Night, shrouded the whole land, the underworld palace, a quiet, revealing a strange feeling.

A 30cm Golden Snake, swimming carefully, quickly climbed into the underworld palace, avoided the border, and carefully hid in the dark.

A gust of wind, he took advantage of the wind, very smooth swim into the study. Looking for a circle, but did not find the figure of Yunyao beast, small body will stop in a corner.

This should be the door of the secret room of the study. He saw Bai Wuchang enter from here last time, but he didn't know how to open it.

After a moment's hesitation, he decided to look elsewhere. If forced to open the door, I'm afraid it will cause the attention of Hades and Murong Jinxin.

So, around the underworld palace to find a large circle, the search has been found, but there is no trace of Yunyao beast. He was a little annoyed, but now it's not the right time, rash hand, he is more or less.

After tangled for a long time, he can only choose to give up, quickly swim out, quietly into the dark.

The underworld palace is still quiet. It seems that nothing happened


The following day

Chu mi'er got up early in the morning, and when she went into the palace of the underworld, she felt the same breath again. The smile of her mouth suddenly stopped. Without saying a word, she knocked on the door of the underworld and Murong Jinxin.

"Father, mother, wake up, wake up..."

Her voice is very big, tone is also very urgent, and her usual slightly indifferent temperament is very different. Her cry not only shocked the underworld and Murong Jin's heart, but also the black-and-white impermanent phantom who lived in the cheat room.

In less than three minutes, all the things that should be in the big yard arrived. Everyone looked at Chu mi'er's face, which was not only inexplicable, but also heavy.

"Honey, what's going on?"

Murong Jin heart yawned, looking at some flustered daughter, patted her shoulder to calm her mood.

In the past few months, Hades has been tracking down the whereabouts of the old man. In order to protect the black-and-white impermanent phantom, she also directly issued the imperial edict to strike the court, which is why they can still sleep so deeply when the day is light.

"I feel that breath again, but it seems to be much weaker than yesterday's, it should have been here for a while..."

After she mentioned it to her father and mother yesterday, she knew that they would be very alert, but why did that breath appear again? This can only show that the old thing came and went without a trace, making it impossible to prevent.

"I'm quite sure it's the old man. I didn't expect that he would be so capable. He would dare to come straight in the daytime and sneak in the evening."

Smell speech, Murong Jin heart hard clenched fist, yesterday she still had doubt, but today completely did not have. Only the old man would venture into the underworld again and again, maybe to find a chance to deal with them.

They are really stupid enough. They were prompted yesterday, but they were not alert enough to let the old man take the underworld palace as his own home.

"He touched the border last time, but he didn't send out any alarm these two times..."

This is the most deadly, which means that if honey is not there, even if the old thing comes, they can't feel it.

The underworld rubbed his eyebrows with some headache. When he heard such news in the early morning, he really felt that his mood had been affected all day.

"What shall we do now? Let honey follow us all the time? "

The old man had begun to appear frequently, and she had a premonition that a terrible plot was brewing. Now the only one who can feel the old thing's breath is honey. Even if honey follows them all the time, it can't prevent the old thing from attacking other experts in the underworld.

It's getting more and more complicated

"Wait, there will be a chance..."

There's nothing they can do but wait. The old man is haunted. But now that he has appeared frequently, they will have a better chance to catch him.

The deep eyes of the underworld were burning with fury, and such a sentence came out of his teeth. As long as you catch the old thing, everything will be settled.

"Well, that's the only way. We'd better hold our ground, and the old man's suspicion will be aroused. We can do whatever we should. Honey, if you're OK, try to stay in Hades

Murong Jin's heart nodded. Now that the matter has come to this point, they can only go one step at a time. As long as they are careful enough this time, the easier it will be for them to catch the old thing.

"Wang, I feel very strange. Princess mi'er sensed that the old thing's first existence was after the Yunyao beast broke into the underworld palace. Would the Yunyao beast know something and be seriously injured... "

Black impermanence thought more, he connected everything. He had the same idea as Pluto. He absolutely believed that Yunyao beast would not run to Pluto palace for no reason.

Yunyao beast should not be bent over, because Chu mi'er didn't feel that there was something wrong with its breath, so what's the problem? Is there a ghost beast in Mingyuan?

