Chapter 1262

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
As soon as the war on the grassland stopped, all parts of the grassland were surging. With the permission of the Tang army, the small tribes were ready to come to Chang'an city to pay tribute as soon as possible. The defeated Xue yantuo was ready to spend a lot of money to ask Tian Khan for understanding, while the Turks had hidden ambition to plunge Datang into civil strife and get rid of Datang's control. However, all these plans will be realized in Chang'an city.

In Chang'an City, yin and Yang looked at the black clouds that had increased out of thin air over Chang'an City and frowned. He had been in Chang'an City for a month, but he had not found any flaws in the Mohist school, let alone the lucky son who could break the situation.

What embarrassed Yin and Yang Zi even more was that instead of being able to win the Mohist school, he was even more lucky in the Mohist village.

Yin Yang Zi turned his head slightly and looked at the tall Mohist building under the dark cloud. His face was full of dignity. Today is the time for Mohist to disclose the method of accurate time, and the towering building is the bottom card of Mohist.

"It's too high for the Mohist school to build such a high building on the mechanism city." a Confucian student gloated.

A merchant nearby sneered: "you are really wishful thinking. The MOH family will not think of this. Since ancient times, any ultra-high building must have special significance, just like the pagoda of Buddhism. It is not the same, but it is allowed by the imperial court."

The Confucian student humed coldly, "it's just a dream. The pagoda is the existence of worshiping the Buddha and communicating with the gods. The Mohists don't believe in ghosts and gods. How can he de be compared with the pagoda."

The merchant smiled mysteriously and said, "you don't know. The over made buildings in the mechanism city were built by the Mohist school to redefine the time. They are called four clocks. The world needs accurate time. Over time, the four clocks are all over the cities of the Tang Dynasty, which is convenient for millions of people. Their scale and function may not be inferior to the Buddhist pagodas."

Pagodas may not exist in every city, but merchants believe that if the Mohist school really builds a practical four-sided clock, it will certainly appear in every city.

"Four bells!" the Confucian scholar was stunned. He looked up at the super-high building above his head and found that the building was indeed visible on all sides. He immediately understood the intention of the four bells.

"Indeed, the Mohist school was a little quick witted. The Taoist school used a sundial to represent time, and the world could only watch closely. The Mohist school would rather surpass the system and build the four clocks as tall as a pagoda. In this way, even if you can see them from a long distance, I'm afraid the Taoist school should have a headache this time." the Confucian gloated. From this point alone, the four clocks are better than the Taoist sundial.

"The sundial has the sun pointing to the time. At most two sides of the four clocks face the sun. How do the two sides of the shade indicate the time?" said a believer.

"It depends on the ability of Mohist school! It's a big deal to use manpower!" the Confucian said with a smile. Even he thought of this method. I believe Mohist school can think of it. In this way, when the three schools compete, Taoism has taken the lead out.


However, before the Confucianists' smile solidified, a huge bell rang from the four clocks. It was obvious that there were Mohist children auditioning in the four clocks.

"It's despicable for the Mohists to copy Taoism and even copy Confucianism!" the Confucianism was angry and defeated the Taoism. The bells in the four clocks were so loud that they could almost spread to half of Chang'an city. It was obviously much better to use the bell instead of the sound of playing watch than to only spread to one street.

"It's not just Taoism and Confucianism. The clock used by the four side clock is the same as the morning clock in the temple. I'm afraid even Buddhism will jump this time." Yin and Yang, who listened attentively, said with a smile.

"Shifu, the Mohist school is really despicable. He first threw out the bait to redefine the time to stimulate the reform time of Taoism and Buddhism, but he combined the strengths of the three schools and beat the others later. There's no need to compete. The Mohist school won this game." the little mage shook his head and sighed.

"The Mohist family is victorious, but it is invincible. I'm afraid neither Taoism nor Confucianism is convinced." Yin-Yang Zi gloated at the way. Yin-yang families are happy to see the success of the contradictions of other 100 families, so that yin-yang families can find their flaws and make use of them.

"The Mohist school is nothing more than that!" the little mage disagreed. Chang'an City used to praise the Mohist school, but now it seems that the Mohist school is just a generation of people who live in camp.

As soon as the little mage's voice fell, he saw the surrounding cloth shrouded in the four clocks falling, and the huge hollow sundial appeared in everyone's eyes.

"That's right!" the little mage couldn't help humming when he saw the sundial pattern in the sky. Confucianism really copied the Taoist sundial. Although the yin-yang school didn't deal with the Taoist school, it had a deep origin after all. The little mage immediately felt the same and fought against injustice.

"No, the Mohist family has some skills. He even gave up the sundial method and used three pointers to replace time. In this way, even the clock face on the back, or cloudy day and night, will not affect the movement of the four clocks, which is further than the sundial method of Taoism." Yin and Yang took a deep breath in his airway, The most powerful thing about mojiazi is that he can go further on the basis of others.

"No matter how powerful it is, it's not copying others." the Confucian student snorted coldly.

"Hour, minute, second!"

Soon, the latest news came that the three hands of the four side clock of Mohism represented hour, minute and second respectively, which was different from the traditional sundial's timing method of hour, inscription, word and second.

"Look, the longest hands of the four clocks are moving!" suddenly there was a cry in the crowd.

"That's the second hand!" someone explained. Every time the second hand moves, it means that time is passing.

"The passing of time is like this. I didn't understand the essence of master before. Now I see that the second hand doesn't move, which means that my life has passed a second." a scholar sighed.

Yin and Yang stared at the second hand and turned with the second hand. However, with the continuous movement of the second hand, his heart was more and more shocked, because he found that the time of each second hand was exactly the same, that is, the smallest time unit of Mohism - second.

"The minute hand is moving too!" exclaimed a sharp eyed people in the crowd.

Yin and Yang's eyes coagulated, and sure enough, he found that with the second hand turning one circle, the medium length minute hand also moved one space. It can be inferred that once the medium length minute hand rotates once, the pointer representing the hour will certainly move to the corresponding position.

"One minute is sixty seconds! It's the same as sixty-one Jiazi's, and every second is extremely accurate." Yin and Yang Zi's face was dignified. The battle over time finally ended with the victory of Mohist Zi, who indeed accurate the smallest unit of time - second.

The Mohists won the battle over time.