After Lu Siyuan got out of the car and walked to the elevator, he opened his eyes to see him stretch out a slender finger and press the "12" button, silently memorizing the number of 12 in his heart. With his understanding of Lu Siyuan, if he remembers the wrong floor, Lu Siyuan will never be able to tell him the answer, which will make him crazy.

After arriving at the 12th floor, Ling Han turns left behind Lu Siyuan to the end. The top room number is 1203. It's easy to read. 123 with a circle in the middle, it's good to recognize.

It's still a familiar code lock.

Wipe, and remember the code? What if I can't remember?

With his understanding of Lu Siyuan, if he can't remember the password, Lu Siyuan is absolutely impossible to help him open the door

"Come here." Lu Siyuan's voice brought his mind back.

Ling Han walks over honestly.

"The password is XXXXXX."



When I was a primary school student.

Or honestly repeat it again, and then quickly take out the mobile phone record, take out the mobile phone to think of the mobile phone no power.

Lu Siyuan opens the door, and Ling Han takes a look at the pen and paper on the bucket cabinet on the right side of the garden. She runs to take the pen and paper and write down the password.

"What do you write?"

"Remember the code. I'm afraid I'll forget it." Ling Han writes down a pile of numbers on the note paper and puts the note paper into her pocket with relief.

After putting it in place, he turns his head and sees Lu Siyuan staring at himself with his neurotic eyes.

"It's necessary to be so excited?"

Ling Han gave a confused sound.

"Come and take your fingerprints."

Ling Han:

Suddenly feel oneself just remember password of eager appearance good silly.

After recording the fingerprints, follow Lu Siyuan to bypass the garden and enter the living room. The space inside is super large. To the south, there are huge French windows. The living room was extremely empty with few obstructions. The floor is black, the wall is gray, the decoration is either iron art or porcelain with unique shape, full of post-modern style, it is very cold at first sight.

Lu Siyuan throws off his shoes and walks into the living room barefoot. Ling Han looks down and sees a pair of grey cotton slippers at the entrance of the living room. After changing them, she quietly follows him into the living room.

After entering the living room, Lu Siyuan went directly to the front of the TV cabinet, then pulled out a small silver box from the bottom of the TV cabinet, opened it and took out a bottle of black iodine

Fu and the cotton swab said, "come here."

Seeing that he took out a cotton swab and dipped it in iodophor, he would probably apply the medicine himself. Ling Han quickly stopped him, "I'll do it myself."

"Cut the crap!"

Tyranny, despotism!

Ling Han walks up to him in disgust.

Lu Siyuan gently wiped his right face with a cotton swab, then took out a bottle full of English letters from it and sprayed it on his wound“ What's this? "

"Promoting wound healing."


"All right." After spraying, Lu Siyuan put the bottle of medicine back into the medicine box and told him, "spray the medicine regularly three times a day in the future."

"... good."

Ling Han is flattered that Lu Siyuan actually helps to apply medicine. She thinks that Lu Siyuan is so familiar with medicine that she might be able to take care of people. But why should he let himself take care of him?

After taking the medicine, Ling Han hears something behind him and turns her head. A huge living creature, ha Chi ha Chi, rushes to him, no matter what happens.

The weight of the living creature is not small. Ling Han almost missed it. A close look, is a huge black and white husky. Serious expression, silly eyes, at this time

He was looking at him with his tongue sticking out. His moist eyes reflected Ling Han's slightly surprised face.

"Do you have a dog?" Ling Han is so surprised that she almost drops her chin. With Lu Siyuan's virtue of being waited on by people when drinking a glass of water, can she have a dog? How did the dog grow up?

"Dabai, come here." Lu Siyuan said hello.

The color of husky is more black and less white. Is it called big white?

Hearing the master's call, Dabai breaks free from Ling Han's arms and goes to find his father again.

Lu Siyuan bent down to touch his dog's head and taught him, "I said that you are not allowed to pounce on people and disobey them!"

Husky wagged his tail innocently.

Lu Siyuan squatted down, rubbed the dog's head and said with a smile, "do you miss your father?"Husky wagged his tail more merrily.

In the open and modern room, one person and one dog get along well. Lu Siyuan's expression becomes very soft, which gives Ling Han the illusion that he is very gentle - Lu peacock can be gentle, and sow can go up the tree.

Ling Han walks up to him and squats down. Staring at husky, she says, "your dog?"

"Yes." When it comes to dogs, Lu Siyuan treats him more gently. "It's called Dabai. Come and say hello to uncle."

Then he grabbed a paw of husky and waved it to Ling Han.

Ling Han took Husky's paw and said with a smile, "Hello, Dabai, I'm your uncle Ling."

Husky suddenly bows to Ling Han's arms and licks his face with his tongue.

Caught off guard, Ling Han is almost salivated, but at the critical moment, Lu Siyuan grabs the dog's stamina and saves her face.

"Dabai, don't lick people Lu Siyuan said, "how many times? Well

Dabai tilts his head and stares at him, wagging his tail more happily. Then he turns his head and stares at Ling Han, ready to move.

Ling Han is so scared that she quickly gets up and retreats.

"It likes you very much. It really attracts the same kind." Lu Siyuan said faintly beside him.

Ling Han: do you have the guts to say it again? But people under the eaves can not bow, pretending not to hear, "the dog is very big, how old?"

"Two years and six months."

"Male or female?"

Lu Siyuan picked up Husky's neck, touched his thick and soft fur and said, "it's a boy."

Ling Han itches to reach out to touch the dog's head and pinches the dog's ears. Her tentacles are hairy and very comfortable.

"Go ahead." Lu Siyuan patted Dabai's head, and Dabai ran away with his tail wagging.

Lu Siyuan said another word, but Ling Han's heart ran away after Dabai's figure. She didn't hear what Lu Siyuan said clearly, and turned her head, "what did you say just now?"

"Nothing." Lu Siyuan said without expression.

Are you still angry? It's been all the way. Haven't you finished yet?

Ling Han feels that she should say something to ease the atmosphere. Unfortunately, her EQ has been worrying for two generations. It's really hard for him to let him take the initiative to pick the topic at this time. Hold for a long time, also had to say: "thank Mr. Lu to take in."

Lu Siyuan looked him up and down, and then spat out a word: "pretend."

Ling Han:

"Don't think what you're thinking. I don't know. You call me Mr. Lu face to face. You can't give me a nickname behind your back. You're born with anti bone and a dog's virtue."

Ling Han:

Lu Siyuan pointed at Ling Han's shoulder bag with his chin and said, "isn't it tired to carry it?"

Of course I'm tired! But you don't give me a chance to put the bag!

"Come with me." Lu Siyuan motioned him to follow and took him to one of the rooms

The room said, "you will live here in the future."

Ling Han said thank you.