Two days later, Uncle Li informs Ling Han that Chang Huan's personal belongings are left in the interlayer of the suitcase, which is enough to prove that the suitcase is Chang Huan's, and Ling Han's blood is still left in the suitcase, which is completely in line with the facts described by Ling Han. By investigating Chang Huan's vehicle, soil near the construction site was found in the tire. On the night of the accident, Chang Huan's car was seen circling near the accident.

Ling Han, who had returned to her apartment, listened quietly and finally said with a smile, "thank you, Uncle Li."

"You're welcome. The net of heaven is wide and wide, but not wide. " Uncle Li said with a smile.

Hang up the phone, Ling Han walked into the study, picked up the black diary and whispered: "Ling Han, you can rest in peace."

Then he picked up the diary, went into the kitchen, lit the stove, and burned the diary bit by bit. With the diary burned out a little bit, Ling Han's heart is also a little bit relaxed, this time he is a causal bar!

After being informed by Uncle Li, Ling Han immediately informs his friends and relatives, as well as ah Kun.

Ah Kun on the other end of the phone was surprised, "really?"

"Wait. Chang Huan will be arrested soon." Ling Han's tone is a little light.

"You are a good boy!" Ah Kun's laughter came over, "Chang Huan's fall, you

After that, the company will surely cultivate you well. "

Ling Han said, "that's second. Thank you for your support."

"We're still saying that!" Ah Kun immediately said, "brother Kun has always believed in you. It must be Chang Huan's fault. He deserves it."

Ling Han shakes her head and hangs up politely.

Jiang Yi and Ou Ying also called to inquire, and they were very happy when they were confirmed. Jiang Yi said: "I always feel that you will be developed in the future."

Ling Han is amused by him very happily, "well, well, when I developed, I will not forget you."

They both burst out laughing. At this time, they both think that Ling Han will be very popular and the company will pay attention to it. At the beginning, the company forced Ling han to withdraw the lawsuit, but it felt that Chang Huan was very important and wanted to sacrifice Ling han to protect Chang Huan. But now, unlike in the past, Chang Huan will surely fall. Ling Han's topic is high enough. For the sake of interests, even if Ling Han offends the company, the company will carefully consider his arrangement.

Originally, Ling Han wanted to call Lu Siyuan, but after a long hesitation, she just sent a long text message to thank him, saying that now that she is free after the problem is solved, she will concentrate on taking care of him.

On the one hand, he was afraid of him, and on the other hand, he was embarrassed to see him.

After that, lie in bed and sleep.

Chang Huan was recording a program at GMG when he was arrested. He was in a panic these days

Ann, for fear that the police will find evidence to arrest him, even before he has reserved a way out to emigrate. He still works according to the schedule as if nothing had happened, and doesn't let anyone see his difference. He waits until the formalities are completed and leaves. Unexpectedly, the police will come so soon.

So when the police will show the warrant to arrest him, his face turns pale and the whole person loses his luster.

He knew he couldn't go.

It has been less than a week since Ling Han reported the case. The public's attention to the case has not subsided. There are paparazzi at the gate of GMG to try to catch more news. As soon as the police car entered the gate of GMG, reporters rushed in. When Chang Huan was taken out of the gate by the police, the waiting reporters immediately swarmed up like chicken blood and surrounded the people“ Chang Huan, do you admit that you tried to murder Ling Han? "

"Why did you murder him? What is the deep hatred between you

"Now that such a thing has happened, what do you have to say to the majority of fans?"

"Excuse me..."

"Can you..."

Chang Huan bowed his head and said nothing. The police kept preventing reporters from approaching, but the reporters desperately handed the microphone to Chang Huan, trying to find out more


Chang Huan was pushed back and forth. In the process of retreat, his head accidentally knocked into the reporter's microphone, making a dull noise.

