
The vast expanse of white, heavy fog, Murong Jin heart and fire phoenix appeared, they were guarding the sky south gate Tianbing stopped.

"Who are you? How dare you break into heaven

The leader of Tianbing came over and looked Murong Jinxin and huofenghuang for several times. He was sure that he didn't know them and didn't see them show the invitation letter of heaven. As long as they are little devils, they want to send them away.

"My name is Murong Jinxin. I'm the Phoenix daughter of the Phoenix family. I'd like to see the emperor of heaven. Please inform me."

Murong Jin heart also didn't feel offended, just looking at the front of Tianbing, look light said a few words. After all, it was she who asked for help from the emperor of heaven. She didn't want to make trouble in heaven.

"Murong Jinxin? The future Princess of Hades? "

The heavenly soldier was obviously surprised. He was stunned for a moment, and then looked Murong Jinxin and Huo Fenghuang several times. Then he asked two questions.

"That's right. If it's fake, it's guaranteed."

Murong Jin's heart twitches, and she can't imagine that even a heavenly soldier in heaven knows him, and that she is the future Princess of the underworld. From this, we can see the influence of the old bastard of the underworld.

"Just a moment. I'll get the message right away."

As soon as Murong Jinxin's identity is measured out, the soldier's attitude makes a 180 degree turn, indicating that Murong Jinxin and huofenghuang are sitting on one side to have a rest, and then they float away.

This is the princess of the underworld. He can't stir up trouble. They know the underworld's character of protecting his short hair very well.

"All walks of life are the same. They are afraid of the underworld. They are afraid to death..."

Fire phoenix floating in the air, rather disdainful looking at that has disappeared without a trace of Tianbing, cold hum. Export words with full of irony, completely did not talk with Murong Jin heart when the slightest bit of respect.

"Well, just say a few words less. We're here to solve things, not to fight."

Murong Jin heart horizontal fire phoenix one eye, for Fire Phoenix words can not be denied. Bullying the soft and fearing the hard is the survival rule of all walks of life. You can only be strong enough not to be bullied. These heavenly soldiers are afraid of her now because of Hades. She believes that one day it will be because of her real strength.

"It's their nature that I Huofeng can say something about them. Who am I Huofeng? I am a part of the God of time and space. They are disrespectful to me, that is, they are disrespectful to the God of time and space. If I make trouble, the emperor of heaven can't help me... "

Fire phoenix doesn't think so. It hasn't been despised so much since it was created. As a God in heaven, it's unreasonable that he doesn't even know it.

Of course, the words of Fire Phoenix are extremely reasonable. In the history of the creation of the three worlds of heaven, hell and devil, the God of time and space and Fire Phoenix will be mentioned. So these heavenly soldiers don't know Huo Fenghuang. In Huo Fenghuang's opinion, they are rebellious.

"OK, you can do it. After a while, you will quarrel with the emperor of heaven. If you can't find a way to summon the curse, don't leave the heaven."

Murong Jin's heart is very speechless nodded, she really did not expect that the fire phoenix's real temperament should be like this, arrogant narcissism to the incomparable, well, she admitted, as the God of time and space, fire phoenix does have this ability, arrogant narcissism.

"That's not good. I have to hurry back to practice Nai..."

Fire phoenix patted his fire red wings, crooked crooked small head, very decisive refused Murong Jin heart. If the emperor of heaven knew that it could make trouble naturally, but if the emperor of heaven didn't know, he would not make trouble even if he died. So the host does not dare to agree to such a condition.

"Then shut your mouth and wait!"

Murong Jin heart turned a big white eye directly, gave Fire Phoenix a warning look in the eyes, saw fire phoenix quiet down, this just didn't say anything, also quietly wait.

The heavenly soldier appeared in front of them again and invited them in respectfully.


Tianjie Hall

The emperor of heaven sat on the chair of heaven, looking at the one person and one phoenix coming in, his turbid old eyes shining with a smile. They did not find fault for themselves, so they were given seats.

"It's rare that you will come to heaven to find me. What can I do for you?"

The emperor touched his beard, but he didn't say anything. As soon as he came out, he went straight to the subject. He knew that if he went to the three treasures hall, the two servants would not come to heaven to chat with him.

"Did you seal up my memory when you saved me? I've forgotten the calling spell of Fengwu Jiutian now. What do you say? "

Murong Jin heart pick eyebrows, for the emperor's impression, not good, not bad. Since the emperor of heaven took the initiative to ask, she also directly said her purpose.

