Three days later, a shocking wedding was held in the demon world. The four envoys who came to celebrate almost broke the gate of the demon kingdom.

At this time of the demon world, roses are flying, red lanterns are hanging all over every corner, and the red carpet is spread from the gate of the imperial palace to the new house of the new couple. The solemnity of the red carpet is amazing to the four world envoys.

"What are you doing? If you don't kill Murong ling'er, you'll even help her with her wedding ceremony. Are you kicked in the head by donkeys? "

The underworld and Jun Mo Li are drinking tea under a thousand year old tree. Looking at the endless stream of guests, they smoke fiercely.

Two days ago, when he received the wedding invitation from demon world, he felt something was wrong. But because he has been busy with the business of the underworld, he doesn't have much time to ask. Today, he will not give up without asking why.

"Murong ling'er has a deal with Jinxin. As long as we give her ten days' stability, she will fight with us in ten days. Jinxin agrees..."

Jun Mo Li also has a little egg pain, but he can't be the master. Jin heart agreed, he can only choose to accept. At least it's only ten days, or he'll go crazy.

"That little white eyed wolf really makes ghosts speechless. It's the kindness of women. Who knows what Murong ling'er is playing? Maybe ten days later, she will be able to recover. At that time, let alone the first World War, I'm afraid we can't deal with her. "

He knew that the little white eyed wolf also had a special feeling for Murong ling'er. When it came to the door, she suddenly turned around, which was to make trouble for herself. If her phoenix dance nine days break through pour also let it be, but it happened not, really let a person headache.

"Murong ling'er's wound has been healed. She said that she had two lives and died once. So even if I want to kill her now, it's almost impossible. It's just that she gave me the ten day deadline, which made me have to think more about it.... "

These three days of contact, he obviously felt that Murong ling'er had changed, even the cold breath on his body was much less. Jinxin said that this is the result of swallowing Bingjing, Thaksin. But several times he saw Murong ling'er's look at the devil was not right, which was full of despair besides love.

Despair, how can Murong ling'er have despair? But his eyes can't deceive people, so he can't figure out why Murong ling'er is desperate.

"That woman's life is so hard that she even has two lives. It's incredible..."

He has never heard of anyone who has two lives in the four realms. This Murong ling'er is really strange. Well, in that case, he has nothing to say.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with Murong ling'er. You will understand later. She said a lot of strange things to Jinxin, such as... "

Jun Mo Li tells the underworld what happened in these three days. Jin Xin is almost dragged by Murong ling'er to do this and that, just like their relationship is more intimate than their sisters. Jinxin cooperate very well, he can see Murong ling'er is very happy. Just that kind of happy, but also with a trace of bitterness, a trace of helplessness.

"I'm surprised to hear that. But don't think about it if you don't understand. The answer will always be solved. "

The underworld dropped his eyes and thought for a while, but he didn't come up with a reason. He shrugged his shoulders to show that he didn't want to think much about such unimportant things. At present, the two sides are equally matched, so there is no need for him to focus on Murong ling'er.

"I don't know whether this wedding is a blessing or a curse for the devil. Every time I see him, I feel that I can't bear to poison Murong ling'er. His eyes are so pure that I'm afraid, and my brother, alas... "

The world is changeable. No one would have thought that the devil would become like this in the end. It's stupid, but it's very likable. Every time I see him, I smile sincerely, as if everything is beautiful in his world. Many times, he felt that he could not bear to break his share of beauty.

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. It's all his life. There is Murong ling'er in his life, which can be regarded as another way to complete his feelings for Murong ling'er. After Murong ling'er's death, as long as he can think more, life can still be very simple and beautiful. "

The four realms are bound to have a long-term peace. The old devil still cares about the son of the devil, so the key to the devil's life depends on what kind of life he wants. There are also silly good, at least these sound than they are much happier.

"It's amazing how things turned out. Can you imagine that? Jinxin even promised Murong ling'er to be her bridesmaid. I don't know if the envoys of the four realms will be stunned when they see this scene. "

This is the most let Jun Mo glass calm can't, he really don't know Jin heart is how to think. The way is different, don't conspire this words, Jin heart understand can't do. But it's just a deal. After talking about it, you can leave. Do you agree to Murong ling'er's other terms?