He stayed for a moment, could not bear to roar: "I was forced by him! He blackmailed me! I'm self-defense! Besides, he's not dead, is he

The sensitive reporter immediately asked, "why did he blackmail you?"

"For the money!" Chang Huan twisted his face and yelled, "he asks me for money every day. I really can't stand it! Do you think he is a rich second generation? no He's taken care of! After the gold owner dumped him, he borrowed money everywhere when he had no money. If other people refused to lend it to him, he blackmailed me! ""I'm forced, he's such a rotten man! I didn't kill him! He lives well

Reporters also want to ask, the police have dragged him into the police car.

When Chang Huan was arrested, Ling Han was sleeping at home. In recent days, she didn't sleep very well. Now that things have come to an end, she wants to lie in bed and have a good sleep. The crazy phone rings and wakes him up. Ling Han painfully reaches out a hand from the quilt, takes the mobile phone that is constantly jumping on the bedside table, and vaguely answers: "hello..."

Ah Kun's voice was a little sharp. "What are you doing now?"

Hearing ah Kun's voice, Ling Han woke up a little, sat up from the bed and said, "I'm sleeping..."

"You're going to die, and you're still in the mood to sleep?" Ah Kun raised his voice. "It's a big deal."

"What's the matter?"

"Watch the news for yourself!" Ah Kun said.

Ling Han opens her mobile phone in a hurry to read the news. The first one is Chang Huan's imprisonment, and the second one is Chang Huan's exposure of Ling Han's blackmail.

Click on the news, and Ling Han scans the content in a hurry. To sum up, it's nothing more than Chang Huan's revelation that Ling Han is the second generation of fake rich who is kept in custody and blackmail others because she has no money.

The reaction of netizens is also very fierce.

"What a drama

"I know that neither is a good thing!"

"Chang Huan can't be a white lotus, and Ling Han is not a good thing!"

Ling Han turned down again, most of the negative comments. On my own microblog, I found that microblog has soared a lot of fans, most of them are black fans, and there are tens of thousands of comments!

To sum up, there are several points in the discussion center of netizens. First, has Ling Han ever blackmailed Chang Huan? Second, is Ling Han a rich second generation? Third, has Ling Han ever been taken care of?

Seeing the news and comments, Ling Han's joy of being arrested for Chang Huan disappears completely in countless turbulent questions“ Ling Han, Ling Han, your mess... "Ling Han shakes her head, grins bitterly and sighs slightly.

His brain began to spin quickly, trying to find a solution. Chang Huan announced that Ling Han had blackmailed him. He had been prepared for that. At that time, he thought out a countermeasure - resolutely not to admit it.

He is not a pedantic person who doesn't know how to be flexible. Blackmail was done by Ling Han in the past, and he has already paid the death price for his behavior, so now he won't admit foolishly that he did it himself, and that he will only make Chang Huan happy, and he doesn't have any benefits.

All of a sudden, three big words appeared on the screen of the mobile phone - Lu peacock.

Ling Han picks it up quickly - last time, she didn't follow Lu peacock's order to take care of him and ran away. I don't know what Lu peacock will be angry about.

As soon as the phone was connected, Lu Siyuan's gnashing voice said, "you are a troublemaker!"

Thick murderous gas almost comes out from the screen, and Ling Han shrinks her neck.

"From now on, if someone asks you if you blackmail, deny it. Do you hear me?"


"Do you want to admit it?" The air pressure on the other end of the phone was slightly lower, and he said with strong patience, "we only know about blackmail. At present, it seems that Chang Huan has no evidence. As long as you firmly refuse to admit it, he can't help you. He wants to drag you now

If you admit it, you'll fall into his trap. In a word, you should firmly deny what he said and never shrink back. "

Ling Han did not expect that he would say such a thing, and told him the solution as soon as possible after the incident. To be honest, he was very moved.

Seeing that Ling Han didn't speak, he thought his tone was too severe. He softened his voice and said, "don't worry, it's OK."