"What are you talking about?" Gu nianxue grabs his hand and liberates his face from the hands of Si Beinan.

She looked at the puzzling Si Beinan, quite speechless: "you are inexplicably angry. Dr. Horst is a very good person. You just say that he is so obscene. What's your conscience?"

Si Beinan sneered: "do you think I'm making trouble for nothing?"

Think about snow, you still have self-knowledge.

But instead of saying it directly, she euphemistically said, "I just think you think a little bit too much."

"My intuition has always been very accurate. I don't think Horst is a good person." Si Beinan insisted on his position.

Do you think your intuition is a woman's sixth sense!

Gu nianxue sighed. She tried to persuade Si Beinan: "in fact, you may think too much. Dr. Horst was too nervous to see me at that time. He was just comforting me. And aren't foreigners very enthusiastic? So these little details may not be that important. "

"Besides, I'm not a beautiful woman loved by everyone. There are so many bad attempts."

Gu nianxue smiles and winks at Si Beinan. Her tone is quite proud. "You are so worried about other people's ideas. Do you like me too much? Love me, love me, don't want me? "

She so suddenly a turn, let the division north south is exasperated become angry, deny a way immediately: "you are cranky what! Who loves you so much? Thinking about snow, where's your face

Care for snow is to tease him originally, listen to him so deny, also not sad, on the contrary is to say with a smile: "Oh, I know, I know."

"Well, stop it. Now go back and ask about the details. We'll leave later."

The division north south allows her to push oneself to go back, long sigh one breath, only hope oneself is really think much.

The inspection results of the company's north and South will be released in a week. At that time, someone will inform us in advance.

So, Gu nianxue and Si Beinan are waiting at home.

Because the division north south movement inconvenience, take care of snow and with a certain house female attribute, so two people choose to nest at home.

Three days before the result, Gu Xue and Si Beinan lie on the sofa to do their own work after breakfast.

After a while, Meng Dongye came down from upstairs, said hello to them, and then went out. Zheng Yan soon went downstairs with her coat on, saying she wanted to enjoy the Swiss scenery, and she also went out.

Looking at Zheng Yan's figure, Gu nianxue raises her foot and kicks Si Beinan: "do you think we two want two lonely old people?"

Si Beinan raised his head from the screen of his mobile phone and straightened out with a straight face. "Miss, please improve your language level and say that we are lonely old people. I don't know whether you want to die by yourself or by me."

Take care of snow just casually, she silently took out the mobile phone input these four words search, found that it seems really wrong.

She corrected: "well, then empty nester, is that right?"

Si Beinan didn't correct this time. In fact, he didn't like the metaphor.

But when you think about it, it means that Gu Xue wants to be good with him all the time. The satisfaction of the latter offsets the dissatisfaction of the former. He can bear it for the time being.

"Do you want to go out?" The division north south raises an eye to ask a way.

"It's OK. I think I'm old too. I want to lie down and not move at all."

While speaking, Gu nianxue took the remote control and opened it casually. When the picture appeared on the TV screen, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

"Si Beinan, look, snow mountain! How beautiful Take care of snow to cover mouth to say.

Seeing her face full of admiration, Si Beinan said with a smile, "did you do your homework well before you came here? The snow mountains you see on TV are in Switzerland."

"Well? Is that right? " Think about snow when time, think about chahorst related, no mind to see tourism this aspect.

"What are you doing?" Si Beinan looked at him helplessly and hesitated for a while. He said, "if, if my legs are OK this time, I'll take you to climb the snow mountain."

Gu nianxue moved excitedly to his side and asked excitedly: "really? Don't you lie to me? "

"I won't lie to you." Si Beinan pinched her nose, his eyes flashed, and added: "but don't hold too much hope. If my legs are not good, you can take me as if I didn't say it."

"Don't think so!" Gu nianxue looked at Si Beinan with wide eyes, "you can be good! But you're going to take me to climb the snow mountain and go to many places with me. "

Gu nianxue serious appearance let the division north south of the heart across a warm current.

His facial expression is particularly soft, pull the hand that cares for snow, nod a promise: "good."

"Hook, it's the dog that's cheating."

This is very childish, but the division of North South or bent up his little finger hook to care about Snow's little finger.

On the last day of the week, Gu nianxue receives a call from horst.

"Dr. Horst, is that the result?" The heart that cares for snow suddenly begins to be uneasy."Yes, but I think I need to talk to you about the specific situation."

Meet and talk?

Take care of snow Leng Leng, return a way: "tomorrow I take division north south to come to the hospital, we meet to say?"

Horst said with a smile: "Miss Gu, if I guess correctly, you should love your husband very much, right? I'm going to ask you to see me alone, because I'm afraid you won't be happy with what I'm going to tell you next... "

Take care of snow's heart to suddenly tremble, immediately pursue to ask a way: "examination result, very bad?"

"I can't tell you the details on the phone. Miss Gu, how about we make an appointment to meet somewhere?"

Involved in the Department of North South related things, think about snow did not want to agree.

She and horst are at the minston hotel about two hours later.

It happened that after lunch, Meng Dongye took Si Beinan out, Zheng Yan also ran out to play, they are not in, which makes the trip of considerate snow can be kept secret.

Twenty minutes before the meeting time, Gu nianxue came to the minston hotel.

As soon as she entered the door, she called Horst's name to the waiter who met her. The waiter soon took her to the reserved position.

Two thirds of the mineral water in the glass was drunk when Horst came.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting," he said apologetically

"It's OK. I arrived early. Mr. Horst was on time."

Hears this sentence, Horst smiles, he looked at snow today's dress, and then praises: "Miss Gu looks very good today."

Take care of the snow to wear casually, come out in a hurry, only care about the appropriate, where will think good-looking.

She took Horst's approval as a polite expression. After thanking him, she immediately asked, "what's the situation with my husband, please? Is it really bad? "