"That little white eyed wolf is really speechless. It's very nice of her to be a bridesmaid when her children are so old. What kind of woman are we in love with? It's so strange that it's hateful... "

The corner of the underworld's mouth again mercilessly drew to draw, for Murong Jin heart of some behavior express already can't use words to describe. With a low sigh, he took a cup of tea in front of him and drank it. He knew that the little white eyed wolf attached great importance to friendship, but he didn't know that it was so heavy that he said: "life, it's destined to be pinched by her. You must also remember to let her more, otherwise life will be flying, she is a typical eat soft don't eat hard... "No matter what kind of woman she is, is worth his love to pity for a lifetime. That woman has already been engraved into his soul, but I don't know if it is possible to meet him again in the afterlife? But what happened to her? I can only watch her happy from a distance... "In this king, she is hard and soft. Compared with Wang, your life is much better... "Maybe it's because their marriage is relatively short. In front of Jun Mo Li, Jin Xin will give in more. On the contrary, to him, oil and salt are completely out of the way, which is very hard. As for the way to get along, I'm afraid they have to find a balance after they get together“ Well, the worship ceremony is about to start, let's have a look at the excitement... "Jun Mo Li can't deny smiling. Seeing that Murong Jin Xin has helped Murong ling'er to walk towards the hall in the distance, he got up and patted the underworld on the shoulder, indicating that he went to see the excitement. At this time, the main hall had already been crowded. When Murong Jinxin appeared with Murong linger, almost all the envoys in the main hall were silly. They looked at Murong Jinxin stupidly, with a feeling of being split by thunder. They are all enemies. How can one marry another and become a bridesmaid? Is this the biggest joke in the four circles? Although I think so, Murong ling'er and Murong Jin's heart are so terrible that they all close their mouths tightly, and no one dares to ridicule. Murong Jin heart in this strange vision will Murong ling'er help to the hall, help to the devil's side. There was a slightly embarrassed smile on her lips, and she rolled her eyes at herself constantly. After today, I'm afraid she'll get angry again... "Brother-in-law, is Jin Xin's brain in water?" In the crowd, a small pink figure pulls a man to the side of Jun Mo Li. Looking at Murong Jin's heart, which is about to smile, she asks“ It's not that he's lost his mind, but I'm obsessed with it... "Jun Mo Li's enchanting peach blossom eyes kept turning. For the scene he saw, he felt that he wanted to blind his eyes“ You'd better pretend that you don't see anything, or you won't have good fruit to eat... "Jun Mo Li rubbed his eyebrows, and he couldn't explain his woman's behavior clearly, so he didn't bother to explain. As long as Jin Xin is happy, that's it“ Ranran's sister... I'm afraid... I'm afraid of that person... "Suddenly, ye Ranran's arm was tight, and a thin weak voice came, which surprised Ye Ranran and quickly looked back at Lixiang who came to see the excitement. Li Xiang died in Murong ling'er's hands in the previous life, and her fear was preserved in this life. This shows how much pain Li Xiang suffered when she was taken by Murong ling'er“ Don't be afraid, I'm here, no one will ever hurt you... "Smell speech, immortal devil heart a tight, subconsciously will Lixiang into the arms to comfort. He saw Lixiang's tragic death with his own eyes. Therefore, he can understand Lixiang's immediate mood“ That is, we are all here. No one can bully you in the future. You see, your sister Jinxin is making a bridesmaid for the bride, so don't be afraid... "Lixiang is so simple and beautiful that she can't bear to show the bloody fact in front of her again. So she chose another way. I'm afraid it will take a long time to eliminate Li Xiang's fear of poisoning Murong ling'er... "But I'm still afraid... The bride is so terrible... I can't say... I feel my heart hurts when I see her... I..." Li Xiang shrinks in the arms of the immortal devil, A deep sense of fear continues to spread in the heart. She doesn't know what's wrong with her. She's just afraid, inexplicably afraid. The bride gave her a strong feeling, as if they had some feuds. What kind of hatred is it? She was scared to such a degree... "Then I'll take you out for a walk. This world of Warcraft is also the place where I have lived for a long time. Shall I take you to the magic garden to play Warcraft?"