There is no doubt that the return of the spirit of ten thousand springs has caused a great stir in the underworld, especially the concubines in the harem of the underworld. After learning that their expectant mother-in-law has miraculously come back to life, they have organized groups to come to see her.

On the first seat of the main hall, the spirit of ten thousand springs gently sips a cup of warm tea, and there is a smile in the corner of his mouth. It's just hard to understand the meaning of the smile.

"If you have anything to say, you don't have to cover it up like this."

Glancing at the obviously restless concubines below, the spirit of Wanquan finally opened his mouth. The purpose of these women. She understood, but she didn't intend to.

The fight in the harem is so cruel. If you don't get men's attention, you have to die in obscurity all your life. They came to her, and the same thing happened.

"Do you know about Murong Jinxin

Xiao AI, one of the four imperial concubines, took the lead in speaking after several hesitations. It's obvious that the cold reception over the past 100 years has made her temper a lot more restrained. She changed from the position of lady to the position of lady. She experienced too much of the hardships.

She didn't plan to come out with a gun. But among the women in this room, only her position is the highest. If she didn't speak, I'm afraid no other concubines would dare to.

"I've heard that, but ming'er is willing to do it, and I can't manage it."

The spirit of ten thousand springs nodded and said. She only wanted to live a clean life for a hundred years when she came back this time. If she could not care about the affairs of the harem, she would never care.

Today, she is going to let these women understand this, so as to avoid the trouble of these women coming to her.

"Concubine, we don't dare to compete with her, but she always dominates the king and doesn't let him enter the harem. It's not in line with the rules."

Xiao AI couldn't figure out the meaning of Wan Quan's spirit. Her words had already been spoken, so she couldn't take them back. She is observing the facial expression of the spirit of ten thousand springs, at the same time cautiously continue to say.

Now the only thing that can help them is the spirit of Wanquan. She must try her best to persuade the spirit of Wanquan, otherwise they will get nothing until they die.

"Whether she dominates ming'er or ming'er dominates her, you must know better than this palace. As for whether ming'er can enter the harem, it's ming'er's business. You are also the old people in the harem. Can't you understand after fighting for so long? "

The spirit of ten thousand springs swept the concubines with different looks in the main hall. She came out of the back palace. In a way, she sympathized with them. But does compassion work? No, at least not in the harem where people eat and don't vomit bones.

As a mother, of course, she hopes her son can enjoy all the beauties in the world. As the princess of the underworld, she hopes that her son can have more children, so that the underworld can be lively. But as a woman, she wanted her son to have only one woman in his life.

"Mother concubine, since Murong Jinxin appeared, there is no back palace in the underworld. We concubines in the harem are in vain. They are slaughtered by her at will. You can't ignore it... "

Xiao AI looked at the spirit of Wan Quan's indifference, his heart thumped and continued to sink. It seems that Murong Jin's heart is working hard on her mother's imperial concubine, otherwise she would not have this attitude.

Her fierce eyes swept to the side of the women who bowed their heads and said nothing, indicating that they also quickly jumped out to speak, otherwise she was alone and could not point out that her mother's concubine still thought that she had nothing to look for.

But after all, she did it again, but no woman was willing to speak for her, which made her cold from head to foot

"What do you want the palace to do? Ming'er's temper, do you think this palace tube can be useful? Aifei, if you want to go through life peacefully, you have to learn to endure. If you can't bear it, I can ask ming'er for a letter of divorce for you. "

Her ming'er seems to be very obedient, but that's because she didn't step on his bottom line. As long as it involves some issues of principle, even if she is a mother, ming'er won't buy it.

Murong Jin's heart is the bottom line that ming'er can never cross, whether ming'er has memory or forgets love

"Concubine, Xiao AI only wants to be with Wang all her life. She doesn't want anyone but Wang. Xiao AI doesn't ask for anything. She only asks her mother's concubine to let Wang Chongxing Xiao AI once. Even if she puts Xiao AI in the cold palace, Xiao AI doesn't have a complaint. "

AI bit his teeth, the heart is very tangled. She understood that what she was saying was nothing more than making herself unhappy. So, simply a horizontal heart. She doesn't want to be spoiled, she just wants to be spoiled.

As long as Wang is willing to pet her once, she will die. Because as for being spoiled, she has a chance to turn over. She wants this chance.

