Hearing a strange voice, Yuan Jing turns her eyes and sees a nurse walking towards her with a smile

"don't come here!" Yuan Jingxin said to her viciously, looking at her alert and defensive

at the moment, she is very alert to everyone. When you see anyone, you feel that they are here to harm her

Yes, that old woman Qiao Nan must have sent her to harm her

Jingzhi is dead and her sister is dead. She just watched her fall, she died so miserably, she could not recognize that it was her sister. It's beyond recognition. It's all blood and plasma

she has to deal with herself, not Jingzhi. Because she is mufang's woman now, so Qiao Nan wants to get rid of her

No, except for the sisters. It's just that Jingzhi fell down on her first step

"you are too weak to get out of bed. How did you pull out the infusion?" The nurse saw that she had pulled out the needle and said with a slight reprimand that she was going to put the needle in again

"I told you not to come here, didn't you hear me?" Yuan static heart red eyes anger stares at her, fierce voice roars a way

Yes, pregnancy

she can't let her child have something to do. She looks up at the bag of infusion on her head, and there is only half a bag left


Yes, call

she needs protection now



mufang knows, so does Qiao Nan. Also, mufang doesn't necessarily want her children

before the baby is born, she must never go to mufang again



who should she go to


she helped him before, and now she needs his help

"where's my cell phone, where's my cell phone!" Yuan Jingxin feels his mobile phone at a loss, and then finds it on the side bed cabinet

I took my mobile phone and rushed to the door of the ward

"Hey, you can't leave the hospital yet!" The nurse called behind, but did not stop her

yuan Jingxin dials He Shi's number

"hello." He Shi picked up, his voice was cold, with the usual alienation

"Mr. He, I need your help. I beg you, you help me, now only you can help me. Qiao Nan wants to kill me. She wants to kill me. I beg you, for the sake of what I've done for you before, help me. I'll be grateful to you all my life. What do you want me to do in the future...

before I finish speaking, she feels that something is wrong

she is hiding in the toilet to call He Shi. In the mirror, she sees a woman staring at her. The eyes, full of hope, are coming towards her step by step

yuan calms down and breathes, and stares at her like death

he turned around and ran to the toilet door. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't open the door

and the woman came towards her with a cold face, gloomy and ghostly

just when she felt that she had to die, the door was opened from the outside

a cleaning woman came in with cleaning tools, looked at the two people inside, and said to Yuan Jingxin, "Miss, this door is not pulled, it's pushed out. are you all right? How do you sweat? Which ward are you from? I....

yuan Jingxin rushed out of the toilet beside her and ran fast

"what happened to her? It seems to look very bad. " The woman looked at the cleaner and said with a puzzled face

the cleaner shook his head and said, "hospitals see more people like this every day. It's estimated that they are too nervous. Are you all right? I didn't scare you, did I? "

there are so many people here. The woman just wanted to attack her, but she didn't dare to be so blatant

she is waiting for he Shi to save her

from the mirror, she saw the other person coming towards her because he had to wash his hands after going to the toilet

the door can't be opened because, as the cleaner said, the door is pushed out. She pulled in hard, which naturally could not be opened.Therefore, once people have doubts about something, they will see what it is, and everyone is related to it.

At the moment, in Yuan Jingxin's opinion, it is that everyone may be sent by Qiao nan to kill her.

She looked around, being wary of anyone suspicious, and not letting anyone near her. Now, she doesn't believe anyone, just waiting for he Shi to come and save her.

He Shi came very quickly. When he appeared, Yuan Jingxin seemed to see hope and light. Rush to Heshi.

He Shi a nimble dodge a body, avoid to retreat to open her up to rush.

He didn't want to have any contact with this woman. The reason why he came here was that he thought she was valuable to the young master.

"Mr. He, you must help me. They are all sent to kill me by the old woman Qiao Nan. My sister died and she killed her. I don't want to be killed by her again, and the baby in my stomach. " Yuan Jingxin looked at him and begged.

"Why don't you go to mufang?" He Shi asked coldly.

Yuan Jingxin shook his head, "no, no! I can't go to mufang before my child is born. That old woman is cruel. She won't let me go. Mr. He, please help me. I will promise you whatever you ask me to do in the future. "

He Shi looked at her coldly, "follow me."


Yan Zi Tong nest in Rong Si's arms, hands around his waist, fingers in his waist, there is no one to draw a circle, looking up at him, lips with a smile of satisfaction.

After passion, her cheeks are red, her lips are moistened like honey, and her neck is printed with different traces. That pair of beautiful eyes, such as beads, such as fog, can always arouse his desire.

In addition, her restless hand was playing around his waist, which made him tense again.

He raised a smile, with fun and the most ambiguous, took the restless hand, looked at her, a low voice sounded in her ear, "want more?"