Decision: I am continuing the story as usual

Have a Bonnibelle WIP just for fun.

The poll seems to favor a reboot but realistically that seems suicidal. I believe everyone will go in with preconceived notions about characters and that’ll harm the effectiveness of the blank slate I was hoping to achieve. After a lot of thinking and stressing I have decided to continue the story but will be handling it differently.

Next month I will resume MGS. I am taking a short hiatus until then, but will continue to post art in the Patreon. Join the Patreon if you want to get caught up to chapter 75 while you wait for the new chapters.

In June I will attempt to write 120 chapters and post the first 30 of those to my Patreon at the end of the month. I will post 30 more each month after that until I’m satisfied with the story’s ending: I’ll post at a rate of one chapter per week on SH to encourage people to join the Patreon.

If this doesn’t work to get new patrons I will scrap the story and start something fresh.

Thanks for everyone’s support!