The king roared away at the shadow in the tree cave. The nether world worked miraculously. The sky was dark and the earth was dark. Outside the forbidden area of the underworld, there was a strong pressure, and there were no birds or animals.

The leaves fall one after another, forming a whirlpool in the mid air, coming with strong air. If not for the presence of all the peerless experts, I'm afraid that will be directly injured by the current.

"Ha ha, it's worthwhile to exchange your child's life for a serious injury!"

The shadow seems to know his current situation. If he wants to escape, he can only fight with his own life. Serious injury is inevitable.

However, he felt that he had made money. The pain of losing his son was enough for them to suffer for many years. He was afraid that he would not be able to let go of his life.

"Go to hell..."

As soon as the ghost mentioned the child, his anger was more exuberant and his moves were more fierce. It seemed that he wanted to swallow the ghost alive.

"I'm not your opponent today, I'm fighting tomorrow..."

The shadow could avoid the attack of Pluto, until he could not hide any more, and gathered all his strength to rush towards the weakest place of Pluto's defense.

The two real Qi collided, and there was a loud bang. The strong white light suddenly faded, and the light and shadow fled at the speed of light.

Before disappearing, there was a dark magic sound floating in the woods for a long time.

"He's cheap..."

The underworld received the merit, tightly clenched the fist, although not reconciled, but also helpless. If the hand of hell is not cultivated successfully in one day, the old man will not die in one day.

Fortunately, the old man was eager to escape, and his injury was heavier than he thought

"Hades... Quick... Jin Xin is in a coma..."

Sure that the old thing had gone, the immortal devil cried out. Jin heart just emotional too excited, afraid to move the fetal gas, he is really anxious to death.

His scream made the underworld tremble all over, and he flew to Murong Jin's heart. Looking at the pale woman lying in the arms of immortal devil, her heart began to ache violently.

"Jinxin... Hold on a little bit..."

The underworld picked up Murong Jin's heart and flew to the direction of the underworld palace. The speed was extremely fast, just like a meteor.

There is only one idea in his heart. He wants to save her women and children. No matter what we need to pay, he must protect the safety of his women and children.

"Xiao Hui, I'll leave everything here to you. I'll go to zizhulin immediately. Jin Xin's condition seems not good. She's bleeding... "

The immortal devil felt that his fingers were sticky. When he looked down, it turned out to be blood. Child poisoning, and now see the blood, let him only feel cold all over.

If these two children are gone, Jinxin will be hit hard. Besides, one of them is his future daughter-in-law. He must want the purple fairy to protect the two children.

"Well, go back quickly..."

Xiao Hui nodded, and his heart was heavy to the extreme. Seeing that the immortal devil left in a hurry, he rushed to the underworld palace.


Hades Palace

It's overcast and gloomy. It's hard to see the extreme of Hades' face.

In front of the big bed, several dark doctors knelt tremblingly. Without exception, their heads were all low, and their faces were all gray.

"One by one, all of them are useless. We can't keep our children. Why do we keep you here?"

The underworld's fierce eyes swept to sweep, the big hand fiercely waved, a strong true Qi immediately rolled up several underworld doctors and threw them out at the same time.

He raised them for them, in exchange for the fact that they can't keep a child, it's unreasonable!

"Wang, first use the real Qi to stabilize the child. When the purple fairy comes, there will be a way."

Xiaohui looks at such a fierce underworld with lingering fear. He is really worried that he will kill all the doctors in the underworld in a fit of anger. He quickly changes the topic.

"You say, how can I be such a coward. Jinxin is beside the king, but the king can't even protect their mother and son. "

A deep sense of helplessness hit, so that the underworld could not help trying to grasp his hair. I used to think I was powerful and arrogant. But since he met Jinxin, he often felt that he was very incompetent. That feeling made him feel very bad.

"It's easy to dodge an open gun, but hard to defend a hidden one. Wang doesn't have to blame himself. This kind of thing nobody wants to happen, is doomed. These two children won't be so fragile. They will survive. "

Xiao Hui is especially able to understand the underworld. He has experienced Ye Ranran's helpless waiting for his soul to break up for more than a year, and the pain of sending his own flesh and blood to Chu Zirui as a son. He has felt everything that the underworld perceives.

Some words of comfort, reasonable, said into the heart of the underworld.

"What do you want? I'd rather trade my life for theirs..."

