The underworld Mausoleum

A place full of trees and flowers is in full bloom, and the stream is murmuring. A tall figure stands in it. The deep eyes look at the beautiful woman on the tombstone, and there is a trace of warmth in the deep eyes.

As long as he is free, he comes to this place almost once a month. All the plants and trees here are planted by him, and even the little fish in the stream are carefully fed by him

"Concubine, I came to see you..."

Pluto put a bunch of flowers in his hand in front of the tombstone, then squatted down and stroked the portrait on the tombstone with his slender fingers. Seems to be sensing the arrival of the underworld, the portrait of the smiling woman suddenly blinked a big eye.

"Madam, I have something to ask you. My woman is in some trouble and has been demonized. She has to take your tears to get back to normal. You should first brew your emotions. When I open the coffin, please give me a few tears. Please... "

In front of his mother's concubine, Hades is like a big child who hasn't grown up. All kinds of coquetry are totally different from the usual cool and indifference. Although he didn't grow up with his mother, he could feel her love for him deeply. That kind of love transcended everything, and made him feel very comfortable and warm.

He knew that he was extremely disrespectful to his mother and imperial concubine when he opened the tomb. But he believed that his mother could understand, and she must also hope that he could live a good life.

"Concubine, don't blame me. I can't help it. If you want to blame him, blame your father. He didn't let you have another daughter. Now we are so passive in everything we do. It's all his fault. "

The underworld knelt down in front of the tombstone and kowtowed three times respectfully, which can be regarded as the spirit of consoling his mother's concubine. This is the first time in his life that he kneels down to his mother's concubine, hoping to show his sincerity.

His mother did not allow him to kneel. She said that there was gold under the man's knees, but no one could kneel under her son. Today, he knelt down to tell his mother how high Jinxin was in his heart.

The kneeling of the underworld made the originally calm environment suddenly windy, just like the anger of the spirit of ten thousand springs, beating towards the underworld wave by wave

"Don't be angry, mother. I'm helpless. I really love Jin. I will die without him. Please pity me and give me a few tears... "

The underworld let the wind beat his body, not only didn't feel uncomfortable, but also felt the deep love of his mother again. This was the first time that his mother's wife had died, so he knew it was her subconscious mind.

"Concubine, I'm going to open the imperial mausoleum. You should be in a good mood..."

After a lot of nonsense, the underworld cast a spell to turn on the switch of the imperial mausoleum, and a magnificent mausoleum slowly appeared in front of him. He walked in slowly, and the door of the mausoleum closed slowly as if there was an induction.

After a short walk along a stone road, Hades saw the ice coffin polished by himself. He quickened his pace and soon came to the ice coffin.

The slender finger touched the corner of the ice coffin, and a cool feeling instantly swept him, which made his heart inexplicably sad.

His mother's wife is lying quietly in the ice coffin at the moment. Her face, which has never changed, is still wearing a warm smile. The beauty is shocking. She looked as if she was just sleeping, with no sign of death at all.

"If you are still here, how nice it would be..."

The underworld gently pushed away the ice coffin, and a breath of ice came towards him, which made him tremble slightly. In order to keep his mother's body unchanged for thousands of years, the ice coffin is filled with thousands of years of black ice, which is changed every thousand years. He dug up the money himself, which shows how deep his feelings for his mother's wife are.

"Concubine, the little white eyed wolf in Jinxin said that she wanted to be a male pet. My heart almost broke. Please cry and let me take some springs for her, or the underworld will die of children and grandchildren... "

The underworld reached out and held his mother's cold hands, which were as cold as the ice of ten thousand years. It was clearly cool, but he felt very warm. Every time he came, he would hold his mother's hand for a long time.

Even several times, when he wanted to take back his hand, he found that his hand had been frozen and needed casting to get it out of the ice coffin.

"Mother, you cry, hurry to cry. These tears are my wedding gift... "

The underworld looked at his mother's concubine without blinking. This face has been engraved in his mind since he remembered it. Now he feels more secure without looking at it once.

