Chapter 1839

Name:Ms.Doctor Divine Author:9000 Dreams
The bitter fruit of Qing'er's advance has to be swallowed by the people in the snow!

They are the people who are under the Acacia bean. Qing'er can't control herself because of the Acacia bean. Why don't they like it?

All the bad things were done by their snowy city and snowy City owners.

At the end of the day, strange Qing'er's advance, said their city Lord's helplessness?

I'm afraid those people in the misty Pavilion can't catch up with me.

Gu Chaoyan sneered: "this is the reason why you do these bad things openly?"


"Acacia beans are your calculation, Qing'er is your killing, these are indelible facts." Gu Chaoyan's eyes are firm, without a trace of concession.


"yes, Qing'er is indeed a servant girl. But she has been with me since I was a child. She is kind-hearted and she is a living life. It's not what you can get in exchange for gold mountain and silver mountain. Killing people pays for their lives. Can the elder understand this truth? " Gu Chao Yan looked at the elder coldly.

The elder shrunk subconsciously.

This vision is too sharp, even he has some fear.

That girl's work is really too hasty.

What they thought at the beginning was that it was just a servant. Just kill the idea of the city Lord.

But I didn't expect such an accident.

Feng Nu will see, and even know the inside of MI Xing, originally did not take this thing as a thing, he also feel that this thing is not comprehensive enough, let them lose their troops.

She was annoyed by the palace maids who were guarding and bullying the holy underworld before, and now it annoys her again.

Back to snow city, some things will not be so smooth.

The elder thought of these things in his heart.

Not bad.

Fortunately, now that she has reached the boundary of the snow city, she is annoyed. In this snow city, she has to worry about something.

This time, the city Lord did the right thing.

"Fengnv is too excited now. You should think it over for yourself. I'll talk to you later." The elder looked at Gu Chaoyan and said directly.

He's gone.

Before leaving, let Longqing add more guards to watch fengnv. Don't have any accidents.

You have to tie people to the snow first.

After that, it's not too late to think about it.

Gu Chaoyan went into the carriage. The calm expression on his face disappeared immediately. Instead, he was angry. His whole body was shaking because of anger.

Qing'er is such an important existence for her. Now...

How can she not be angry.

After calming down a little, Gu Chaoyan calmly said: "you let Jian Er pay attention, they put Qing'er's body there."


" tonight, rest as before, and don't think about it. "


" let's keep our emotions in check, and I will be in everything. " Gu Chao Yan said to Jian Yi.

The sword nodded and there were tears in her eyes.

Gu Chaoyan took his sleeve, wiped it for her, and said, "go."

It's night.

Silence and peace.

It's the same as every night before, but it's different. Many people are sleepless.

Because of Qing'er.

Just after dawn, the guards of the snow city urged them to go on their way. It seemed that they couldn't wait to get to the snow city.

Gu Chaoyan in the carriage ready to go.

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