"Whether you're nervous or not, you have to take the exam. Maybe you can do better if you keep an ordinary mind." Song Yanning smiles and takes the book out of the bag and puts it on the table. In recent years, Yu Xiaoyan did a lot of small moves behind her back, because they were all children's tricks, and she didn't care about them“ Are you so confident? " Yu Xiaoyan hummed coldly, ignoring song Yanning. Over the years, she watched the changes of song Yanning and saw her classmates and teachers holding song Yanning like a treasure. She was really jealous and unwilling. However, no matter what she tried to do to deal with song Yanning, every time she failed, as if song Yanning had known in advance. Tomorrow is the graduation exam. This time, she will definitely make song Yanning make a fool of herself. She has already figured out the way. Song Yanning would never think that she would do that. When the bell rang for class, Tong Qi came into the classroom with her books in her arms. Seeing that most of the students had a nervous look on their faces, she laughed and said, "students! Today is the last day of our class in this classroom. I know that everyone is very nervous now. In fact, there is nothing to be nervous about. As long as you can give full play to your usual level, I am sure you can get good results. " She used to be nervous before the exam. When she really faced the exam, it was just like that“ Let's study by ourselves in this class. If you have any questions you don't understand, you can ask the teacher. " Tong Qi smiles and looks around at all the people in the room. There is something in her eyes. Soon she will be separated from them, together for six years, she was angry because they were happy, but also because they were naughty and the exam was not good, but really to the time of separation, she was really full of reluctant. These children were all grown up by her. When they first came here, they were still so small and didn't know anything, but now they have grown up into teenagers. Tong Qi's eyes fall on Song Yanning. She should be the most and least worry free child for her. Song Yanning is always at the top of the list in her study, and she never has to worry about it. But she often asks for leave, which really gives her a headache. For half a semester, song Yanning will ask for leave. Fortunately, she is more intelligent, otherwise she really doesn't know what to do. Song Yanning noticed Tong Qi's eyes and raised her head to smile at her. For Tong Qi, the head teacher, she likes it very much. Although she nags for a long time every time she asks for leave, she knows that she is for her own good. Tong Qi sees song Yanning smiling at herself and smiles back. She not only regards song Yanning as a student, but also as her own friend. Sometimes she chats with song Yanning. She feels that song Yanning really doesn't look like a child. Yu Xiaoyan sees the interaction between Song Yanning and Tong Qi, and her pen can't be controlled. She is really unconvinced, and she works hard, but teacher Tong has never been so gentle with her smile. It must be song Yanning who said bad things about her in teacher Tong's side that teacher Tong didn't like her“ Click A, the pen in the hand should be broken, Yu Xiaoyan angrily throw the pen into the pencil box, replaced a pen. It's song Yanning. Fortunately, she will get rid of song Yanning soon. Song Yanning takes a look at Yu Xiaoyan and turns to look out of the window. When I first met Yu Xiaoyan, although Yu Xiaoyan had low self-esteem, she still had a kind heart. I don't know when, she completely changed, not only aiming at herself everywhere, but also making a lot of small moves secretly. She really can't understand why she didn't offend her? Yu Xiaoyan turns her head and looks at Song Yanning. She is looking out of the window and stares at Song Yanning. Wait, you will be beautiful tomorrow. It's my graduation gift to you.