Chapter 805

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
Debate machine carefully tasted mojiazi's Bodhi rest. He was not depressed. No one thought that mojiazi had made a Bodhi rest completely opposite to Shenxiu Buddhism, but so full of Buddhism.

However, Shenxiu's Bodhi rest is also extraordinary. It is absolutely impossible for him to admit defeat in this way. At present, the defense machine said in a loud voice: "the Buddha told Ananda: 'all Bodhisattvas in that country should make amends in their whole life. In addition to their original wish, they should be solemn for all living beings by making great vows of merit and virtue, and want to spend all living beings'

The monks nodded after hearing the speech. This is the content of the Buddhist "wuliangshou Sutra", which is the Buddhist concept of universal life. The argument to quote the "wuliangshou Sutra" is the dissatisfaction and counterattack against the Mohist son's restriction of the number of Buddhists with an ultimatum.

Upon hearing this, Merton retorted, "Ananda is one of the top ten disciples of the Buddha. I happen to know one of the allusions again. It is said that Ananda, a disciple of the Buddha, met a girl in the Tao before becoming a monk and has been in love with her ever since. The Buddha asked him how much you like this girl."

Ananda replied, "I would like to incarnate as a stone bridge and be exposed to the wind, sun and rain for five hundred years, but I ask the girl to walk over the bridge."

Merton's voice is full of magnetism, so that everyone can't help being immersed in this love story full of Zen. Even if the monks have been practicing for many years, they can't help shaking their hearts when they hear this story. The last time they felt this, I'm afraid it was when Liang Zhuhong spread all over the world. In addition, nothing else can touch the heartstrings of the monks.

Master Huiyuan was moved again. Although they had never heard of the story told by Mohist Zi, they all thought that the Mohist ancestors brought it back from Tianzhu without doubt. Moreover, this story is full of philosophy, which is just in line with the Zen theory of Buddhism.

What is more surprising is that in the story, the Buddha Ananda spent 500 years for a woman, competing with the Buddhist concept of universal living quoted by the defense machine. However, such a contradictory conflict is so harmonious in the Buddhism.

"One can live for 500 years for the sake of the world. Ananda is worthy of my Buddha." master farIn affirmed the story of Mozi without hesitation. Of course, he knows how good such allusions have had on Buddhism. Mozi is famous for its classic allusions written by Mozi, Naturally, Buddhists will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"I would like to be incarnated as a stone bridge!" although the debate machine has extraordinary wisdom, the Buddha's heart is not firm, and his mind almost collapses when he hears the speech.

Liang Zhu's story, the love story between Mohist and Princess Changle, and the Buddha Ananda's stone bridge love, both of them are envied by people. In particular, Ananda's stone bridge love makes the gap of the Buddha's heart of the defense machine crack again. Love, the most beautiful emotion in the world, has been completely lost before he has tasted the defense machine. How can he be reconciled.

Fortunately, the defense machine also knew that he was very solemn at the moment, did not make a fool of himself in public, and tried to suppress his evil thoughts. He insisted: "the Buddha said, I don't go to hell, and all living beings suffer if anyone goes to hell. Only my Buddha enters the world to save all living beings. Although my Buddhist family has been robbed twice, it is just a test of the Buddhist family by the Buddha! Even if there will be a third Buddhist disaster, the Buddhist family is not afraid."

Although this argument is unreasonable, it has been approved by many monks. The Buddhists wantonly expand the monks and nuns and allow the people to rely on the land. Although it damages the interests of the imperial court, it is a just move to save the suffering and difficulties. After all, most of the monks attached to the Temple are desperate people, but because the Buddhists can survive, this is great mercy.

Merton was silent in his heart. Of course, he knew that this was probably the voice of many monks. After all, Buddhism calls compassion. If he doesn't save his life, I'm afraid his Buddhist heart will collapse.

"Before coming here, Mo once read the historical materials of the two previous Buddhist dharma disasters. It was a pity for the Buddhist family, but there were some unruly people who damaged the reputation of the Buddhist family. With emotion, he wrote a Buddhist" clear rules "in the hope of helping the Buddhist family." Merton Lang said.

