Shen Guotao got a firm fist. He felt that his eyes were full of stars. Then a warm current came from his nose. The smell of salty smell got into his mouth. Gao Cheng had already punched him with a bloody nose

instead of fighting back, he let Gao Cheng beat him. At this moment, he felt that he deserved the blow. If the punch is high wing hit, he will be more willing to accept

at this moment, Shen Guotao had a feeling of regret that he should not have done that at the beginning, let alone put his mother and wife to death without conscience

all these evils were planted by him, so he had to bear the consequences himself

he seems to be taking this evil breath for himself, for Gao family, and for Gao Yi

he never thought that his younger brother would be such a crazy man, who not only strengthened others, but also killed two people

no wonder Gao Yi hates their Gao family so much. If it's him, I'm afraid he will do the same

after listening to Shen Guotao's words, the old lady lying on the sofa couldn't move

his eyes turned white, staring at the ceiling without blinking

her eyes are full of remorse and remorse, and she did not expect that her beloved little son would do such heartless things

therefore, when the Gao family comes to this stage, it's all their own fault. No wonder others do

with Gao Cheng's voice, the old lady finally calmed down, and her eyes also had some light, but she was still at a loss

looking at Gao Cheng, he sighs heavily. He shakes his head with some difficulty and doesn't say anything. He just looks at the door and indicates that Gao Cheng doesn't need any more. Let's go

so far, what else can we say

the purpose of their coming here today is to know the truth of that year. But how did not expect, the truth could be so dirty and dirty

at this moment, the old lady felt that she was inexplicably relieved at the death of her little son. She doesn't seem to hate Yi Meiling any more. Maybe that outcome, for him, is the best

if he's still alive, I don't know how Gao Yi will deal with him

it will make his life worse than death

if he leaves early, he may have met Gao Yi's mother in another world, so let him admit his mistake to her. But poor Yun Yin's mother, she is really an innocent person, she doesn't know anything

in fact, it's no wonder that Yun Yin can be mastered and controlled by a person like Rong Si

it's because she's so eager for work and interests that she doesn't know where she is now

to tell you the truth, Gao's family is so far away from her. She is the culprit

at this moment, the old lady is regretful, remorseful and self resentful

if she could do it all over again, she would not. She does not ask for more, just for a family reunion, full of people, health is enough

it's a pity that we didn't do it again


Gao Zhan came back to the room full of wine and pulled his tie uncomfortably

his face was red, his eyes were red, and he didn't know how much he had drunk

in the company, he is just a useless decoration. It's useless for him to put forward any opinions in the high-level meeting. No one listens to him at all

Gao Yi doesn't even give him a look. He's just a loser waiting to die

besides holding 15% of the company's shares, he really has nothing.He wants to take over Yan Zi Tong, but now he can't even see her face. Rong Si doesn't pay attention to him.

Gao Zhan thinks that his life is a word waste!

Tumbled into the sofa, lying posture is not generally ugly and uncomfortable, and then he did not feel uncomfortable.

Just tightly tightening brows, mouth whispering what, open eyes without focus at a certain place, also don't know what are looking at in the end.

His tie had been torn by him, his shirt was scratched and wrinkled, and his suit and coat had been lost somewhere.

The hem of the shirt was put in the belt on one side and pulled out on the other side. It looked funny and weird.

Shen Congyan came to him, reached out and explored his forehead. Her eyebrows sank and she said softly, "how can I drink so much wine? Is something wrong? "

Her voice was soft and full of care.

At the moment, she was wearing only a nightgown, a violet drawstring Nightgown, with her fragrant shoulders exposed. In addition, she was bent over, and Gao Zhan was lying down.

Because of the angle of view, he was confused by the beauty of women.

Gao Zhan's brain is a little dizzy, and his sight is a little blurred. Listening to the familiar and concerned voice, he vaguely seems to see a familiar shadow, which is the person he thinks about, even in his dream.

Looking at the charming face with a smile, Gao Zhanyang gave a touch of excited smile, and her eyes were shining, so straight and hot, and her mouth whispered, "pupil pupil."