When Zhou Yuan came to the second floor, she saw Ling Yu eating.

Seeing song Yanning sitting beside Ling Yu, an accident flashed in Zhou Yuan's eyes. How can there be a little girl sitting next to Ling Yu? Is she Ling Yu's sister? But she doesn't remember Ling Yu has a sister.

Raising a shallow smile, Zhou Yuan stepped forward, "Ling Yu, can I sit here? Why? What is this little sister

Seeing song Yanning's appearance, Zhou Yuan puts down her heart. No matter who the little girl is, she can't threaten herself with her appearance. She doesn't believe Ling Yu's vision will be so bad, beautiful oneself don't like, like an ugly eight strange.

Ling Yu ignores Zhou Yuan and talks to song Yanning and Guo Kai.

Zhou Yuan was not angry either. She looked at Song Yanning with a smile, "Hello little sister! I'm Zhou Yuan and Ling Yu's friend. Do you also go to this school? "

Song Yanning looks at Ling Yu jokingly and nods her head. Her first impression of Zhou Yuan was not very good, so she didn't want to talk to her.

Zhou Yuan sat down beside song Yanning with a smile. "Ling Yu and I are in the same class. If you don't understand anything in your study, you can go to me. If someone bullies you, you can also go to me." Although Ling Yu doesn't like her now, it doesn't matter. They are still young and have a long way to go. She believes that as long as she is good enough, Ling Yu will like her one day.

"Well." Song Yanning nodded.

Seeing that song Yanning is not enthusiastic about her attitude, Zhou Yuan is slightly unhappy and no longer talks with song Yanning. She looks at Ling Yu and says, "Ling Yu, are you going to the basketball match tomorrow morning?" She is still very happy that Ling Yu didn't drive her away today.

"Well." Ling Yu nodded his head lightly.

"I heard that the assistant of your basketball team is sick and asked for leave. I'll go with you tomorrow." Zhou Yuan looks forward to Ling Yu.

"No more." Ling Yu light voice refuses, "Zhou Yuan, we three have something to discuss."

Hearing that Ling Yu wants to drive herself away, Zhou Yuan looks disappointed. She slowly stands up and walks to other places with her plate. She will not give up. She believes that Ling Yu will like her one day.

"She is the elder sister of Zhou Yuan, isn't she beautiful?" Yan Xuxu asked in Fang Ya's ear in a low voice.

"Just so." Fang Ya still thinks she is more beautiful.

Yan Xuxu smiles. She knows her cousin very well. She always felt that she was the best.

Yu Xiaoyan tidied up the plate, went back to the window to get a meal, went to a chair in the corner and sat down.

She looked at the second floor and thought of what she had just done, with a look of inferiority on her face. She always thought that people were the same, and now she knew that she was too naive.

Feeling someone sitting down in front of her, Yu Xiaoyan looked up and saw that she was a fat girl, but she was older than her.

Yangmei sees Yu Xiaoyan looking at herself and smiles at her. She has always liked to sit in this position, did not expect that today someone earlier than her, look at each other's appearance, red bayberry heart has been clear. It seems that they are the same kind of people.

When she first entered school, she was pushed out because she was fat. At first, she was really sad, but after a long time, she got used to it.

See red bayberry smile to oneself, Yu Xiaoyan also returns with a smile, "elder sister, what grade are you studying now?"

"Third grade, are you a freshman?" Yangmei had a bite of rice and took a drink of coke. She knew coke was unhealthy, but she just couldn't help drinking it.

"Well." Yu Xiaoyan took a look at Yangmei's coke and swallowed her saliva. She likes coke best, but her parents don't allow her to eat it.

"I just saw you look very sad. What's the matter?" Yang Mei asked.

Yu Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment and said slowly, "I made a friend before. She is as ugly as me, but now I find that I am different from her."

"Why?" Waxberry is a little curious.

"Because she has friends and she can eat on the second floor." Yu Xiaoyan looked at the second floor, with a look of envy in her eyes.

"Can she go to the second floor? Then your friend must have a lot of money at home. " Yangmei also looked to the second floor. She had gone up secretly once before. The location of the second floor was less than that of the first floor, and it was very quiet. There were not so many people on the first floor.

Yu Xiaoyan does not understand looking at the red bayberry, "what does this have to do with money?" She saw that song Yanning was almost the same as her, but the student she had just bumped into was pretty good.

"The second floor is the staff restaurant. Except the teachers, only the students who donate money to the school can go up." Yangmei sighed. Sometimes she is really envious of those students, but more often, she feels that her life is also very good. Because parents are not always away from home because of social activities. On her birthday, parents will celebrate her birthday, and their hearts will always be her first.

Yu Xiaoyan nodded clearly. It turns out that song Yanning is really different from her.

In the afternoon, song Yanning returned to the classroom and found that Yu Xiaoyan's attitude towards her was obviously different from that in the morning. But of course she doesn't care. Lie down on the table and start to close your eyes. The bell rang for class in the afternoon. Yu Xiaoyan looks at Song Yanning who is still sleeping and hesitates to wake her up. Wang teacher into the classroom, see is lying on the table sleeping song Yanning, slightly frowned, the original favor suddenly disappeared. No matter how excellent song Yanning is, if she doesn't have a correct attitude towards learning, she will look down on her. Song Yanning lazily opens her eyes and looks at Mr. Wang. She heard the class bell, but she was just chatting with Qingyou, so she didn't open her eyes. Mr. Wang frowned slightly, looked back and began to give a lecture. After class, she must tell teacher Tong that students like song Yanning are not suitable for cadres. If song Yanning knew what she thought, she would be very happy. She didn't want to be a monitor. The time of an afternoon passes in a flash. Song Yanning walks out of the school with her schoolbag on her back. From a distance, she sees Yang Lisheng waiting at the school gate. With a smile on her lips, she walks towards Yang Lisheng quickly“ Grandfather Song Yanning walks up to Yang Lisheng and holds his arm happily. Yang Lisheng rubbed song Yanning's hair with a smile, "are you still used to going to school?" Song Yanning nodded, "grandfather, you don't have to come to pick me up in the future. I'll go back myself." She is now on the ninth floor of refining gas. It only takes her a quarter of an hour to run back from school. She doesn't want to meet her grandfather by bus every day.