"Let her go!"

"Let her go!"

The two voices spoke the sentence in unison.

Si Beinan and Xu Qianyue look at each other and quickly move away. Everyone can see the dislike in each other's eyes.

Naturally, their reaction did not escape the eyes of the man in black. With a tight arm, he pinched Gu Xue's neck more tightly, and the gun in his hand was also tightly against Gu Xue's temple.

The snow was strangled and his face turned red.

She hated that she had dragged Si Beinan and Xu Qianyue behind.

"I hope you'd better not move, or I'm afraid I can't guarantee that she will still be alive."

At this moment, a man in black came down from the second floor with Edmund.

"Big brother, Edmund caught them, but two men let them run away."

Hearing this, Si Beinan breathed a sigh of relief.

Edmund was thrown into the middle of a few people, originally threatened the big brother who cared about snow, and handed it to the little brother who caught Edmund.

Then he went up to Edmund, looked down at him and asked, "where's our boss's jewel? Give it up honestly, or your life will end here today. "

Edmund's hair was wet. He had just been watered in the bathtub several times by the little brother, and he couldn't wake up any more.

His body trembles slightly, don't know is cold or afraid, before in front of Zheng Yan's prestige has already disappeared completely.

"It It... " Edmund was very nervous. His eyes twinkled. He saw some of them, pointed to them and said, "they! It's them! They've taken the jewels! "

His words let several people in black see Si Beinan, their eyes suddenly changed.

Si Beinan also sensitively perceived that it was wrong, and he immediately retorted coldly: "Edmund, right? We just came to save the girl you caught. We didn't hear of any jewels. "

His denial made the man in black look at Edmund again.

Edmund said in a trembling voice, "they lie! The jewel was taken away by their accomplices, a man and a woman. They first let a woman tempt me, beat me when I relaxed my guard, and then ran away with the jewel! "

"It's really them! Otherwise, if you think about it, why did they run away if they didn't do something bad? "

Compared with the eastern faces of cheese Beinan and Xu Qianyue, the people in black obviously believed Edmund's words more.

Division north south also perceived this, his brow frown deeper, brain thinking countermeasures.

All of a sudden, the sound of a siren sounded faintly.

"Big brother, it's the police!"

The accident upset the pace of the people in black.

"Brother, what are we going to do? Shall we withdraw first? "

While they were arguing, he squatted on the ground, leaned back on the sofa, and watched Edmund's hands behind him, groping under the sofa secretly. Then, his hands touched a bottle at the bottom of the sofa.

Then Edmund held the object in his hand and covered it with his bathrobe.

He looked up at the men in black and suddenly said, "I think where the jewels are!"

This sentence let several people's discussion stop, coincidentally looked at him.

is also taking advantage of this opportunity. Edmund raised the spray on his hand and sprayed two circles around several people.

“FUCK! What the hell Several people covered their eyes in pain.

Edmund took the opportunity to get up quickly, ran to the window, pushed the window open, turned over and ran.

"Big brother, Edmund is going to run!" The younger brother who is surrounded by snow wants to chase him, but there is still a man in his hand who wants to shoot, but the elder brother told him to stay alive before.

At this moment of his absence, Si Beinan took the opportunity to rush up, grabbed his hand, the muzzle of the gun was up, and then forced to fold his arm.

"Let's go!" Division north south low voice Dynasty cares for snow to say.

Gu nianxue quickly escapes from the man's arms. Si Beinan immediately punches the man in black. When he wants to grab his gun, the man in black takes the opportunity to throw the gun away, and then wrestles with Si Beinan.

"Nianxue, let's go." Xu Qianyue quickly came forward to take care of snow's shoulder, while the few are still painfully rubbing eyes, want to take her out of the door.

"But Si Beinan..." Looking back at the snow, hesitated for a few seconds.

Just a few seconds later, the people who fought with Si Beinan suddenly yelled.

"Big brother! They're going to run

As soon as he finished, Si Beinan hit him in the face.

The people who rubbed their eyes also suddenly woke up. The people called big brother narrowed their eyes and saw that Gu nianxue and Xu Qianyue wanted to go. No matter whether they could see clearly or not, they raised their guns and shot at a figure behind them.

"Read snow carefully!"

Gu nianxue heard a bang and a sound of Xu Qianyue in her ear. She felt that she was pressed and lay on the ground."Senior, are you ok?"

Gu nianxue saw that he was pressing on himself and looked miserable. He asked immediately.

"It's OK, let's go!" Xu Qianyue got up and pushed her forward.

"Let's go together!" Think about snow pull up him, the result is to see the dark blood on his trouser legs.

Suddenly, her face became very pale.

"Senior, you, you were shot?"

"It's no big deal. It's just that the bullet grazed my leg. It's not in the way. Hurry up..."

Go word has not yet said, the big brother from behind directly with his arm around the neck of the snow, ferociously said: "you don't want to go!"

Then, Xu Qianyue was handcuffed by two other people.

But Si Beinan was distracted because of the gunshot, and fell to the disadvantage in the scuffle. In addition, he was caught by the snow. He was taken in by the little brother, and kicked his abdomen severely, and half knelt on the ground in pain.

Then his hands were handcuffed.

At this time, the alarm bell has been ringing outside the door, can not delay time, therefore, the boss issued an order: "take people to withdraw quickly!"

A few minutes later, a few policemen kicked open the door and rushed into the room, only to find that there was no one inside.

A policeman made a sign, and the others went upstairs immediately.

Then, the policeman on the first floor said a few words to the earphone.

After a while, Meng Dongye rushed in with his arms in his arms. He asked anxiously: "how can there be no one! I'm sure they haven't run for long. Send someone to chase them! "

Just as he was driving away with Zheng Yan, he met the police who finally got the warrant, so he followed them back.

But Meng Dongye didn't expect that he was too late.

He paced restlessly, his eyes touching the blood on the ground, and his mood became more difficult to calm down.

Shit, they must not have an accident!