After a month of being together day and night, he had deep feelings for the two children. As a father, he is willing to give everything for them, including his own life. To exchange one's own life for theirs, even if it's a hundred years old

"Don't think about it too much. Lucky people have their own way. Heaven will care for Jinxin and the children..."

For the first time, Xiao Hui took the initiative to pat the underworld on the shoulder, living a lifetime, there are too many helplessness. Whatever the outcome, they have to face it.

"You go back first and have a look at the children. It's enough to have Ben Wang guarding here. Ben Wang also wants to talk to Jin Xin..."

The underworld sighed again. Just as he wanted to say something, he saw Murong Jin's long eyelashes trembling gently. He winked at Xiaohui and motioned Xiaohui to go first.

"The child is with Li Xiang. I'm in the yard. Please call me if you need me."

Small ash is very sensible, after confirming Murong Jin's heart has been sober, immediately got up and walked out of the room. At this time, he must keep it, otherwise he would be sorry for Jinxin's life and death friendship.

"Man... I have a stomachache..."

Just wake up Murong Jin heart, the eyes of the misty is a pain moment to replace. She felt the big hand that Hades put on her stomach, cold all over.

She had been pregnant three times in her past and present life, and never had such a situation. As a woman with common sense, she knows what stomachache stands for.

"Bear it, the fairy in purple will come back soon..."

As soon as Murong Jin's heart cries out for pain, Pluto's heart is very anxious, but he doesn't dare to show his emotion, so as not to increase her burden. He comforted her as much as he comforted himself.

"Men... See red, right..."

At the moment of her coma, she felt a warm flow from her body. If there was no accident, it would be blood. After a long hesitation, she asked.

No matter how difficult the situation is, she has to face it. Only when she knows the real situation can she find a way to save herself.

"Yes, but not much blood..."

The underworld did not dare to hide her. He saw a trace of firmness in her eyes. For a moment, he even felt whether she had a way to save her baby.

"Go and bring me a bowl of tocolysis pills... I must find a way to keep the child..."

The immortal devil goes to the purple bamboo forest, and it takes at least half a day to come back. She can't wait to die. She wants to use Feng dance for nine days to keep the two children.

"Jinxin, what are you going to do?"

The underworld gave orders in a loud voice, staring at Murong Jinxin with burning eyes. He knew that his woman was very strong, maybe he could really figure out a way.

"Fengwu's soul repair skill at the 11th level of Jiutian can not only repair the soul, but also protect the body. The child and I are one now, so we can protect them. "

Murong Jin heart spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, such as stars like eyes flashing colorful light. Her intuition has always been accurate. The two children will be blessed and safe.

"Well, what do you need me to do?"

Smell speech, Hades is really excited, he will Murong Jin heart help sit well. Although some love her, at this time he can only accept.

If Jin's heart is hurt, she keeps her child. In the future, he will find a way to make up for Jin Xin.

"Keep watch, don't let anyone disturb me..."

Murong Jin sat cross legged, left a word, and began to enter the stage of meditation on the 11th floor of Fengwu nine days. The collapsing air gathered again little by little, and the pain of her body was also reduced, which made her feel a little more comfortable.

She closed her eyes, emptied herself, and began a long journey to protect her son

Time ticked by, and I don't know how long it took. Pluto only felt that the boiled pill was cold bowl after bowl. Just as he was waiting for some anxiety, the door of the room opened without warning.

Almost subconsciously, the underworld applied the method of silencing to the comer, so that the woman who rushed in rashly would not disturb Murong Jin's heart.

"What's her condition now?"

After seeing Murong Jin's ruddy face, the fairy in purple was stunned. She motioned for the underworld to accept the magic, and asked in ecstasy.

"I don't know. She said that she wanted to protect her body with Feng Wu's nine day soul repair technique. It's been several hours, and it hasn't come to an end. "

After a month of getting along with each other, Pluto and the purple fairy are very familiar, and their conversation is relatively casual. Just casually to the purple fairy made a sit down gesture, then did not even look at the purple fairy, all his attention on Murong Jin heart.

The fairy in purple came back so quickly that he was no longer so frightened. He believed that this woman would do her best to save Jin Xin.

"Her breath is steady and her complexion is good. Her method should be useful..."

The fairy in purple felt it carefully, and the big stone in his heart finally fell. She was frightened when she thought of the immortal devil's words.

It seems that she can't easily leave Jin heart, if in a such thing, she think she will not bear.

If you need to go back to purple bamboo forest, she must also take Jin heart together, just in case“ Well, what do you get when you go back? Can children be detoxified? "