Chapter 1217

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
New year's meeting.

In the Tai Chi hall, hundreds of officials gathered, and one or two strange figures appeared in the Tai Chi hall, which surprised all the officials.

"Yizhou order, Hanzhong order!"

When the civil and military officials saw these two figures, they couldn't help but be in an uproar. They didn't expect that Yizhou order and Hanzhong order came together just after the letter of Shu officials arrived. Naturally, there was only one purpose, that is, the plan of Shu Road.

Hanzhong is not far from Chang'an City, so it's not surprising to be able to get to Chang'an City in a short time, while Yizhou is thousands of miles away from Chang'an City, but can get to Chang'an City in the shortest time, which makes people feel the urgency of Yizhou order for the construction of Shu Road.

For a long time, Yizhou's prosperity has been known to the world. However, with the large-scale construction of brick roads, major cities have sprung up. Lanzhou, Kaifeng, and even Hankou, which was not regarded by Yizhou, have faintly surpassed Yizhou. In addition, the imperial court's prohibition of alcohol has made a devastating blow to the wine industry in Sichuan and Sichuan, The original high alcohol tax immediately became empty talk, and the tax in Yizhou plummeted.

In recent years, according to the assessment of the Ministry of officials, county magistrates such as Lanzhou, Kaifeng and Hankou are all superior, but his Yizhou order is medium. If this goes on, he is afraid that the position of Yizhou order will be difficult to protect. How can he not make Yizhou order anxious.

After hearing about the plan of the Mohist School and the difficulty of the Shu Road, Yizhou Ling immediately understood that his opportunity had come. Once he had built the Shu Road and connected the Sichuan and Shu land with Chang'an, Yizhou's development would certainly advance by leaps and bounds. What's more, he could take advantage of the achievements of the Shu Road and rank in the court.

"The minister Yizhou ordered Feng Guan to take the Yizhou people's Wanmin book and pray for your majesty to build the Shu Road." in the Taiji hall, Yizhou ordered Feng Guan to hold the Shu People's Wanmin book and pray for the road. He spoke sincerely and frankly that the Shu people have been suffering for a long time, just like stopping crying blood. All officials in the court were moved.

"Yizhou order is too impatient. The imperial court has long made a decision on this matter. It is too early to build the Shu Road, and it involves the risk of gunpowder leakage, not to mention the huge cost of building the Shu Road. At present, it is simply not feasible to build the Shu Road." Ma Jiayun, the new son of the state, retorted.

Hanzhong ordered Liang Mingzhe to bow down and worship again: "it's not that the officials are anxious, but that the land of Shu can't wait. As we all know, there are four roads from Chang'an to Sichuan and Shu. The first is the well-known Jinniu Road. The Jinniu Road is the shortest, but the most dangerous. This is where mohou's poem Shu Road is difficult and difficult to go to the blue sky."

The officials nodded slightly. Although they were in the court, they still heard of the golden bull road for a long time.

"In addition, there are Ziwu Road, Baoxie road and Chencang road. These roads into Sichuan are either long distance or dangerous terrain, which is not conducive to road construction, and all can not be opened to traffic. They can only be transported by horsemen. If the Shu Road can be built, it will certainly change the history of no traffic in Sichuan and Sichuan for thousands of years," said Ling in Hanzhong.

Even the small Lanzhou Ling can become a new upstart in the political arena of the Tang Dynasty by virtue of the Longhai line. If he can build the Shu Road, his future achievements in Hanzhong will not be inferior to Lanzhou. At least now, the output of the whole Sichuan and Shu region is far greater than that of the whole northwest region, and even the western region is not as important as that of Sichuan and Shu.

Yizhou Ling bowed: "Since ancient times, during the Warring States period, Qin gained a great deal of strength in Sichuan and Shu, and finally unified the six countries. When Chu and Han fought for hegemony, Liu Bang dormant in Shu, built plank roads in the open and concealed way, and ruled the world. When the Tang Dynasty was founded, Sichuan and Shu paid money and people, and made great contributions. Since ancient times, the fate of Sichuan and Shu has been linked with Guanzhong. Now there is a plan for Shu roads, The land of Sichuan and Sichuan will soon be connected with Guanzhong. I believe you know more about the significance of this than you do when you are in the court. "

The princes of the court were silent one after another. Naturally, they knew the benefits, but if they passed the Shu Road plan, their plan to restrict Mohism would fail.

"The secret of gunpowder is too important to the Tang Dynasty, and the risk of leakage is too great." Li Ji still hesitated and objected.

Feng Guan said proudly, "the country is always solid in virtue, not in danger. Gunpowder is indeed important, but in the past, our Datang did not have gunpowder, which still deterred the four sides, let alone mohou has proposed to establish an engineering camp to avoid the risk of gunpowder leakage."

"However, as mohou said, the ultimate purpose of military ink technology is for civilian use. Whether it is to resist the enemy or blow up mountains and build roads, it is the supreme achievement of gunpowder." Hanzhong Ling continued.

Merton couldn't help cheering secretly. These officials really said that they said that all the officials in the Manchu Dynasty were speechless. It seems that he had the right choice to let the officials in Sichuan and Sichuan come forward.

"To build the road out of Sichuan is actually a dream of Sichuan for thousands of years. Please have mercy on the wishes of the people in Sichuan for thousands of years." Yizhou Ling and Hanzhong Ling pleaded bitterly.

Listening to the cry of Yizhou Ling and Hanzhong Ling, and thinking about the plight of Sichuan and Shu for thousands of years, the Minister of civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty couldn't help sighing and could no longer disobey the plan of Shu Road. They could besiege mojiazi alone, but they couldn't continue to besiege millions of surnames in Sichuan and Shu.

Zhang Liang, the Minister of the Ministry of industry, frowned and said: "According to the proposal of Mo liquor offering office, it needs to dig nearly 10 tunnels, more than 10 bridges, not to mention the number of Huanshan roads, to build Shu roads from the interception of Jinniu Road and Baoxie road. However, the quantities of the construction of Shu roads from Chencang road or Ziwu road are much smaller. I don't know why Mo liquor offering is willing to seek far and easy, but it shouldn't be because this new Shu Road is through Mohism The village! "

Zhang Liang, the Minister of the Ministry of industry, felt that since he could not stop the Shu Road plan from the general righteousness, he attacked the Shu Road plan from the private morality.

All of a sudden, the officials of Manchu Dynasty looked aside at the Mohist School and saw Merton stand out and say: "You only see the difficulties of the Shu Road plan, but you don't realize the benefits of the Shu Road plan. Intercepting Jinniu Road and Baoxie road to build a new Shu Road is the nearest road. It's only 700 miles from Chang'an city to Hanzhong City. The new Shu Road can take other routes, but it will be more than 500 miles from Chencang road or Ziwu road I'm afraid the cost of Baili road is not a small number. Since the costs of the three roads are almost the same, why don't we choose the nearest one? Once the new Shu Road is completed, the time from Chang'an city to Hanzhong can be shortened from the original ten days to one day and one night, and the vehicles and horses don't stop all the way. "

"Go to Sichuan day and night! Cars and horses don't stop!" Yizhou Ling and Hanzhong Ling burst into tears. What a miracle it will be. Not only will the time to go in and out of Sichuan and Sichuan be greatly reduced, but also the means of transportation have been changed from manpower to vehicles and horses, and the carrying capacity has been greatly increased. The benefits are unspeakable.