Ling Han doesn't know where he can accept himself. He has too many black spots. Now Lu Siyuan accepts it, which doesn't mean he will accept it in the future. He won't forget what happened when he quarreled the other day. Before, Lu Siyuan didn't mind his blackmail, but at that moment he did and regretted it. Really together, if one day he suddenly mind that he had been with Zhu Sheng, or mind that he used to show off his wealth and so on, crying without crying, he will collapse.

I couldn't sleep in bed, but I didn't dare to turn it over and over. Ling Han carefully controls her movements, opens her eyes wide in the dark, and feels the slight breathing sound from another bed not far away.

It's no use thinking more, because he has been rejected

Go to sleep

Ling Han closed her eyes with a bitter smile.

In this way, after a few days, to shoot a fool brother carrying his brother to see a doctor. This play is very important. Because of his girlfriend's relationship, his brother is in a kind of contradictory pain. He has thrown away the fool's brother three times, but the fool's brother has come back for no reason. Because of the relationship between his girlfriend and his family, his brother had to make the final choice. He decided to buy two tickets to the remote northern city. He left his brother in front of a welfare home with good treatment, which was found on the Internet. It was impossible for him to come back... But it was just before he bought the tickets

Later, because of pressure and work, he fell ill, High fever does not subside. Fool brother carrying him, braved the downpour into the hospital

Lu Yan had a high demand for the weather, and firmly waited until it rained before he began to shoot the play. It rained heavily in the small town, like beans falling from the sky and hitting people, which was extremely cold.

With her special make-up, Ling Han walks into the rain. The sky is gray, the rain is very strong, the whole world is being knocked, the splash of water mist makes the film set in a hazy state.

Lu Siyuan and he walk to the field side by side, Ling Han slightly in front, Lu Siyuan dun dun, one step behind.

They walked silently into the rain.

The sound of rain covers other sounds. Ling Han can't hear Lu Siyuan's footsteps, but he knows that he is behind him.

Lu Yan comes to command, and they are in position. Ling Han squats down, waiting for Lu Siyuan to lie on her.

It rained heavily, and soon they were both drenched and cold. Lu Siyuan lies on Ling Han's back, and Ling Han moves forward with him.

This is the first time that the two people are so close to each other in the play. The feeling at this moment is very delicate. The heavy rain blurs everything. It's very cold around, but Lu Siyuan's body temperature is clearly highlighted, which is conveyed to his heart through his wet clothes and skin.

It seems that they are the only two left in the world.

Lu Siyuan suddenly put his arms around his neck, put his face on his back and lay down behind him in a weak posture.

Ling Han has a wonderful feeling in her heart.

Lu Siyuan has always been strong and aloof in front of him. He never thought about getting along with him in such a weak posture. But it didn't feel bad, and he even had the illusion that he could take care of him.

But it's just an illusion.

He's very clear.

Lu Siyuan lives around his neck, breathing in his ear. Ling Han reluctantly calms her mind and focuses her attention on her imaginary role. Although there are many problems between him and Lu Siyuan, they are both very professional and dedicated.

Soon the play is over, and Ling Han wants to turn around and leave as usual. It's not that he doesn't want to talk to Lu Siyuan, but that he knows that once he talks, he'll show up. There were so many people around him that he didn't want to make a big deal of things and let everyone know that they had an ambiguous relationship. By the end of the afternoon, a black BMW quietly drove into the small town. Ling Han takes off her make-up and changes her clothes. As soon as she goes out, she hears someone calling her name.

That voice is very familiar. Ling Han thinks that she has auditory hallucination, but he turns around

I really found Zhu Sheng standing not far away when I was looking at him.

Ling Han is very surprised to walk over, "how did you come?"

"I'm just passing by. I'll see you." Zhu Sheng restored his image as a romantic prodigal son. Today, he is wearing a silver gray sweater, covered with a black very stylish windbreaker. His hair should be carefully taken care of, enough to make countless girls scream.

Zhu Sheng is very handsome, even in the entertainment industry is also very outstanding, coupled with his life experience and social status, complete life winner.

At the first sight of him, a sentence suddenly flashed through Ling Han's mind, which was what Zhu Sheng had said before.

"I want you to see that every look of me is my most handsome appearance."

There is a slight fluctuation in the heart.In fact, he knows that there are not so many coincidences in the world. If there are, they are deliberately created by others. For example, Zhu Sheng said that he happened to pass by such coincidences.

Looking at Zhu Sheng's yearning eyes, Ling Han doesn't want to expose him at all, because he thinks of his feelings for Lu Siyuan and sympathizes with each other. Oh, no, at least Lu Siyuan confessed to himself, but he never accepted Zhu Sheng. In this contrast, it seems that Zhu Sheng is more pitiful.

"There's nothing to see here." Ling Han laughs. In front of Zhu Sheng, he can do it with ease and freely, and talk with him like a real friend, but not to Lu Siyuan.

"I found out." Zhu Sheng shrugged, "but you certainly don't know there is a place of interest in this small town."

Ling Han is surprised, "really?"

Zhu Sheng pointed to his black BMW with his chin, "go, I'll show you."

Ling Han hesitates to stay where he is. He doesn't refuse Zhu Sheng severely, but it doesn't mean that he is willing to go for a ride with Zhu Sheng alone. That will make other people feel strange and further aggravate Zhu Sheng's delusion.

At this time, he felt a burning sight coming from behind him, like two small thorns on his back. When I turned my head, I saw Lu Siyuan withdraw his sight.

Subconsciously, Ling Han knows that the sight just now comes from Lu Siyuan.

The body is slightly stiff.

Zhang zhangkou, he wants to refuse Zhu Sheng. He didn't know why he was so nervous, but he was instinctively afraid that Lu Siyuan misunderstood his relationship with Zhu Sheng.

At the moment of his words, Zhu Sheng suddenly approached him and said in a low voice, "don't you want to know about that man?"

"Who?" Ling Han frowns.

"That MB, you don't want to know where he is?"

Ling Han's mind is shocked. Zhu Sheng has caught his weakness. He really cares about this person.

After saying that, Zhu Sheng stepped back and looked at him with a smile. He was so determined that Ling Han bit his teeth. These days Zhu Sheng has been so gentle and considerate that he almost forgot that this is not the wolf he had to provoke“ Get in the car. " Zhu Sheng opened the door for him.

Ling Han hesitates for a moment and finally sits in.

With the door slamming, Zhu Sheng sat down in the other cab and drove away from the set. I don't know if it's Ling Han's illusion. He always feels that there are two sharp eyes stabbing behind him on the other side of the set, and it's even hotter when he leaves.

Could it be that man?

Ling Han didn't look back.