At eight o'clock in the evening, Si Beinan looked at the rise of the number of floors of the elevator, and he was looking forward to it.

After a while, the elevator stopped at the floor to be reached.

When he got out of the elevator, he looked up and saw a lump of dark things squatting at the door.

Si Beinan's footsteps made the voice control light on, so he could see clearly that the creature squatting on the opposite side of his house was no other than the one he had been thinking about.

Division north south approach, in squat into a ball of care in front of the snow stopped, close, this just heard a very low voice of sobbing.

Think about snow, like crying?

When Si Beinan squatted down, he asked about a strong smell of wine. He frowned and put his hand on Gu nianxue's head. Then he pulled up Gu nianxue's head with a little effort.

Sure enough, I saw tears on my face, looking at the drunken snow.

"What are you crying for?"

Division north south subconsciously asked a sentence.

But after asking, he felt that he asked a little superfluous, because the previous experience told her that considering Snow's drunken appearance is really not flattering.

Facts have proved that Si Beinan's previous experience is correct.

Gu nianxue hiccups a little and opens his eyes vaguely. When he sees Si Beinan, he just squats on the ground. As a result, he is so scared that he sits directly on the ground. His expression is very frightened.

"Why did you become a ghost? You still have to come to me."

Si Beinan

What's the point of being a little angry.

With tears in her eyes, Gu nianxue leaned against the wall and said, "I'll burn paper for you on Tomb Sweeping Day. Please go quickly!"

"I don't want to go." Si Beinan grits his teeth.

"But if you become a fierce ghost, you won't be able to cast the baby!" Said Gu nianxue.

Drunk can play so much, and every time the play is different, division north south also in care snow body saw.

He was also very convinced.

With a sigh, Si Beinan looked at Gu nianxue and suddenly asked, "don't you want me to become a fierce ghost?"

Gu nianxue blinked her eyes, took some time to digest what he said, then shook her head and said: "it's too miserable to become a fierce ghost."

"But you will not let me go even if you become a ghost. I am miserable."

Miss snow, crying.

She felt very sad, but she couldn't remember why she was so sad today.

I just know she's really miserable today.

So read to read, are repeating a sentence.

"Wuwuwuwu, why am I so miserable..."

Care for snow, sad, was crying.

Si Beinan didn't know what expression to use to face the drunk.

He took a deep breath and tried to adjust his mind.

The heart silently read once, don't want to get angry with drunkard, gas out of the disease, no one for after, division north south just voice.

"Stop crying. What can I do for you?"

With his cold voice.

Take care of snow to look up at him, that pitiful look in the eyes lets the division north south instantly have a kind of not very good feeling.

It wasn't long before this feeling was verified immediately.

Only listen to Gu nianxue with very wronged voice said to him, "Mom, you are so fierce to Xiao Xue!"

A mother, the thunder Department North South outside Jiao Li Nen.

It's OK to be a father before, but it's ok now.

All parents live together, and Si Beinan feels that his life experience is complete.

Then, a few words came to my ears. Si Beinan couldn't bear it, so he put out his hand to lift people up.

This has not done anything, take care of snow is very active into his arms.

Si Beinan felt the soft cheek of Gu nianxue rubbing against his chest.

His heart just softened a little bit, and he was hit back to the original shape by the next sentence from the snow.

"Mom, Xiaoxue misses you so much."

Si Beinan I can't stand it any more.

Just when he wanted to pull the person out of his arms, the person in his arms suddenly became quiet.

Si Beinan looked down, thinking that Xue closed her eyes and leaned against him, snoring in a low voice.

His eyes softened a little bit, but when he turned his eyes, he saw the bright liquid on his body, which was suspected of snot.

The string in Si Beinan's head is broken.

"Gu, Nian, Xue!"


The next day, Gu nianxue was awakened by the gloomy name in her dream.

She looked at the ceiling with her eyes open, her mind blank.

After a while, the pain of the hangover let her slowly come back.

Take care of snow to hold own head to sit up, raised head to sweep one eye, instantly startled.

Where is this?It doesn't seem to be her home?

Take care of snow quickly checked his clothes, found intact, relieved.

At the same time, there was a bang from the outside, which made Gu Xue jump.

She clenched her fist, summoned up courage to get out of bed, then opened the door of the room, and just came out of the kitchen with the division of North South line of sight.

Four eyes opposite for a moment.

Gu nianxue quickly closed the door without saying a word.

She must have opened it in the wrong way!

Si Beinan turned black in an instant.

But after a few seconds, Gu nianxue opened the door again. She saw Si Beinan, who was standing on the other side of the kitchen, standing at the door of the room like a blink.

"Ah, ah, ah Gu nianxue screamed and rolled back to the bed, then wrapped herself into a cocoon with her quilt, leaving only a pair of eyes, "are you a human or a ghost?"

Gu nianxue asked in a trembling voice.

Si Beinan said coldly, "have you ever seen a ghost?"

“……” Gu nianxue was silent for a few seconds, then wailed, "aren't you?"

Why does Si Beinan not let her go as a ghost!!!

"I don't think you're sober enough."

Si Beinan came to a conclusion.

Then he came forward, pulled off the quilt on Gu nianxue's head, stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu nianxue's face directly.

Take care of North Division to use the tears to Biao to come out.

"Pain, you let go!"

Si Beinan didn't listen and asked, "do you know if I'm a human or a ghost now?"

"Human, you are human!" Take care of snow without hesitation.

Si Beinan was satisfied and released his hand.

Gu nianxue covers her face and rubs it gently. She stares at Si Beinan for a few seconds.

"You didn't die..."

Division north south from her tone to hear a bit relaxed, can't help but pick eyebrows.

"Don't you really want me to die?"

Gu nianxue rubbed her face, looked at him strangely, and said, "I'm not sick. I'm thinking about what you're doing."

"But didn't you hate me before?"

"Hate is hate, but I didn't want you to die, and I hate you now."

Think about the snow very clearly.

She never wanted to die.

So when she heard that Si Beinan had died, she actually It's a little sad.

She didn't know exactly why.

"That's right." Considering Xue's recovery, she thought of a very important question: "where am I?"