing to happen in the corridor of the hotel, right?

"I've checked all the other rooms on the eighth floor and found nothing unusual." The silent night sanshao suddenly opened his mouth. At the moment, his face was slightly dignified: "of course, the rooms of the two princes have not been checked."

"The night is short, fierce, you can check at will on the eighth floor of Guoxin hotel." Bai yunning eyes a bright, looking at the night three young, full of worship.

Night three little is not to look at her, random inspection is certainly impossible, but he naturally has his way.

This is really not a difficult thing for him.

"Are the two princes suspected? Last night's room was reserved for you by the big prince. Apart from the two princes and Tang Ling, there should not be many people who know about it. " Chu wuyoujue can't exclude any suspects now.

"It's impossible for the big prince. I've known him for many years, but I still understand him, but I don't know about the little prince." Night LAN Chen naturally understand her meaning, this matter, he is also suspicious, but he can rule out the big prince.

If it is really arranged by the big prince, the big prince will never ask for a room for him, which is too obvious.

There is no reason to harm him, but the little prince, he really does not understand.

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