Yuelao Palace

Murong Jinxin's visit obviously surprised Yuelao. Yuelao, who was preparing the red line, was stunned for a while. He quickly put down his work and went out to welcome Murong Jinxin into the palace.

"Murong girl, please have tea."

Month old put a cup of tea in the hands of Murong Jin heart next to the small table, the attitude is very respectful. He is just a little god in heaven, a kind of God who can't even give a banquet to the emperor of heaven. And Murong Jinxin no matter is the identity of Phoenix girl, or the identity of the future Princess Ming, which is he can't stir up.

"Yuelao, you don't have to be so formal. I just want to ask something. I won't eat you."

Murong Jinxin looks at Yuelao, who is obviously uneasy. She looks at a lot of red lines on the table behind Yuelao, eases the look on her face, and opens her mouth gently.

No matter which of the four realms they are in, it's not uncommon for an official to decide his status. Yuelao's official position is not high, and this kind of reaction is also expected by her.

"Murong girl, if you have anything to ask, I will tell her if I know."

Yuelao looked at Murong Jin's heart for a while, and felt that Murong Jin's heart seemed not the same as some of the rumors, and his attitude was very kind. Then he was a little relieved, went back to his position, sat down, picked up the red line on the table and continued to work out.

"I really have only one life relationship with Jun Mo Li?" About the marriage between the little master of the Dragon nationality and the Phoenix girl, she heard the Hades mention it several times. She knew Pluto couldn't cheat her, but she wanted to prove it.

"It's true that there's only one destiny for me, girl. Please see."

The moon is old, and does not talk nonsense. With a dry finger, a red line appears in the air. On both sides of the red line are the names of Murong Jinxin and Junmo glass. The month old swept that red line one eye, very affirmative opened mouth.

"After a lifetime of love, it's impossible to meet again?"

Murong Jin heart staring at the red line for a long time, did not see why, but she is not too tangled. Since Yuelao has confirmed her words, there will be absolutely no fake, which needs no doubt.

"If there are ordinary men and women in the human world, there may be new marriages in samsara. But your situation is very special. The names of you and Hades have been engraved on Sansheng stone by old Hades... "

Yuelao shakes his head. All the men and women whose names are engraved on Sansheng stone, no matter which world, can only be entangled forever. Whether it's a good couple or a resentful couple, it can't change this reality.

"Why did the old underworld choose me? Do you know the inside story? "

For Yuelao, Murong Jinxin has no accident. She has always been a person who takes things as they are. If it's all destined by heaven, she can only accept it. Everything has a definite number. Even if she loves you and Mo Li, she will never violate this law.

"Your fates are interdependent, but you can conquer them, but you can also help them. It all depends on how you choose. Ten years later, Pluto's life and death catastrophe will break out. This outbreak is very terrible. Only you can save Pluto's life. "

Yuelao hesitated for a moment, and decided to tell the truth. This woman is not easy to fool. If he tells a lie, he will not be able to do well. I had to explain the reason that the old Hades had said to him when he came to carve his name. After that, I looked at Murong Jinxin with fear that Murong Jinxin would be affected by his words.

"It means that the old Pluto wanted to use me to keep Pluto, so he carved the name of me and Pluto on the Sansheng stone?"

Murong Jin's eyes flashed like stars. She said, how could old Pluto lead the red line for Pluto for no reason? There was such an inside story. His wishful thinking is very good. Do you think it can restrain her?

She felt that the old Pluto really thought too much. With her current relationship with Pluto, she could not stand by when Pluto was in trouble. There is no need to tie their marriage together.

"The underworld is also very good to the girl. Everything is doomed. I hope the girl doesn't resent the old underworld. Old Pluto has only one son, so it's hard to avoid thinking more about him. The underworld didn't know about it in advance. Don't move your anger to the underworld

Yuelao sighed. Murong Jinxin said it was true that the old underworld was willing to take such a big risk in order to protect his only son. But this is not the point. The point is that the underworld has a good heart for Murong Jin. If they can go on happily, it may not be a good marriage.

"Can the name engraved on Sansheng stone be erased? My marriage doesn't want to be artificial, it just wants to be predestined. "

Murong Jin's heart pondered for a moment, but she also listened to Yuelao's words. It has nothing to do with Pluto, and she can't blame Pluto anyway. However, her life has been manipulated by the God of time and space, and she doesn't want to be manipulated by the old Hades.

