Chapter 1049

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
The next day.

Deng Ling got up early. When they stepped out of the inn, they were immediately attracted by the bustling Chang'an city. They stepped on a bus that could take only a penny, passed the crowded Bank of Mojia village, and finally arrived at the destination of their trip, Mojia organ city.

"The legendary Mohist mechanism city is hidden among the mountains. It is inaccessible and has many mechanisms. It is an invincible castle. How dare the Mohists call it the Mohist mechanism city." Xiao Dengkui sighed at the blue glass tall building reflecting the snow.

"Whether it is worthy of the name, you can tell at a glance!" Deng long did not rush to a conclusion and led the crowd into it.

Half an hour later, Deng Ling's line of people came out of the Mohist mechanism city. They all looked dignified and said nothing. They were obviously conquered by the ink technology inside.

"Public loser's safe year-end promotion, welcome to buy!"

Suddenly, there was a Hawking sound nearby, which attracted the attention of Deng Ling's family. When they looked around, they saw that on the first floor of the Mohist mechanism City, several shops were rented by the public loser and sold the public loser's safe.

"It's humiliating for the Mohist family to have colluded with the public loser." Xiao Dengkui said angrily. It's well known that the Mohist family and the public loser are enemies for thousands of years, and the Mohist family even let the public loser appear in the Mohist mechanism city. Isn't it leading the wolf into the room?

Deng long said helplessly, "second martial brother, this is not a thousand years ago, and Mozi won the fight in the chaotang of the state of Chu a thousand years ago."

"That's a public loser!" Xiao Dengkui still couldn't accept it.

Deng long said with a smile: "public losers can accept it. What can't you do? Go and see the unique skills of public losers."

"If you want to buy a lock or a door, or a safe, the public loser can guarantee that as long as you use the public loser's lock, it is enough to ensure the safety of your door and make people in thousands of doors come in with a smile and leave with a cry."

When a pedestrian enters the shop of a public loser, a public loser comes forward. Even if Deng Long and others are a notable Mohist dress, the losers of the public losers still have no taboo to avoid introducing the advanced nature of locks.

Deng long and others observed around. Although they didn't buy it, the public loser's children were polite and waved goodbye.

"The public loser's memory is really superb. Ordinary locks are like a treasure in our hands, and the public loser's locks need at least two quarters of an hour. As for the locks combined with the door, it takes at least half an hour to open, and I'm afraid the master himself can't do anything about the safe." Deng long sighed. What he didn't know was that he thought they were from thousands of doors, Among the top craftsmen, locks don't have much secret for them. It's enough to stop for two quarters of an hour. After all, people in Qianmen can't stay in front of the door for two quarters of an hour. That's too risky.

Ordinary locks are more than enough for ordinary families. As for rich families, the safe is enough to ensure that their property is safe. Just a moment ago, the public loser had at least a dozen transactions, of which at least three are safe boxes of value.

The heavy box, thick steel bolt and precision lock need triple keys. With the existing tools of Datang, Deng long can't think of anything that can open such a precise and solid safe.

"It's not long before the public losers are thriving!" Xiao Dengkui said.

Although it is not recognized, the public losers are indeed unique in safety, and their overall strength is far better than that of Deng Ling.

"There's only one last stop left, Weishui bridge." Deng Ling's disciples said silently one after another.

The party rented a carriage and soon got out of the west gate. The carriage went all the way along the brick road and soon reached a huge construction site.

"This is the Weishui bridge!"

Deng long and others were shocked when they looked at the steel bridge in front of them. Today, the Weishui bridge is nearly completed, the main body is fully completed, two towering piers are set up, and huge steel cable suspended bridges span both sides of the Weishui river. Anyone who sees it will be shocked.

"I'm afraid this is the best bridge in the world!" Deng long exclaimed. Deng Ling's family has helped build many bridges in Jiangnan, but all their bridges together have no qualification compared with this bridge.

