Yu Xiaoshu sits by Cheng Xingyi's bed. She doesn't want to talk to Cheng Xingyi, even if he can't hear her now.

On the first day, Yu Xiaoshu sat for about 20 minutes, completed Cheng's father's task, and left without nostalgia.

The next day, Yu Xiaoshu still stayed in the room for the same long time, and left at the same time.

On the third day, Yu Xiaoshu is already a little impatient. She sits in the room and stares at Cheng Xingyi lying on the bed.

If you can, don't wake up for the rest of your life.

Yu Xiaoshu said in his heart.

Because of dissatisfaction, Yu Xiaoshu decided to vent this emotion on Cheng Xingyi. She looked around a few times, after making sure there was no camera around, she confidently extended her magic claws to Cheng Xingyi.

She patted Cheng Xingyi's left face heavily and said with a sneer, "aren't you usually very arrogant? Why don't you dare to say anything now?"

"To be honest, Cheng Xingyi, you may not know how much I hate you."

"I didn't wake up anyway. Do you want to stay awake for the rest of your life It's sin to wake up. Why

Yu Xiaoshu didn't want to say a lot, but she didn't expect that she couldn't stop the car when she said it. Her long accumulated resentment got a chance to spit out. Yu Xiaoshu was more and more fascinated, so she didn't notice Cheng Xingyi's eyelashes suddenly trembled.

When Yu Xiaoshu said that she was thirsty, she licked her lips and looked down at Cheng Xingyi.

The person who should have closed his eyes is now looking at her with a pair of dark eyes.

Yu Xiaoshu's eyes widened

A hospital in Beijing, Si Beinan, will be sent to the operating room in two hours.

In the ward, Gu nianxue held Si Beinan's hand and slowly told him: "don't be nervous, don't be afraid, it's no big deal to have an operation. Once your eyes are closed and opened, your operation will be over."

"What if you can't close your eyes?" Division north south mouth owe ground to ask a way back.

Take care of snow a Leng, then fierce he: "what are you talking about? Come on, take three breaths into the air

Si Beinan clenched Gu nianxue's hand, and his expression was quite helpless: "I'm teasing you. Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm the one who did the operation, not you. You see how cold your hands are. " Si Beinan sighed and tried to pass the heat on his palm to Gu nianxue.


Division north south rare see so called.

"Don't worry, smile at me before the operation, give me some strength."

Take care of snow to see him one eye, opened mouth to pull out a radian.

Si Beinan looked at this uglier smile than crying. He was silent for a while, and sincerely suggested: "forget it, you'd better not smile."

"I'm afraid I'll have nightmares when I'm under anesthesia."

“……” Take care of snow gas to stretch out a hand to hammer him one punch, "division north south, you less say a word can become dumb?"? Didn't you make me laugh? If you don't like it, you'll find one yourself and laugh. You won't have nightmares! "

"All right, wife, I'm wrong, I'm wrong." Si Beinan held her fist and repeatedly apologized: "no one, your smile is the most beautiful, the most beautiful!"

"I believe you, ghost!"

During the fighting, time passed quickly. Gu nianxue's heart trembled when the nurse pushed the bed to take Si Beinan for surgery.

She personally sent Si Beinan to the ward. One second before she went in, Si Beinan beat her and winked at her. She couldn't help laughing.

But with the red light on the operating room, the heart of thinking about snow began to become heavy again, every minute became extremely painful.

On the other hand, the Cheng family has ushered in the biggest recent happy event, that is, Cheng Xingyi wakes up!

Cheng's father came back from the company immediately after he knew the news. When he saw his son half sitting on the bed, his black eyes looked at him timidly and called him: "Dad."

Cheng's father almost had no tears.

He went to Cheng Xingyi, grabbed his hand and said excitedly, "Xingyi, you finally wake up!"

Cheng Xingyi didn't give a corresponding answer to Cheng's father's emotional excitement. He glanced around, glanced over Cheng's mother and her servant, frowned, and said to Cheng's father in doubt, "Dad, where's my wife?"

Hearing Cheng Xingyi's words, Cheng's father was stunned.

Wait a minute. Cheng Fu, who calms down, notices something wrong.

He raised his head, on the Cheng Xingyi a pair of clear eyes.

This is not Cheng Xingyi's eyes at all, and what did he just call himself, dad?

Cheng's father was afraid that he had heard wrong, so he looked at Cheng Xingyi and asked, "Xingyi, what did you call me?"

Cheng staryi looked at his father strangely, and didn't know why he asked himself this kind of question. But out of filial piety, she replied, "what's the matter, dad? Don't you like me to call you like this?"Cheng Fu is silent.

It's not like or dislike at all. Cheng's father hasn't heard of it for at least ten years.

He looked at his son's clear eyes and finally said, "please bring the doctor here."

When Cheng Xingyi wakes up, Cheng's mother immediately asks for a doctor, so the doctor comes to Cheng's house soon.

After giving Cheng Xingyi a detailed examination, the doctor hesitated for a while and announced a news.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng Shao's condition is called amnesia in popular terms."

Cheng Xingyi's amnesia shocked Cheng's parents.

At this time, Cheng Xingyi, who lost his memory, is still making trouble. He is still looking for his wife.

"Dad, where's my wife! Where did you hide my wife! " Where's his old wife!

Cheng's father was silent for a few seconds and asked softly, "do you remember your wife?"

"Of course I do!" Cheng Xingyi stares at him. "I saw her when I woke up. Where is she now? No, I'm going out to find my wife. She must have left! "

Seeing that Cheng Xingyi is about to get out of bed, Cheng's father quickly holds him down: "don't move, you're still hurt. I'll have your wife called! "

Then Cheng's father rushed down and winked.

The servant understood and left immediately.

Yu Xiaoshu is wrapping her body in the room with a quilt. When she sees Cheng Xingyi open her eyes, she runs away.

She is immersed in Cheng Xingyi's wake-up shock, and doesn't know what's going on outside.

The door was suddenly knocked and the servant's voice came from outside.

"Madam, the young master wakes up and says he wants to see you."

Hearing this, the first thought in Yu Xiaoshu's mind was: it's over.

It's over.

Cheng Xingyi must have come to settle with her.