"Girl, I don't know. It's not easy to carve a name on Sansheng stone. Only the marriage approved by Sansheng stone can be allowed to engrave the name. In other words, although your marriage with Hades was imposed by the old Hades, it was also approved by Sansheng stone, so it can't be erased... "

Yuelao shakes his head. Since ancient times, no one has ever been able to erase the name of Sansheng stone. Maybe this is the magic of Sansheng stone. It is precisely for this reason that all men and women who want to carve names on Sansheng stone should be very careful. Once the name is engraved, it will determine the future of the couple. About Murong Jinxin and Hades, he thought that they were a good match. There was no need to waste time on these boring things... "Can you take me to have a look?" Murong Jin heart did not show too disappointed expression, just very indifferent looking at the old moon, put forward their own requirements. Now that they've all come, I'm going to have a look. Maybe I can see something else“ Of course, I can. Don't ask the girl to wait for me for a while. I'll weave this marriage thread to take the girl to Tianshan Mountain... "Yuelao looked at the red marriage thread in his hand in some embarrassment. The marriage thread has already been woven half way. If he stops for too long, I'm afraid they will have an accident. Murong Jinxin's business is not very urgent. He thinks he should finish his work first“ Yes, you can be busy first. We're going to Tianshan when we're finished. " Murong Jin nodded and agreed. It's not a big deal to see Sansheng stone, and there's no need to see it immediately. Yuelao also has her own work. At least she has to wait for others to deal with the things on hand“ If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I can answer the girl's questions while knitting marriage lines. There is no conflict. " Yuelao smiles and looks at Murong Jinxin with more gentle eyes. In fact, this Phoenix girl is very good at speaking, and she doesn't have a lady's temper. He likes it very much. It's not easy for a woman of such status to be considerate of others“ Can you weave a marriage line for the devil Idle is also idle, Murong Jinxin drank a few mouthfuls of tea, then remembered what happened in the underworld yesterday. If the demon Zun, the dead man, could make a move on his marriage line, she would not show mercy“ These marriages are predestined by heaven. If the devil is destined to have a marriage, the sky mirror will show it. I can only weave the marriage lines shown by the sky mirror. But you can try to carve the name of the devil and other women's on the Sansheng stone. If you are lucky, you may succeed. " Yuelao very resolutely refused, marriage line is not he want to weave can weave, he want to cut can cut, everything depends on God's meaning, he can't decide at will. But the old underworld once used the method, Murong Jin heart or can try“ In this way, I really have to try that moment... "Murong Jin was disappointed, but she didn't show it. All walks of life have their own rules, and she can only abide by them. She didn't want to see that Yuelao was harmed by her obstinacy“ I've been a Yuelao for so many years. I only saw three pairs of men and women engrave their names on the Sansheng stone. Girls, don't hold too much hope... "Just try. If you take this matter too seriously, I'm afraid that the disappointment will grow. He thinks he still reminds first, lest Murong Jin heart can mood fluctuation too big at that time. They all know about what mozun did, and they can understand why Murong Jin's heart resents mozun“ Well, I know it. I don't take it seriously Murong Jinxin know month is always kind, but month old mouth reported the number but also let her surprised. If she remembers correctly, she has been in office for at least 100000 years. In 100000 years, only three pairs of men and women's names have been engraved. How small is the probability? And she and Hades are a couple. What does that mean“ The girl will arrive at Tianshan soon. If you see the sixth princess, you must be calm. Six princesses have been admiring the underworld for a long time. In order to destroy the marriage between the underworld and the girl, they almost go to Tianshan every day. They just want to erase the name of the underworld girl from the Sansheng stone... "The month old general hung the marriage line in a closed space, and then got up to greet Murong Jinxin and went out. Go a few words, suddenly stopped, deliberately explained Murong Jin heart a few words. When he thought of their Silly Princess, he really didn't agree. It took him tens of thousands of years to draw up the marriage line, but in the end, he still got nothing“ Well, I see. Let's go. " Murong Jinxin's step almost slipped, and she was speechless to the six princesses. It seems that the name engraved on Sansheng stone is really hard to erase. Since someone has done it for her, she still can't get it“ Let's go