Chapter 1113

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
When Merton arrived at the big tent of the Chinese army, almost all the generals arrived at the same time. They had left Chang'an City for half a year. Obviously, they were very urgent about the news of Chang'an city.

Seeing that the generals came one after another, Hou Junji, the leader, nodded and stretched out his hand. The three messengers handed over the sealed documents in their hands. Hou Junji inspected them and opened them in public after confirming that they were correct.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your majesty is very pleased after our good news reached Chang'an city. He is very satisfied with our rapid calming of Gaochang. After returning to the court, he will certainly reward us on merit." Hou Junji couldn't help feeling excited when he looked at the court's documents.

The generals couldn't help showing a proud look on their faces. They were so proud that they could calm Gaochang so quickly. Now they were pleased to hear Li Shimin's praise.

"This is what the last generals should do." the generals bowed their hands to Chang'an city one after another, but the smile on their faces could not be covered up. Many people began to secretly calculate that after returning to Korea this time, their merit could be promoted to several levels.

Subsequently, Li Shimin exempted the generals from the imperial edict, and finally mentioned the most important thing, that is, the disposal of Gaochang.

"Gao Chang secretly provoked border trouble and intended to block the silk road. It was an unforgivable crime. Nian Zai Ju Wentai was dead. Qu Zhisheng had just succeeded to the throne. He was granted a special amnesty and granted Qu Zhisheng general zuowuwei and Duke of Jincheng county. He went to Chang'an city to take office in the DPRK a few days ago." Hou Junji read aloud.

The generals couldn't help but frown. What mojiazi said was true. The chaotang either made Gaochang another king or set up counties. It seems that the chaotang chose the second one.

Sure enough, Hou Junji continued to read: "I want to follow the Han Dynasty and set up a capital guard house in Gaochang, called Anxi capital guard house. In the near future, officials of the capital guard house will rush to Gaochang."

"Anxi capital guard house!" the generals suddenly understood the meaning of the imperial court. I'm afraid the imperial court didn't like this barren Gaochang thousands of miles away. The greater reason for setting Anxi capital guard house is to clamp down on Western Turks.

At the thought of this, people couldn't help looking at mojiazi more. It's not for no reason that this boy has become a popular man in the eyes of his majesty. If you want to clamp down on Western Turks, you must station a certain number of troops in Gaochang, which requires a lot of food, grass and military pay. Originally, the court was ready to pay blood, but it didn't think that mojiazi had paved the way for the court, I'm afraid a secret skill of raisins is enough to solve most of the food and salary problems. It's a great help to the imperial court!

"Your Majesty is wise!" the generals said in unison.

As a military general, he is most afraid of the stability of the world and puts his swords and guns into the warehouse. Now Li Shimin has not stopped conquering Gaochang, but set his goal on the West Turks, which shows that Li Shimin will continue to pay attention to military generals, which is what military generals really value.

"Since your majesty wants to set up anxidu escort, how about we set the address of anxidu escort in Gaochang city?" Hou Junji suggested.

"However, Gaochang city is the most powerful city in the western regions. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is indeed the best place for Anxi capital to protect the government." the generals on one side agreed one after another. Nodded in agreement with Hou Junji's proposal.

However, Merton shook his head and said, "the end general thinks that although Gaochang city is the first male city in the western regions, it is not the best place for anxidu's palace guard."

Hou Junji frowned when he heard Merton's opposition. However, after Merton broke the city with one blow, his obvious status had risen greatly. Even Hou Junji had to pay attention to it. At present, he suppressed his dissatisfaction and asked, "please speak frankly if you have anything to say about the ink sacrifice."

Merton looked around and said, "we are the winners in Gaochang city. However, no matter what reason we attack Gaochang City, they are all victims and will be hostile to us. Especially in this war, there are not many people killed or injured in Gaochang city."

Xin liaoer could not help nodding. In the war under Gaochang City, although the Tang army suffered many casualties, the Tang army won. The casualties in Gaochang were at least several times that of the Tang army. The families of the dead and wounded soldiers naturally resented the Tang army.

"Second, Gaochang city is the most powerful city in the western regions, so Anxi capital guard can't be chosen here. Once the residence of capital guard is determined, it will certainly become the focus of Gaochang. Gaochang city is already the most powerful city in the western regions and the capital of Gaochang, which has special meaning for the people of Gaochang, so the residence choice of capital guard in the western regions should try to avoid Gaochang city." Merton continued.

The generals nodded one after another. At present, Gaochang is initially determined. The best way for Datang is to slowly weaken the meaning of Gaochang City, so that it can truly subordinate to Datang.

"In terms of ink sacrifice, where should the western region's Du Hu be? Could it be just to choose a small town?" Hou Junji frowned.

Merton shook his head and said, "among the twenty-two cities of Gaochang, one city is not inferior to Gaochang, that is Jiaohe City."

"Jiaohe City." the generals thought of this majestic city. Jiaohe City was originally the capital of Cheshi state, and its city defense is only slightly inferior to Gaochang city.

Merton said proudly, "yes, it's Jiaohe City. When our army set out for the war, it was in the name of revenge for the cheshiguo. The general was appointed by his majesty as the chief manager of Jiaohe road army. When the army captured the cities, the people of other cities in Gaochang resisted the Tang army. Only Jiaohe City was grateful to the Tang Dynasty. It can be said that our army won the hearts of the people in Jiaohe City."

The generals were embarrassed. The hostility of other cities in Gaochang to the Tang army was not only that they destroyed Gaochang, but also their looting.

"In addition, your majesty naturally positioned the name of the capital guard as Anxi capital guard. Naturally, the closer the city is to the west, the more it can frighten the western countries and Western Turks.

"I'll seconded it. Since your majesty has appointed the general as the general manager of Jiaohe River, it's reasonable for Anxi Du's guard house to be located in Jiaohe City." Xin Liao Er rarely agrees with the Mo family, and doesn't forget to flatter Hou Junji again.

Hou Junji thought carefully and thought of what Tang Jun had done in Gaochang. He not only sighed in his heart, but also made such a comparison. Jiaohe City is indeed the best location of Anxi Du protectorate.

"In that case, the Anxi capital's guard house will be located in Jiaohe City." Hou Junji made a firm decision and finally accepted Merton's proposal.

"Since chaotang has decided to set up the western regions capital guard, what should qu Zhisheng do?" suddenly Xue Wanjun mentioned another key figure in Gaochang City, Qu Zhisheng, the former king of Gaochang.

Hou Junji laughed and said, "since the imperial court has granted Qu Zhisheng the title of Jincheng County Duke, we will be colleagues from now on. Naturally, we can't treat him as before. Come and convey your Majesty's will to Jincheng County Duke. Don't wait for him.

The generals couldn't help laughing. Naturally, they knew that Qu Zhisheng, the Duke of Jincheng County, was an empty name, and his status was inferior to that of Jieli Khan in those days. If his Majesty was established as the king, they might be afraid of robbing Gaochang. However, now Qu Zhisheng is about to become an official in the DPRK, they can't turn over any noise at all.

"The Duke of Jincheng County!"

In a side hall of Gaochang palace, after Qu Zhisheng got the will of Chang'an City, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and quickly kowtowed to Chang'an City: "thank you for your grace!"

These days, Qu Zhisheng was extremely frightened. He was afraid that a will would come from Chang'an city to behead him in public. Now the dust finally fell to the ground. After the Tang people left, Qu Zhisheng collapsed to the ground.

After a long time, he suddenly changed from joy to sorrow, fell on the ground and cried. Gaochang spread the country for more than 100 years. Finally, he became the king of the subjugated country less than a month after Qu Zhisheng reigned.