"Buddhist Qinggui"

Suddenly, everyone looked at Merton with a dull face. You know, Merton is a child of the Mohist School and even came to write Buddhist scriptures.

Moreover, as Mohist Tzu said just now, before the Tang Dynasty, Buddhists had always translated Tianzhu scriptures. There had never been a Chinese monk, but they dared to say they wrote scriptures. Now this honor was preempted by an outsider.

"The Mohist school is too arrogant. You are not afraid to defile the Buddha!" the defense machine was furious and said sarcastically.

Other monks also looked indignant. Even mojiazi was just in front of the pearl jade that mojiazi had just rested with Bodhi, which made the monks more rational and didn't lift the table on the spot.

"I'd like to listen to the scriptures of benefactor mo." master Huiyuan said eagerly.

"The jungle prospers by doing nothing. It is safe to practice by chanting Buddha. It is the first to be diligent and keep precepts. It is the soup medicine to reduce food for diseases." as Merton blurted out the rules and regulations one by one, the angry faces of the monks gradually disappeared and moved again. This regulation seems to restrict Buddhism one by one, but each one is very consistent with the concept of Buddhism.

A group of monks looked at mojiazi in horror. The repeated robberies of Buddhism have something to do with the savage development of Buddhism. If such rules and regulations can restrain monks, I believe Buddhism can flourish.

"If I'm a Buddhist, I should build an ancient temple in the famous mountain and meditate every day to understand Buddhism." Merton was moved.

The debate machine didn't believe the words of the Mohist School and couldn't help but curl up. If you were in the mountains, I'm afraid you couldn't even eat. Where would you still understand Buddhism.

Merton ignored the strange eyes of the monks and continued: "in the ancient temple in the deep mountain, the winding path leads to the secluded place, and the Buddhist temple has deep plants and trees. Open up a field behind the temple and cultivate it yourself. Don't cultivate one day and don't eat one day. In this way, you can practice the Tao."

"The winding path leads to the secluded place, and the flowers and trees in the meditation room are deep." the debate Machine stumbled, and Mo Jiazi blurted out another poem full of Buddhism.

"One day no farming, one day no food." master Huiyuan did not care about the poem, but once again moved by Merton's idea.

Merton's idea is tailor-made for Shaolin. Shaolin is located in Songshan mountain. In addition to the temple field rewarded by Li Shimin, there are many fields opened up by himself in the back mountain. In this way, Shaolin is self-sufficient and self reliant. Isn't it a holy land for Buddha cultivation.

"You let me go to the Buddhist family to plough!" the debate Machine said with an incredible face. Other monks also showed disapproval. They only need to chant scriptures and meditate every day in Chang'an temple, and they can have a lot of incense money to come to the door. Where can they still plough the land.

Merton said, "save yourself before you save others. You can be upright only when you are upright. If Buddhism is a mud Bodhisattva crossing the river, you can't protect yourself. How can you save the suffering of all sentient beings."

What Merton said was merciless, and many monks suddenly blushed. If they can't stand this pain, where can they talk about the ideal of the great wish of popularizing the law.

"Benefactor Mo is really brilliant. If benefactor Mo is willing to join our Buddhist family, the Buddhist family will have a vacant seat as the sixth ancestor of Zen." master Huiyuan said solemnly.

"The throne of the sixth ancestor!" the monks couldn't help shouting. You should know that all schools of Buddhism are rampant. None of the five ancestors of Zen is a profound Buddhist monk. This five ancestor is Hongren, the master of Shenxiu. Other schools are eyeing the position of the sixth ancestor. No one thought that master Huiyuan had such a high evaluation of mojiazi.

Moreover, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Although the Buddhist family has declined, it is much more prosperous than the Mohist family. The position of the sixth ancestor is not inferior to the current position of the Mohist family.

Merton said with a wry smile: "Mo still has a new wife as his partner. The wish of Mohist revival has not been fulfilled. I'm afraid he will live up to the kindness of the master."

He can also say that he has no meat every day and can't stand the rules and regulations he just said.

Hearing Mohist's rejection, even if he was prepared, master Huiyuan sighed with regret, while the other monks were relieved.