"Who would have thought that this bridge was built by a man in a wheelchair." Xiao Dengkui looked up at the five storey tall building beside the bridge. Even if they heard the story of contemporary Boya Ziqi in Jiangnan.

Before, they just listened in front of gossip. When they saw their great masterpiece in person, they understood how much their contribution was.

During the journey back to Chang'an City, there was silence in the car. When they were in Jiangnan, they couldn't help being complacent about their achievements and thought that the other three were just the same. However, when they came in person and saw the achievements of one family, they realized that the Deng Ling family was really arrogant. All three of them had made innovation and made great progress, But only Deng Ling's pulse is still eating its old capital.

When they returned to the inn, they found that the Mohist children who had been driving had been waiting. Seeing the people coming back, they hurriedly greeted them and said, "you are back. Tomorrow's ink technology exhibition will begin. This is the invitation letter for the ink technology exhibition. Please put it away. The ink technology exhibition will begin at 3:45 tomorrow morning. Please arrive at the ink technology exhibition in the south of the city on time."

"Please tell the elder martial sister that I, Deng Ling, will definitely arrive on time!" Deng long and others solemnly accepted the invitation and never showed their pride when they came again.

At night, the whole dengling family didn't want to sleep. It was not easy to wait until dawn and get up one after another. All the martial brothers had two dark circles under their eyes.

With a tacit smile, they washed one after another, boarded the carriage already prepared, and ran quickly to the south of the city,

All the way to the south of the city, the carriages gradually gathered and soon became a huge traffic flow. The scene was very spectacular. Everyone had only one destination, that is, the ink technology exhibition.

With a squeak, the carriage stopped slowly, and the ink art exhibition finally arrived. Deng Ling's children got off the carriage and found that many people had gathered here.

In addition to the ordinary lucky ones invited, more are craftsmen with rough hands and dark faces.

"At that time, this place was only the turnover station for mojiazi to sell live fish, and later it was the trading of artificially hatched chicken, duck and goose cubs. After years of development, this formed today's ink technology exhibition." a Chang'an people took delicious eggs in their hands and said while eating. This is a traditional snack still preserved after previous ink technology exhibitions.

"And it is said that after each ink technology exhibition, there will be an exhibition hall here, which are all samples of the first generation of ink technology. We can't miss it." an invited craftsman said excitedly.

They are craftsmen from all over the world. Although they are well-known, they are limited to the local area. Now they are personally invited by the ink technology exhibition, which is a great honor and represents the recognition of the Mohist school. When they go back, they will be famous in all directions and have countless benefits.

"Let's go! Let's go and have a look at the progress of the ink technology exhibition from generation to generation." Deng Longdao said that the ink technology exhibition is just fun and fun for ordinary people. It is quite commemorative for craftsmen, and for them, it is a step to understand the development of Mojia village.

When they start with the secret skills of live fish, they follow the flow of people to small hole imaging, artificial incubation technology, and finally wooden cattle and horses.

"All the breakthrough ink art exhibitions are hosted by Mo Jiazi. In the past three years, Wu Meiniang's ink art exhibitions have not made much breakthrough. Most of them are the improvement of the original ink art." Deng long said with a calm face.

Xiao Dengkui sneered: "I said that the so-called great elder martial sister of Mohism is just a false name."

Deng long shook his head and said, "no, I think it's a more terrible side. After three years of dormancy, the Mohist insisted on hosting this ink technology exhibition. It didn't sound for three years. It was a blockbuster. Mohist even improved wooden cattle and horses. But think about this ink technology exhibition, how amazing Mohist's sound will be."

All of them were fascinated. They could not help but look forward to and fear this ink technology exhibition. What they expected was to see the wonderful ink technology. What they were afraid of was that once the ink technology exhibition was over, the prestige of the Mojia village would certainly rise to a higher level, and how should Deng Ling's pulse be dealt with.

"Let's enter. It's natural to know whether the ink family is bluffing or worthy of the name after the ink technology exhibition." Deng longlang said, taking the lead in walking to the venue of the ink technology exhibition.