Pluto's mood, he can understand some. Although he has no children, he can feel it. Who wants his daughter to live alone? On the day of his death, there was no one to die.

But this matter has fallen on Chumi Er, they can only choose to accept. The ending is doomed, and no one can change it.


At the bottom of the snow mountain, Jun Mo Li felt as if he was burning. He could not bear it, so he began to cast a spell to expel the heat in his body one by one.

The hot air meets the cold ice. After a contest, the ice begins to turn into water at a very fast speed. Drop by drop, one by one, soon all the ice around Jun Mo Li melted into water, slowly flowing out.

He had no way to think about other things, just wanted to expel all the heat from his body. In less than an hour, he felt a light in front of him.

Looking up, it turned out that the heat discharged from his body had melted all the ice above his head, that is to say, he was so inexplicably out of danger.

He held his breath and did not jump out of the pit at the first time. Instead, he continued to release the heat in his body until the heat was released, and most of the ice in the snow mountain was turned into water. He just flew up, out of the huge pit.

"Where's ash?"

From a distance, Jun Mo Li saw the three big and one small waiting for him at the entrance of the snow mountain, but he didn't see the figure of Xiao Hui. Fly to the people's side, very anxious asked.

Xiao Hui grew up in the snow mountain when he was a child. He is very familiar with everything here. There is no reason for him to come out. Xiao Hui is still under the pressure of the snow.

"I don't know. God says whether it can escape depends on its nature. Li Xiang said, "there will be an avalanche soon. We have to wait here."

The underworld rubs the center of his eyebrows and is not happy to see Jun Mo Li bring back unharmed. Because his poison pet is still trapped under the snow mountain, I don't know whether he is dead or alive now.

"Jun Mo Li, go back to Murong Jinxin first. Let us have everything here. "

No one knows if Xiaohui can come back alive. They can only wait here and open the ice to save people when the avalanche is over. It's no use for Jun Mo Li to stay here. It's better to go back to protect Murong Jin's heart as soon as possible, so as not to delay it. There's something wrong with Murong Jin's heart.

"Immortal devil's words are right, you go first, don't let Jinxin have an accident, go quickly!"

Pluto managed to pick up his mood. Today is not a good day for him. First, the avalanche's own poison pet was crushed, and then learned the fact that the baby daughter was doomed to a lonely life. Now he thought of Murong Jinxin, which made him feel depressed to the extreme.

He suddenly hated himself. If he had been more ruthless, he would have made the phantom a success. Everything will be different with Youming magic power. However, it's too late to say anything now. It's impossible to do it all over again

"Well, I'll go first..."

Jun Mo Li hesitates for a moment. He should stay and wait for Xiao Hui because of his emotion and reason. Xiao Hui is also doomed because of his misfortune. But in the face of the enemy, he had to go, because there was a more important person waiting for him to go back to protect.

He reached out and touched his daughter's pale face. He wanted to take her away, but when he thought that Xiao Hui had been with her for a whole year, his words stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything. Finally, I gritted my teeth and left alone.


At this time of small ash, already out of danger, by a magical force to an underground labyrinth. It is like the house flies around, but always can not find the exit of the maze.

Just as Xiao Hui was about to lie down tired and anxious to vomit blood, a familiar and old voice came from the top of the maze.

"Xiao Hui, I've already figured out that you've had a fatal robbery, so I set up this maze. As long as you can go out, you can find a book without words, which is your only chance to change your life. Child, it's the hard work of Shifu all his life to keep the snow mountain. Shifu doesn't want it to disappear in your hands... "

Small ash a shock, looking at the shadow emerging in the mid air, a red nose, tears almost rolled down. It has heard the rumor about the wordless heavenly book. It is really a dream did not expect that the wordless book should be in the hands of the master. The master clearly could change his life and never die, but he gave it a chance.

Master of its kindness, it can not return, there is no chance to return. Then it will protect the snow mountain well and let it live forever in this world.

