Two groups of people come in one after the other. Qiao Zhentian and Su Xincheng go in first. Su Xincheng sits directly on the top. When she sits down, she gives Qiao Zhentian a look to indicate that he is at ease.

Qiao Zhentian went into the meeting room to wait for other shareholders, just like the owner of Su.

Su Xincheng comes from behind. She nods to Qiao Zhentian after she comes in.

Qiao Zhentian received her eyes and felt more at ease. When he sat down, he straightened his suit and looked around, giving an air of contempt for the whole audience.

After today, Su is his!

Qiao Yimo, who has been fanned by Qiao Zhentian, goes to the bathroom to make up and comes in. Seeing the shareholders present, she deliberately chooses a position opposite Su Ning.

Hum, let Su Ning be proud for a while.

The atmosphere in the meeting room became tense,

Small shareholders know that this is the climax of the Su family's internal fight for property. One by one, they are wise enough to protect themselves. They are only responsible for watching the play and do not interrupt.

Soon, the Su's shareholders' meeting was presided over by the oldest director who had been in Su's company for many years. There were several painless processes ahead, and everyone was listless.

"The last one." As soon as the director's words fell, Qiao Zhentian, who had been leaning on the chair, coughed and sat up straight.

Playing with the mobile phone, Joe Yimo also raised his head and looked at the director with a smile on his face.

The last one is to announce who has the most shares. On the premise that everyone has no opinion, he will be chosen as the leader of the Su family.

"When Mr. Su died, all the shares in his hands were given to Miss Su Ning, plus the original shares in her hands..."

These words, Qiao Zhentian and Qiao Yimo did not feel anything wrong.

What they said was the truth. Most of all, they believed that Su Xincheng did not dare to cheat them.

"Miss Su Ning gets control of Su with the most shares." The director simply said that and sat back in his seat.

Qiao Zhentian and Qiao Yimo are still waiting for the words behind the director. Suddenly, they are not able to respond.

"Why is it Su Ning? Isn't it true that Su Xincheng holds the most shares? "

"Yes, all the shares of director Chen are in her hands. What's the matter?"

Others in this room also talked about it. They couldn't believe what they heard, but they quickly accepted it.

They just work, who is in charge of the Su family, has little influence on themselves, the boss is good.

Qiao Zhentian and Qiao Yimo are the most affected and unacceptable.

"What did you say?"

For a long time, Qiao Zhencai asked aloud.

He waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for the voice of other shareholders. Slowly, he woke up.

"Director, hard work." Su Ning said with a smile, "let's finish the meeting."

Su Ning opens her mouth, and the people in the meeting room move with her. They tell Qiao Zhentian and Qiao Yimo who they listen to and who is in charge of the family now!

"What are you doing? Listen to her!"

Qiao Yimo sees Su's people

Qiao Yimo, who was confused and shocked, saw that Su Ning's people all listened to Su Ning. She stood up and ignored her usual delicate image. She went to grab these people and said, "this is Su's, it's my father's!"

The more she yelled, the more angry she was, and the more she didn't believe it was true.

The reversal came too soon.

What's the matter with these people! Su's is her father's, her!

Why do you listen to Su Ning one by one? Why has everything changed.

No matter how Qiao Yimo grabs people, and no matter what she says, she is pushed away. Someone can't stand her and sneers, "this is the Su family, it's the Su family!"