"Well, your request will be conveyed to ming'er. As for whether you can get what you want, it depends on your own nature

The spirit of Wan Quan nodded and looked at the woman in front of her carefully. The impression of this woman is not very deep. But this woman has the courage to make such a decision, had to let her look up to it.

She will find a time to test ming'er. If ming'er is still interested in other women, she will cut off his idea directly.

Murong Jinxin that woman, life is the most hated polygamy. If ming'er had other women, I'm afraid there would be no chance to reshape the pool. Of course, the spirit of Wanquan doesn't know that the underworld has been sealed by Murong Jinxin with Fengwu Jiutian. If she knows, I'm afraid she won't have such worries“ In this way, Xiao AI will not interfere with the rest of her mother's concubine, and Xiao AI will leave. " Xiao AI closed his eyes, smile at the spirit of ten thousand springs, and then got up to salute. Speaking of this, she has little meaning to stay. It's better to leave as soon as possible to save the humiliation“ Well, what else do you want to say? If you don't, you can leave with me. I'm tired and need a good rest. " Wan Quan's spirit looked at the women who had different thoughts and rubbed their eyebrows with some boredom. These women are really deeper than each other. They are the same people as Xiao AI. After pushing Xiao AI to the top of the storm, they don't speak one by one, but they are very wise“ Yes, mother Seeing that the spirit of Wanquan gave the order to leave, the concubines got up one after another, worshipped the spirit of Wanquan YingYing and left slowly. What they don't know is that their attitude today has disgusted wanquanzhiling. One day, when Pluto wanted to abolish the harem, she was the first one to give unconditional support. So big palace, because those concubines leave, all of a sudden empty silence. The spirit of ten thousand springs sighed heavily, then walked toward his own room alone“ What's the matter with Shufei? " Entering the room, wanquanzhiling's slender fingers gently drew a circle in the air, and a hidden guard appeared in front of her. The man knelt on one knee with great respect“ Shufei has confessed to the man, and the man has accepted, and now they are in a hot fight. Everything is under the master's control, moving in the direction of the master's hope. " The man's voice was low and deep. He didn't raise his head in the whole process of reporting back to the spirit of ten thousand springs. He was very disciplined. It's just that the tip of his brow revealed his emotion, but wanquanzhiling obviously didn't notice“ Give them a chance, let them move, make their life mature, let Shufei pregnant as soon as possible... "Wanquanzhiling thought, Jinxin's time is running out, her plan must be ahead of time. No matter what method is used, let Shufei be pregnant first. As long as Shufei is pregnant, even if ming'er is in hot pursuit of Shufei, Shufei may not be in the heart. She has a child, and she knows very well that a mother's love for her child is a kind of love that is willing to give up everything regardless of everything“ Yes, master The man answered flatly, but he didn't leave immediately. It seemed that he had expected that the spirit of ten thousand springs had other orders. Sure enough, after the spirit of ten thousand springs was silent for a while, he opened his mouth again“ Give Shufei some medicine that is good for pregnancy. She can't see ming'er within three months. " Three months is enough for the lady to be pregnant. If you can't conceive under the stimulation of drugs, I'm afraid it's hard for Shufei to conceive in her whole life“ Does the princess want to take the medicine at the same time? " Obviously, the man knew the spirit of Wanquan very well and asked after receiving his life. When the spirit of ten thousand springs fell into meditation again, he raised his head and looked at the face that made him think about it for countless years. His heart was throbbing. However, he knows his responsibility better. In order to stay with her, he can keep this feeling in his heart... "Don't use it for the time being, or let her conceive automatically. You ask Yin Wei to follow the princess. If the princess has any negative emotions, report them to me immediately. " It's easy to have defects when using drugs to stimulate pregnant children. She can't let Jin Xin take the risk. Unless we have to do so in an extraordinary period, it's better to let nature take its course. She now in addition to guard against Shufei, but also scruple Jin heart, Ming son's situation is not stable, after all, if you do anything to stimulate Jin heart, in no one to put out the fire, easy to hurt their feelings“ The master doesn't have to worry too much. The princess is lucky and will survive... "The man looked at Wan Quan's frown and hesitated for a moment. He was very distressed and comforted. The Lord has to bear too much. For the sake of the king, the Lord's hair is really white“ If they can't survive, I will use my heart to exchange with God, in exchange for them to go through the hundred years peacefully... "The men she loves most are all dead, and she doesn't have to reincarnate. Wanquan heart, can let her baby son happy life, she will not be stingy“ Master, you are crazy. The heart of Wanquan must not be given to anyone... "