Seeing that song Yanning has already chosen, Qin Yushen smiles and reaches out his hand, waiting for song Yanning to put the hair rope on his wrist. Song Yanning looked at Qin Yushen suspiciously and put all the hair ropes into Qin Yushen's hands. "Let's go and pay the bill." Since he wants to take it, let him take it. Qin Yushen shows a lost expression and follows song Yanning to the cashier. After settling accounts, song Yanning and Qin Yushen walk out of the jewelry store. Qin Yushen takes out a hair rope from a small bag with a hair rope and hands it to song Yanning. Now she should know what he means. Song Yanning blinked, took the hair rope from Qin Yushen's hand and tied his hair behind him with a hair rope. Qin Yushen looks depressed. Why didn't she understand him“ What's the matter? " Noting Qin Yushen's expression, song Yanning asked in surprise. Qin Yushen again took out a headrope from the small bag and handed it to song Yanning, "put it on me." She didn't understand. He had to speak for himself. Anyway, he must let her put on the hair rope today. Song Yanning was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Qin Yushen, you are really naive." Naturally, she knew what it meant for a girl to put a hair rope on a boy, but she didn't expect that Qin Yushen would care about it. Qin Yushen's face was slightly hot. He is also the first time to do such childish things, but who let Xiaoning is the person he likes, even if he is childish. And being trapped by her is a very happy thing. Song Yanning stopped laughing, took the hair rope in Qin Yushen's hand, "hand over." Qin Yushen immediately showed a happy smile on his face, and put his hand in front of song Yanning, looking forward to her. Song Yanning rolled her eyes silently, and a smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth. Just as she was about to put the hair rope on Qin Yushen's hand, she saw a group of people rushing towards them, headed by the young man who had just been taught by Qin Yushen“ Here comes the trouble Song Yanning took back her hand and said with a smile. Qin Yushen took a look at Song Yanning's hair rope, turned his head and looked at the people who were rushing towards them. His face sank, and he changed into a cold look, with a cold light in his eyes. It's not easy to wait until Xiao Ning puts a hair rope on him, but these people interrupt him“ It's them. Don't be merciful. Give me a good beating. " Yang Zhengdong orders to his subordinates behind him. He endured the pain in order to see the fate of these two people. He wanted them to cry and cry to him for mercy. Twenty people heard the order and rushed to Qin Yushen and song Yanning. Qin Yushen's figure flashed and met the people who came. Yang Zhengdong smiles happily, waiting to see Qin Yushen and song Yanning beg for mercy. But soon, his smile froze on his face, and his eyes were full of disbelief. How is that possible? In just a few minutes, all the twenty people fell to the ground, rolling and howling. Qin Yushen patted the dust that didn't exist on his hands, looked coldly at Yang Zhengdong, and walked towards him. He has let him go once, but the other party repeatedly to find their trouble, also interrupted Xiaoning to give him hair rope. Yang Zhengdong felt a thrill, cold sweat uncontrollable from behind him. Only then did he know that he had kicked the iron plate. Step back a few steps, Yang Zhengdong turned around and ran away. Now he regretted provoking the other side. The other side can solve 20 people as quickly as one person. He is definitely not an ordinary person. It's just that before he took a few steps, he felt that he was lifted up, and then he was light and flew out.