"What's the matter?" Gao Yi didn't mean to let her into the room. He just opened a crack. He stood in front of the door and blocked the door. He looked at her without expression and asked coldly.

Shen Congyan wears very decent clothes and doesn't look frivolous at all.

Looking up at her, she looked at her high wings with a little vigilance and said, "I want to give you a gift. I think it should be what you want most."

While saying, he took out the equity transfer certificate signed by Gao zhangang from his bag and handed it to him, "I've sent it to you."

High wing looking at the transfer book, the corner of the lip is to stir up a smile of scorn, said leisurely, "it seems that he really broke your heart.". But how do you know that's what I want? What do I want this for? "

"Yes, he transferred it to me, not to you. Another procedure is needed, that is, I transfer it to you. When is convenient for you to go through the formalities together. " Shen Congyan said with a light face.

Gao Yi put the document back into Shen Congyan's hand and said faintly, "I don't want this thing. Keep it yourself."

Shen Congyan raised her eyes and looked at him straightly. Obviously, she didn't understand what he did, and then she said with a smile, "Gao Yi, isn't that what we said at the beginning? Isn't that the premise of cooperation? I keep it for myself? What's the use of keeping it? Can it be used for food? Or can it bring people back to life? I know that your purpose is not only Gao Zhan and Gao Jia, but also Shen Jia. Don't worry. I'll help you, too

With that, he threw the document into Gao Yi's arms. Without looking at him any more, he turned and left.

High wing looking at her gradually far back, and look at the document that she lost in his arms, eyebrows again twisted up, eyes color also become some dark.

Shen Congyan didn't go back to Gao's home immediately. Instead, she went to the hotel and opened a room. As soon as she entered the hotel, she threw her head to the bed. She didn't take off her clothes, shoes or quilt, so she fell down and didn't move, just like a half dead body.

She didn't want to move her body, and she didn't want to use her brain, so she just wanted to lie still.

She is not only tired in heart, but also in body.

At the beginning, she shouldn't have come back. If you don't come back, there won't be so much happening.

But, no matter how much regret, also can't change back to that one lost life.


Shen Congyan is lying on the bed and can't help whining.

Her voice is very light, but it gives people a heartbreaking feeling, as if she was abandoned by the whole world.

This night, very calm, but it gives a sense of rough. It's like the dawn before the dark, calm but hidden by the waves.

Gao Jia

Gao Zhan slowly opens his eyes and feels that there is a sense of collapse in the whole world, just like being hollowed out. Even the soles of the feet are floating, not to mention the feeling of shaking from the chest.

He rubbed his eyes, twisted his brows, and then pressed the temple, which slightly slowed down.

Supporting the body to sit up, a blank look at the room, familiar can not be familiar with the layout, is he and Shen Congyan's room.

How can Gao Zhan be in his room with Shen Congyan?

During this time, he has been living in the study.

I'm a little confused.

I patted my forehead, and then I shook my head, trying to make myself sober.

Then he got up and stood up. However, as soon as his feet touched the ground, he staggered violently and leaned aside.

If he had not forced himself to fall to this side of the bed, he would have fallen to the ground.

Sitting on the bed, Gao Zhan looks at a loss.

I don't understand what happened to me? It's like having a serious illness. The whole person is empty and empty. How can he even stand unsteadily?

The feeling that the sole of the foot is empty and floating comes again, just like that both feet are not their own. Even the knees were shaking faintly.

Gao Zhan doesn't understand. His brows are tightly twisted into a ball, which can almost kill a fly.

What's the matter with you?

The bed is very messy, like hundreds of rounds of war, the quilts all fall on the ground.

On the sheets, one by one.

What that is, Gao Zhan's heart is naturally very clear.

Some pictures and fragments flashed in his mind, all of which were pictures of him fighting bravely.

However, he can't remember who that person is? He can't remember that face, there is always a vague feeling, but it gives him a very familiar feeling.

Looking at the marks on the sheets and the wrinkled sheets, Gao Zhan looks down at his heart.

There are many scratches in different depths, just like painting a landscape painting.

Several deeper ones were stained with blood.

Last night, what was he crazy about? How can you be crazy like this?He only remembered that he had drunk a lot and then drove back drunk. But how did he come back to Shen Congyan's room?

In my memory, it seems that there is a fuzzy face, shaking in front of him, and then saying very gentle words to him. Her fingertips gently touch his skin, just like countless ants crawling on his body, itching and crisp.

It seems to be the face of Yan Zi Tong.


It's Yan Zi Tong!

Gao Zhanmeng's brain seems to wake up a lot, thinking of more pictures.

Looking down at the messy bed, Gao Zhan recalls the pictures.

He remembered that the person last night, she, had never been so charming in front of her, and she had never been so smiling to herself.

She is beside him, only belongs to him, also let him again and again out of control, want to give all their energy to her.

But is it reality or just a dream?

At this moment, Gao Zhan is confused, some can't distinguish reality from dream.

In reality, how could she have a relationship with herself? And still in his room with Shen Congyan?

Yes, Shen Congyan!

Gao Zhanmeng thought of something, Teng stood up, and then a whirling feeling.

Why isn't Shen Congyan here?

Where did she go? This is her room. She's not in her room. Where can I go? This morning!

Gao Zhan looks around, looking for Shen Congyan's shadow. There is always a bad feeling in his heart.

His eyes fell on the bedside table, where there was a piece of paper.

He reached for it, and when he saw the words written on it, his brain suddenly woke up.