He shook his mother's hand a few times, and the appearance of asking for sugar was very obvious. If the people of the underworld saw this scene, they would be scared of heart disease.

"Concubine, I have begged you for a long time, but you are still indifferent. If you don't cry, I'll cry. I'll die crying in front of you. I'll see if you love me... "

After waiting for a long time, the woman in the ice coffin didn't have any reaction, and Pluto was in a hurry. He scratched his head and began to take more and more serious threat when he came out. He really doesn't have so much time to spend here now. Murong Jinxin's little white eyed wolf is evil now. He's really afraid that the woman will kill and set fire and make trouble when he leaves for a while. He knows his tears are very precious, fire phoenix thousand exhort ten thousand told him not to cry. But if he didn't cry like that, it would be very difficult for him to have a miracle. Sexy thin lips flat flat, deep eyes began to slowly gather up tears, one by one crystal clear, it seems that at any time may fall from the orbit. A strong sense of grief was immediately diffused in this small world, and even the woman in the ice coffin seemed to feel it. Just as Pluto's tears were about to fall, a white light flashed, and a white shadow slowly emerged in the air“ I know that one day, you son of a bitch will ask me for ten thousand springs for a woman. Alas, my mother's wife has been dead for so many years. How can you make her cry? My mother has already prepared ten thousand springs for you. The place where ten thousand springs are stored is one of the 108 springs at the bottom of ten thousand springs valley. You can find it yourself. If you don't find it, go to your father, who secretly hid many springs behind my back. But it's for you. Don't blame your father. He loves you so much The woman's eyes are very gentle looking at her baby son, with a little helpless smile in the corner of her mouth. What she said is very smooth. One can see that this scene was actually recorded before she died“ Smelly boy, when she was pregnant with you, she knew that you would be a spoony in the future. She believes that you will get the happiness you want. When you are free, bring the woman to her and talk with her. Besides, the heirs of the underworld are too thin. You have to work harder and have more children to make your father happy. Well, I don't have much time for my mother's concubine. I wish my baby well for the rest of my life... "As soon as these words fell, the white shadow in the air disappeared, and the huge tomb became quiet, as if nothing had happened before. The woman in the ice coffin was still motionless, with a warm smile, but tears came out of the corner of her eyes, but she soon drew back“ Mother, don't worry. I will realize your wish for you. When I get married with Jinxin, I will let her have more children, make the underworld bustle, and let my father not be lonely. " This time, Pluto really wanted to cry. He shrunk his nose and took a lot of effort to pull back the tears that were about to fall. His mother's kindness to him is beyond description. Even when he died, he did not forget to prepare some important things for him. His mother's wife is the best in the world. He must make her feel at ease in heaven. He and Jinxin must live happily together, and there must be a lot of children around them... "Concubine, I'm leaving. When I'm finished, I'll take her to see you. After you see her, you will like it... "The underworld once again shook his mother's cold hand, and then gently closed the ice coffin, showing a trace of reluctance in his deep eyes. I'm afraid even animals can feel the light sadness of parting with their mother and concubine. If he can, he also wants to stay with his mother's concubine for a while, but the reality doesn't allow him. He has to fix his own woman first. After saying goodbye to his mother's concubine, the underworld did not dare to stay more and hurried out of the mausoleum. However, his mood is very relaxed. After Wanquan water is found, Jinxin will be able to restore the original appearance. The door of the mausoleum slowly opened and closed again. Instead of going back to the underworld palace, he took another road. That road leads to wanquangu. In the past, he has gone through it thousands of times. About half an hour later, a pleasant sound of spring water came. Hades knew that the valley of ten thousand springs had arrived. He went to a spring, took some spring water and poured it into a dozen bowls beside the spring. Then picked up the side of the two springs refined into a small stick, gently in the more than a dozen bowl of water percussion up. A string of melodious notes flowed from his fingertips and filled the sky of Wanquan valley. It was so beautiful that the pores of the whole body stretched out. When the song was finished, a transparent border appeared in front of the underworld. He pushed it gently and went in