No, Zheng Yan shakes her head. She is clearly misled by Meng Dongye.

"My situation is different from yours. Zheng JUNHE has been indifferent to my mother for so many years, and even asked for a divorce when she was ill. The point is, later I learned that when my mother couldn't get out of bed because of cancer, he was still taking care of another woman! Don't you think he went too far? "

Zheng Yan said indignantly, and then glared at Meng Dongye.

"It's going too far." Meng Dongye nodded and then asked doubtfully, "but if your mother doesn't want to divorce, she won't agree. Why did she sign in the end?"

"Is that true? It must have been forced by Zheng JUNHE! " Zheng Yan said firmly.

"How do you know? Are you at the scene? If it's forced, you can stop it. " Meng Dongye found the blind spot.

"I guess!" Zheng Yan rightfully said, "my mother loves him so much, how can I promise her a divorce? And my mother was fine. If it wasn't for Zheng JUNHE's going to divorce, how could she have become so bad and died so early? "

Zheng Yan said that she was more and more aggrieved for her mother.

Even after five years, she was not able to let go.

Meng Dongye pondered for a while and felt that Zheng Yan's words really had too many loopholes.

"I think you may have some misunderstandings about cancer. First of all, the disease has a period of time and can not be acquired in a day or two. Although this may be a little offensive, I have to remind you that according to the speed of your mother's death, I think her illness should be terminal. So, don't you think it's very possible that your mother thinks she's sick and can't give your father happiness, so she's free to pursue true love? "

"No way! You talk nonsense Zheng Yan retorts excitedly, with a sharp voice, "it's all because Zheng Jun is not good! If he was kind to my mother, she would never get sick! I'm not going to die at all

Meng Dongye was helpless OK, what I just said is just my guess. Why are you so excited? But I only heard you say here. Didn't your mother leave anything for you? She didn't mention your dad's behavior? If it's all your dad's fault, doesn't she have a complaint? "

Zheng Yan was silent for a while and whispered, "no, my mother is kind-hearted."

"No matter how kind-hearted people are, they are not saints." Meng Dongye looked at Zheng Yan and asked tentatively, "she didn't leave you a word about your father?"

Zheng Yan pursed her lips and did not answer.

Yes, of course.

The most common words are, "Yanyan, don't blame your father, my illness is none of your father's business", "Yanyan, your father has done a good job, he has given me all he can give, I can't accompany him for long, so I should let him pursue what he wants", "Yanyan, your father, he doesn't have anything sorry for me".

Even before he died, he said, "Yan Yan, you are good to accompany your father. Don't make him angry. Listen to him. He loves you most and will always be your good father.".

She will always be her good father, so why divorce?

Why did he never show up when her mother was dying?

Why was she with other women before her mother died?

Zheng Yan almost listened to her mother's words at the beginning. She was Zheng JUNHE's good daughter, but no one knew. When she saw her father hissing at another woman, she took care of her.

She only felt that her mother had been betrayed, and her family was broken because of Zheng JUNHE's infidelity.

Since then, her resentment, anger, blame and other emotions for Zheng JUNHE have all risen to the extreme.

She didn't listen to or believe any explanation from Zheng JUNHE. For five years, she had been stabbing Zheng JUNHE.

She felt bad in her heart, but she just wanted to make Zheng JUNHE feel worse.

Zheng Yan holds the paranoid idea that Zheng JUNHE is a man who betrays his wife and family and opposes him until now.

Meng Dongye waited for a long time, but did not wait for Zheng Yan to make a sound. Looking at her silent appearance, he sighed, stretched out his hand and rubbed Zheng Yan's head impolitely.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zheng Yan's thoughts are interrupted by his action, and she stares at him discontentedly.

Meng Dongye has never felt that he is a close person except in the aspect of soaking up girls. After talking so much to Zheng Yan today, he is not at ease.

However, thinking that Zheng Yan is an uneducated bear child, and as an adult himself, it doesn't hurt to say more, he soon forgot this uneasiness and patiently admonished her.

"I said, 80% or 90% of the contradictions between people can be solved through communication, and I think my guess is still possible. So instead of making trouble with your father here, you two don't have to be outspoken. Whether you want to ask him or scold him, it's easy to say it. "

"I don't want to talk to Zheng JUNHE!"Zheng Yan felt that Meng Dongye's position was also on Zheng JUNHE's side. She was so angry that she began to make an undifferentiated attack: "sure enough, you men don't have a good thing! Don't you think Zheng JUNHE is wrong at all? Why are you always on his side? Always talking for him? "

"Zheng Yan, I didn't speak for him." Meng Dongye frowned and thought Zheng Yan was a little neurotic in this aspect. "I just think you need to communicate well."

Looking at Zheng Yan's excited appearance, he couldn't help speculating: "or are you afraid that all the things you've been doing for so many years are just because you think too much, all of them are a misunderstanding?"

"You think too much! That's the truth! What's the misunderstanding

Zheng Yan's face turned red with anger.

She didn't want to talk to Meng Dongye any more and pushed him away.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you at all!"

Meng Dongye was unprepared to be so pushed by her, the injured arm hit the wall, the pain of the dark scolded a.

Seeing that Zheng Yan is going to go far away, Meng Dongye is afraid that she will go around again on impulse. He quickly leans against the wall and exhales in pain.

"Damn, my hand is bleeding again!"

Hearing these words, Zheng Yan's step is a meal.

Just as she hesitated to look back, Meng Dongye began to sell miserably.

"Some people are really cruel. I was injured in order to save her. My arms were almost broken, but I was still thankless. It's not easy to get better, but because of this push, I have to go back to before liberation, I...... "

Zheng Yan really can't listen. She turns around and walks back to Meng Dongye with her head down. "Where's the bleeding?"

Meng Dongye is actually pretending, arm pain is really painful, but that strength is not enough to make him bleed.

Zheng Yan asked, he was a little guilty.

Zheng Yan saw that he did not answer, and directly pulled down his hand covering his arm. She found that there was no blood on the wrapped gauze.

"You're kidding me!" Zheng Yan shakes his hand and stares at Meng Dongye. She looks very angry.

Meng Dongye scratched his hair and said boldly: "I'm not afraid of you walking around. With your bear child's temperament, I don't know what trouble you may cause."

"I'm not a bear boy!" Zheng Yan roared!

Just when Meng Dongye thought Zheng Yan was going to run away, she suddenly stopped, lowered her head and trembled.

After a long time, Meng Dongye saw that Zheng Yan was quiet. When he first thought of a voice, the latter raised his head and asked him with tears: "is it because I am small that you always think that what I think and do is wrong?"

"Meng Dongye, do you think I'm wrong?"