"Black impermanence said that, I also think it's really possible. Man, what's the matter with the underworld garden Murong Jin's heart was startled by the words of black impermanence. She couldn't help rethinking what happened yesterday. There is something wrong with hell garden. Maybe it has nothing to do with Ono, but Pluto's premonition is correct. She grabbed Pluto's hand and gave him a sorry smile. After what happened to Ono yesterday, she was cold to him. She was wrong“ I don't know. Xiao Hui hasn't come back to recover his life. Fortunately, he locked the Yunyao beast into the secret room last night... "The underworld clenched Murong Jinxin's hand, and a small action showed his idea. Do they need to be like this? Even if she whipped him for no reason, he was willing to accept it“ Honey, you go to the study to feel it, and see if there is the smell of the old thing at the door of the secret room... "A light came to the mind of Hades, and he pulled Murong Jin's heart toward the study. If the old man really came for Yunyao beast, he must have wandered outside the secret room. After all, the old man knew where the door of the secret room was when he saw that Gu o Bai had always built the secret room. As soon as Pluto's words fell, Chu mi'er rushed into the study. As soon as she entered the study, a strong sense of coldness came to her face. Chu mi'er raised her foot and walked towards a corner. She didn't know the door of the study room, but she walked to the door of the room and turned around“ Here, the old man stayed here for a while... "Her words made several scalp numb at the same time. Everyone knew that it was the entrance of the secret room. Then, the old man's heart is very obvious. He must have come to kill Yunyao beast. Yunyao beast, the unlucky ghost beast, has made himself like that in order to get information. In the future, he will be treated better by the king and the princess“ Fortunately, it's ok... "The underworld opened the door of the secret room decisively, and saw the Yunyao beast lying quietly on the ground. His heart was warm. He didn't lose his sight. Yunyao beast is worthy of his trust. In order to achieve this, he felt very strongly that it was right to collect his soul cultivation a hundred years ago“ Honey, is there any way to wake it up as soon as possible Murong Jin heart also rare respect under the body, touched the smooth fur of Yunyao beast, he really despised it. It can be detected in such a situation strange, really let her look with new eyes, at least Ono is not aware of anything. Xiaoye, her face suddenly sank... "Jinxin, you and mi'er go to lie in Mingyuan. I want to confirm Xiaoye..." the king of Hades looks at Murong Jinxin's face. Although he doesn't want to quarrel with Xiaoye again, he still puts it forward. He did not forget that Ono came with Yunyao beast, who was crying for help when he rushed into the underworld palace. He can't forget Yunyao beast's panic at that time. He looks like seeing the devil. There is no way for him not to doubt Ono“ Jinxin, I think Ono is also suspected. Don't be upset. We have to be careful. " Black impermanence afraid Murong Jin heart will rebound, quickly jumped out to speak for the underworld, lest Murong Jin heart and the underworld quarrel. Ono is the biggest suspect at the moment. He may have been bent over by the old man... "OK, I'll listen to you. If it's true, you don't have to be lenient with Ono. " Murong Jin heart up, look peaceful looking at the underworld in front of. She can't be too self righteous. Her short guard will only blind her eyes. Mingyuan, she really wants to go, if Ono is not, everything is easy to say. If so, she would not be merciful. She can't keep the underworld in deep water because of Ono“ If it's really Xiaoye's fault, I will try my best to protect Xiaoye's life. Don't worry... "The underworld knows that Murong Jin's heart is tangled, and he has been very moved that she can say such words. After all, the previous Ono had guarded Jinxin for a long time, and he believed that it was loyal to Jinxin and the underworld“ Well, I'm leaving... "Murong Jinxin nodded and took Chu mi'er out of the study. After a few steps, the voice of Hades came“ No matter what the result is, don't act rashly, just find a reason, and don't let the old man find anything strange. " Jinxin can't kill the old thing after all. If an impulse starts to fight with the old thing, it's inevitable that the old thing will run away again. He had had enough of it and didn't want the old man to escape any more“ I know, gone... "Murong Jinxin waved, facing the glare of the sun outside, took a deep breath. A new battle is about to begin, and she must be careful not to take the wrong step. Their good life in the future only depends on this last step