No shelter, Gu Zhengzheng repeatedly back, her arm across the chest, to make a defensive posture, "you, who are you?"

The woman's hair is short and can be put on her shoulders. Her face is a little old, but she seems to be in good health. What she lifted was a solid wood table. Gu Zhengzheng couldn't lift it himself.

"Me?" The woman tilted her head, her eyes as clear as a child, "I'm Chen Chun, you don't remember me."

"What's the meaning of this Gu Zhengzheng is sure that he has never seen this woman, "I don't know you."

She seemed to be angry. She stamped her foot and turned her back to Gu Zhengzheng. I was angry and didn't make friends with you. What she did was really like a child.

"By the way, I didn't wear this last time!" She seemed to think of something. She clapped her hands and laughed happily. "You wait!"

She went to the corner, lifted a piece of cloth, and everything under it came out. Gu Zhengzheng looked sideways for a while and found that there were all kinds of bottles and cans of cosmetics inside. She skillfully wiped these things on her face. After a while, she was just like a different person.

Then she took off her short and medium wig cover and put on her long hair. Her head was bare and she had no hair.

Gu Zhengzheng recognized that this woman was the beautiful nurse she saw in the hospital!

After she finished her dress, she felt dissatisfied. She went to another corner of the room and found a nurse's dress from under a piece of cloth.

She also does not avoid, in front of Gu Zhengzheng's face then took off the clothes, changed the nurse clothes.

Gu Zhengzheng looked at her body, this woman is really not young, her face can be changed into a different shape through make-up, but most of her skin has been hanging down.

And Gu Zhengzheng looked at her chest, this woman should have had a baby, she had nursed.

"Do you remember now?" Chen Chun squatted in front of Gu Zhengzheng with a smile, looking forward to her.

"Remember, I saw you in the hospital." Gu Zhengzheng asked in a hurry, "where's my mother? Where is she? "

"Mom?" She tilted her head and thought for a while, but Gu didn't dare to do anything or urge her, for fear of disturbing her thinking.

"Yes, mom! My good daughter She suddenly changed from a child to a middle-aged woman. Her body behavior revealed maturity, and she looked at her affectionately.

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Zhengzheng Meng's association way, mental hospital that missing female patient, can't be Zhang Chun.

Now she seems to be talking, and her spirit is different from that of normal people.

"If you are hungry or not, mom will give you something to eat." He hugged Gu Zhengzheng's shoulder and quickly integrated into his mother's role.

Gu Zhengzheng doesn't know what to do. There's something wrong with this person's brain. It doesn't make sense to reason with her. Just come on. Gu Zhengzheng is afraid to annoy her, so he will be thrown by her to feed the wild animals in the forest.

"Well, I'm hungry." Gu Zhengzheng thought, simply follow her first, and so get their own locator and pager can contact Sheng Huiting, save themselves out.

When she heard that she wanted to eat, she happily went out, as if to find something for her.

Gu Zhengzheng was lying on the ground. She was in great pain. She heard the sound of whine again. Gu Zhengzheng had goose bumps all over her body. She was a little scared when she was alone in a place where few people could go.

But now is not the time to be afraid, song Shuzhen is still waiting for her to save, Gu Zhengzheng wiped his eyes and slowly got up from the room.

In every corner of the room, there was a pile of things covered with cloth. Gu Zhengzheng wanted to look for them to see if there was anything on him.

Her backpack and watch have been taken away. There's something wrong with her brain. She can't use normal people's thinking to judge. Maybe her things are hidden in the room.

Opening a corner, Gu Zhengzheng saw that there were all cosmetics. She picked them up and carefully identified them. The prices of these brands were very cheap, but there were many kinds of them. It was not a small expense to buy so many.

She also noticed the production date of these things. The latest cosmetic was actually produced three months ago. This shows that she has always been in contact with the outside world. She just doesn't know whether she is alone or has other helpers.

Put this pile of things covered, Gu Zhengzheng and difficult to climb to another corner.

There are a lot of small things over there, such as mineral water bottles, ragged handbags, some jewelry and some clothes.

Can't get what clue from here, Gu Zhengzheng has to turn to other places.

Unfortunately, her time had run out, and she came back.

In her hand, she held several unknown fresh fruits with branches and leaves on them, which seemed to be picked from the mountains. She also took out a bread, which was vacuum packed.

They sat on the floor and ate slowly.

Gu Zheng Zheng dare not eat the fruit that she brings, had to take bread to be willing to rise.

The shelf life of this type of bread is very short. She specially looked at the production date. It was produced three days ago. It seems that she has a high frequency of contact with the outside world.Gu Zhengzheng finished eating the bread, pretending to be very relieved, giving her enough sense of security, "where's my backpack?"

"I don't know." Chuchun was laughing, with a smile in his eyes, as if playing a game with Gu Zhengzheng.

"Do you know where the missing people in the mental hospital are? Did you catch him? " Gu Zhengzheng is anxious to pull her thigh, but her face is still pretending to be light, for fear that she will be irritated.

Chen Chun's smiling face slowly disappeared. She was staring at Gu Zhengzheng. The light in her eyes was like a dead fish bought from the vegetable market. She felt very fluffy in her heart.

"You are not like them!" He said word by word.

As soon as the voice fell, she was just like a new person, smiling and happy again.

Gu Zhengzheng was cold at the bottom of her heart. She felt that she had made a big mistake. The mental patient was not a fool. She has her own thinking and discrimination, but her behavior is different from that of ordinary people.

When Gu Zhengzheng asked her some questions, she probably understood them, but she didn't want to answer them. That's why she kept talking about other things and acted like she had problems with her logical thinking ability.

Maybe she's a pig and a tiger.

Gu Zhengzheng was afraid of causing trouble and did not dare to ask more questions.

After dinner, Gu Zhengzheng lay on the floor and fell asleep. When she fell asleep, she did not know where to find a blanket to cover her, and then went out of the door.