"Remember to be kind to Lixiang. That child is too lonely. Don't let her grow old alone because of her temporary mistakes. Master hopes you can take good care of her. Sooner or later, the child will figure it out and return to her original position. The solution to this maze is a game played by you and Lixiang when they were children. Shifu believes you will remember it.... "

Words fall, the shadow in the air suddenly disappeared, the whole maze suddenly restored calm. Xiaohui looked at the place where the shadow disappeared, and it took a long time to recover from the memory. Pick up your spirits and get ready to break the maze.

It has not played many games with Lixiang. Master a hint, it immediately remembered. So, with his memory, he went to the place where he just broke into the maze and began to concentrate on solving the maze. Three steps to the left, five steps to the right, three steps back, ten steps forward. According to the memory of childhood, every step of Xiaohui is very firm. It has understood the original intention of the master to let it go through the maze. The master wants it to recall the carefree childhood of Li Xiang and him, and then let go of all the bad feelings and accept Li Xiang again. Master's painstaking efforts, it has realized, will also let master achieve. When its memory was fixed, bursts of laughter like silver bells rang out above the maze. It belonged to Lixiang's childhood laughter, which she always remembered. In front of it, a wooden door appeared, and the wooden door was covered with pictures of it and Lixiang's childhood. Brother and sister love each other, each one has a very good memory. He took the pictures off and put them in his arms. Then he opened the door and went into a big secret room alone. In the middle of the chamber of secrets, there was a very simple wooden table with a box on it. The box is very old. You can see at a glance that the times are very old. Xiaohui walked slowly to the wooden table, opened the old box, and a white light burst out in an instant. A strong energy forced Xiaohui to put down the box and back several steps“ There is no free lunch in the world. Wordless heavenly book can change your life. If you want to get it, you must give up one thing that you think is the most important. If you say that, and pass it, you can take away this wordless book. " Xiaohui was almost hurt by the white light. Looking at the wordless letter on the wooden table, she turned pale. A few lines of small words suddenly appeared in his mind, which made his body shake in an instant. Give up the most important thing, since it is the most important thing, how can we give up? He is very tangled, two hands grabbed the messy hair, began the fight between heaven and man. The most important thing for her now is her feelings for ye Ranran. She is really reluctant to give up. Give up, then how to live in the future? But it can't help taking away the wordless heavenly book, which is the most precious thing left by the master“ Haven't you thought about it yet? You still have ten minutes. Ten minutes later, the wordless heavenly book will be closed, and your fate with it will be completely over. " In the small ash tangled want to die, the mind and emerged a short paragraph, let it's body instantly will be rigid. Ten minutes. It only has ten minutes to choose. Love or wordless heavenly book, ye Ranran or snow mountain. After several hesitations, Xiao Hui finally made a decision that was not a decision. It went to the wordless book in front of the heavy knock three ring head, clear voice slowly sounded“ I'm willing to give up my life span of two hundred years to live with heaven, and exchange my eternal love for wordless letters. " As long as it can be with Ye Ranran, even if it has only a lifetime of love, it will never have regrets in its life. Life, life is not important, the important thing is how to live. Life, as long as live wonderful, that is enough. Words fall, all around a silence, for a long time, until small ash think that their fate with wordless Tianshu has been prepared to leave depressed. The old box opened again, a white light flashed by, and the wordless book had been safely lying in its hands, and automatically opened the first and only page“ Write the destiny you need to change in your blood on the book of heaven, and then destroy it. All your wishes will come true for you Xiaohui is ready to put away the wordless book, naohaizheng reappears a paragraph. It did not dare to have any hesitation, biting his fingers, scarlet blood drops in the wordless book, forming a enchanting blood words. It's worthwhile to exchange one's love for the permanence of the snow mountain. The next thing it needs to do is to find a successor and pass on the mantle of the holy wolf. When the last word falls, white light after white light lifts the blood words written by Xiao Hui and floats away in line. And that wordless letter, after fulfilling his promise, suddenly fell silent. Small ash force a pinch, a powder from the fingers slide, colorful Sha is good-looking. With a heavy heart, Xiaohui pushes open the door of the secret room, and the warm sunshine shines on it. It subconsciously raised his head, but did not close his eyes. The sun and glare, but it feels particularly warm. After today, it should take a good look at the world and treat all its friends well. Two hundred years later, I left with a beautiful and happy life. It wants to make its life without regret