Chapter 1210

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
"May the world not attack!"

After the ink art exhibition, everyone couldn't calm down for a long time. Before that, the world recognized that military ink technology was a killing technology, and everything served the war. This ink art exhibition once again subverted everyone's three views.

Military ink technology is not only a killing technology, but also a civilian ink technology that benefits the people all over the world. For a while, people can no longer stand at the commanding height of morality to criticize the Mohist's research and development of military ink technology.

Because these military ink technologies are the most advanced ink technologies, even if a little leakage from the fingers is enough, the benefits of civil ink technology are infinite.

"Zipper, stainless steel! Matches!"

Out of the venue of the ink technology exhibition, there was the exhibition booth of the latest ink technology of Mohism, the latest style of ink clothes with zippers, shiny stainless steel tableware, and a packet of matches for a penny, which immediately caused people's crazy robbery. Fortunately, Mohist village had been prepared for it, which was sufficient supply.

"A pack of matches for a penny! I didn't expect that Tangtang Mojia village would produce such cheap products." in the box of the ink technology exhibition, Li Shimin sneered at the crazy rush of people.

One side of Merton was embarrassed and said with a smile: "Your Majesty misunderstood the Mohist village. Matches are things that benefit the people. Naturally, they can't be sold at a high price. The Mohist village can keep its principal!"

Match is the best example of Mohist school to prove military ink technology and civilian use. Naturally, it should be mainly cheap and affordable. Mohist School naturally wants to promote it all over the world at the most favorable price.

Li Shimin thought of the lighter that Merton showed in front of him. He knew that the Mohist village guaranteed the principal on the match and must want to make money on the lighter to make up for it.

Li Shimin took out a match, lit it gently, smelled the familiar smell of gunpowder, and asked again, "match gunpowder really won't reveal the gunpowder formula."

Merton said confidently, "don't worry, your majesty. The main feature of match gunpowder is flammability. The main component used is phosphorus. It's impossible to make gunpowder. Ministers are deliberately describing match gunpowder as a weakened version of gunpowder. The main purpose is to take the opportunity to lead some spies from other countries to spy on the secret recipe of gunpowder in the Tang Dynasty."

"I see. I said gunpowder could not be used for civilian use." Li Shimin said with confidence.

Merton felt guilty and said, "it's not impossible."

"Can it really be used for civilian use?" Li Shimin was surprised. He couldn't believe it. Looking at Merton, the biggest effect of gunpowder is lethality. How can it be used for civilian use.

Merton nodded and said, "Your Majesty knows the story of Yugong moving the mountain."

"Yugong moves mountains!" Li Shimin's heart moved. Yugong moves mountains. No one knows. In particular, Yugong's spirit inspires generations after generations.

Merton sighed: "there are too many mountains similar to the king's house Taihang in the world, and many people have difficulty in traveling. Now Datang can build a bridge and solve the problem of rivers blocking traffic. I think it's time to solve the problem of mountains blocking traffic. Gunpowder is the key thing."

"You mean to use gunpowder to open the mountain!" Li Shimin moved in his heart.

Merton said proudly: "As long as we have enough gunpowder, it's not impossible to blow up the mountain! Of course, we can't waste so much. With explosives, we can blow up rocks, open roads around the mountain along the hillside, and build bridges in low-lying areas. In fact, we can also blow up caves and dig tunnels in case of high mountains. From then on, there will be no mountains blocking traffic in the world. I'll pay in Datang Unobstructed. "

"This......" Li Shimin suddenly felt a wave of emotion. Peng Bai didn't expect that gunpowder could be so effective. The mountain blocking traffic is a problem for thousands of years. Now it has been solved once. How can he not be excited.

"How much does it cost! How do you feel that your boy has been biting me again!" Li Shimin couldn't help looking at Merton suspiciously. Before he met Merton again, the Treasury of the Tang Dynasty was abundant. Since the emergence of Merton, although the Tang Dynasty has made rapid progress in using the ink technology of the Mohist school, the place where it spends money has doubled. Although its wealth has increased year by year, it still can't make ends meet. If Merton now proposes to use gunpowder to open mountains and build roads, the cost is probably an astronomical figure.

Merton was almost torn down by Li Shimin. He was guilty and hard spoken. "Opening mountains and roads is a matter of merit in the contemporary era and benefit in the future. At the beginning of that year, the emperor built the great wall and the emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty built the Grand Canal. In the end, it was not built with the strength of the whole country. Today, the Tang Dynasty still benefits a lot. The same is true for opening mountains and roads."

Li Shimin glared and said, "what sin should you compare me to those tyrants!"

Merton stood up and said, "although the first emperor and the Sui Yang emperor were tyrants, they were not tyrants. Of course they had, but no one denied the achievements of the great wall and the Grand Canal. Now if the whole country in the Tang Dynasty builds bridges in case of water and opens mountains in case of mountains, and makes the world unimpeded, his Majesty's achievements must be comparable to those of the two."

"I'm afraid the cost of opening mountains and roads is comparable to that of the great wall and the Grand Canal. You're not afraid that I will die when I step into the Tang Dynasty and die in the Qin and Sui dynasties!" Li Shimin frowned. Naturally, no one denies the achievements of the super project. If it is well built, the national strength will double, and if it is not well built, the world will turn against me.

"They didn't pay attention to Mohism in the two dynasties. They didn't have advanced ink technology as a support. They piled it all on human life, which made everyone in the world turn against it. Now, the ink technology in the Tang Dynasty is greatly promoted. Gunpowder is used as a power to pave the mountain and pave the road, coupled with various Mohist mechanical assistance. As long as your majesty is not eager for quick success and instant benefits, there will be no harm at all." Merton smiled.

Li Shimin's face slowed down a little. What Merton said is true. Using Mohist machinery alone is enough to surpass the power of ten people. Some heavy work can be replaced by machinery. There will not be too many people casualties at all. Naturally, there will be no huge resentment among the grain grass people in the Qin and Sui dynasties. Of course, the only disadvantage is that they spend a lot of money.

"You really deserve the title of a black sheep. You don't even have me. You will spend money!" Li Shimin thought of the huge money needed to open mountains and build roads. He was very self-discipline and didn't even want to build a palace since he ascended the throne. However, the Mohist school was often tens of thousands, or even more, which was more generous than his emperor.

When Merton heard Li Shimin's reprimand, he didn't care. Li Shimin just loves spending money, which shows that Li Shimin is excited, and money is the most important thing for an emperor.

"Let's take a break on the matter of opening the mountain with gunpowder! Take advantage of the great court meeting at the end of the year to discuss it." Li Shimin was finally persuaded. The construction of brick road made Datang see the benefits of convenient transportation, and the construction of Weishui bridge represents that Datang has found a way to conquer rivers. Now it's time to conquer mountains.

"Yes!" Merton said solemnly. He is the firearms supervisor, who controls the gunpowder in the world. Gunpowder must be used to open mountains and build roads. It is most appropriate for him to write a letter.

The ink technology exhibition shows the civilian use of military ink technology only to the ordinary people. This time, he will be in the court hall to let all officials see how amazing military ink technology is as a civilian.