Since she has come to heaven, she doesn't plan to come here for nothing. She must get something useful to herself

"Your memory is not sealed by me, but by your father. When your father sent you to heaven, you were too young. Your father was afraid that you would do something irrational when you grew up with this memory, so he sealed up your memory. So there's nothing I can do about your memory. "

The emperor of heaven opened his hand. Today's Phoenix girl has been able to take charge of her own affairs, and he has nothing to hide. Besides, he knew that since she had come, she must ask something. As long as he is honest, he may leave a good impression on her“ What about my phoenix dance for nine days? I don't remember anything. I can't summon it out of my body at all. I'm practicing a piece of wool Murong Jin heart looked at the emperor for a while, did not see the emperor has any sign of lying, the look on the small face is more ugly. If even the emperor of heaven can't help her, what should she do? Her father didn't know if he was alive, and she didn't know where to find him“ I'm afraid it's a bit of trouble. Don't worry. Let me think of something. Just a moment The emperor of heaven can see Murong Jin's anxiety. Now that she has found here, it means that she has no way out. If I don't help her, I'm afraid the next thing will be in trouble. Feng dance nine days, Murong Jin heart is must cultivate, and the sooner the better“ Go and send the white Venus The emperor of heaven thought for a while, but he didn't come up with any solution, so he wanted to find a way to solve the problem. Taibai Venus has a lot of ghost ideas and wide knowledge. Maybe it can help. A celestial soldier took the order and quickly invited the unwilling Taibai Venus. As soon as Taibai Venus entered the hall, she was not polite and complained directly to the emperor of heaven“ Tiandi, what are you doing? Don't you know I'm alchemy at this time? My elixir is broken. Can you afford the consequences? " Taibai Jinxing touched his gray beard, and his wrinkled face was full of anger. What he hated most in his life was that he was disturbed when he was refining pills. All the gods in heaven know this, but today he is still disturbed. He is so angry. You know what he made today is a strange medicine that no one has ever made successfully in hundreds of thousands of years“ Don't be impatient. I'll come to you. Naturally, there is something more important than alchemy. " As soon as the emperor of heaven drew his lips, he naturally knew that this time was the time for Taibai Venus to make pills, but the affairs of Murong Jinxin and huofenghuang were more important than those of Taibai Venus“ In my eyes, nothing in the world is more important than my alchemy. I came here just to tell you, don't disturb me. I'm refining to the most critical time. " Taibai Venus just ignore the emperor, he is now full of his own baby elixir, even sitting on the side of Murong Jinxin and fire phoenix did not even find. After roaring at the emperor of heaven, he raised his foot and wanted to go out“ Taibai Venus, you dare to take a step forward to see if I dare to spit fire and burn your hair. " In Tiandi egg pain, Murong Jin heart speechless, had been quiet Fire Phoenix power. She clapped her wings, and the sound of "please" rang out in the hall. She was so scared that Venus trembled all over and almost fell to the ground“ You... You... You... You... "As soon as Taibai Venus turned her head, she saw the fire phoenix smiling at him. She stepped back several steps in a row, and her fingers were shaking. Obviously, she was so shocked to see the fire phoenix that she almost didn't blow out her eyes“ What can I do for you? You stay honest with me, or I will destroy your broken Dan smelting furnace, let you make a fart of Dan... "Fire Phoenix's arrogance is very arrogant, it looks down on the sky and is about to cry, Taibai Venus, the winner's posture is revealed. This dead immortal, if he doesn't let him scold, he won't obey“ You broken Phoenix... You destroy my alchemy furnace again... I... I'll fight with you... "After hearing the words of Fire Phoenix, Taibai Venus egg is extremely painful. Some years ago, I inadvertently said some unpleasant words to the Phoenix girl. Then the broken Phoenix killed him in his alchemy room, swallowed all the pills he had worked hard to make, and completely destroyed the alchemy furnace he had formed with his mind. Finally, he set a fire to burn all his hair and beard. Because of this, he became a joke of heaven. For so many years, he was constantly amused by those immortals. If he could not beat the Phoenix, he really wanted to rush to the Phoenix family and bake the broken Phoenix“ Fight with me? Can you beat me? I'm afraid you can't even beat the heavenly soldiers who guard the gate of the Heavenly Kingdom. Come on, my master has something to ask for in heaven today. If you dare to be ungrateful, don't blame me for being impolite. Be honest and stay for me... "