Chapter 481

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
"What the hell is going on?"

Li Shimin's face stared at the rainbow in front of him, without a trace of joy.

Since Dong Zhongshu's exclusive respect for Confucianism, Confucianism pursues the induction between heaven and man. Once there is a vision of heaven and earth, it is the king who has done something wrong. To reflect on his actions, the rainbow is among the induction between heaven and man.

But who could have thought that the rainbow was just some refracted light that could be made, which simply subverted everyone's imagination.

"Mohists are a group of madmen!" Quan Wanji muttered with lax eyes. Ordinary people pursue food and clothing all their life. They only pay attention to food, clothing, housing and transportation. If they are more ambitious, they will pursue official titles and worship knights. Who will study the visions of heaven and earth when they are full.

No matter what Li Shimin and the Confucian people think, the ordinary people present are almost crazy.

Ordinary people can only see the rainbow a few times in their life. More people just hear about it and don't see it with their own eyes. However, when the rainbow appears in front of them, they can't help being conquered by its beauty.

"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple! It's really colorful."

"Is it true that a rainbow is not a rainbow beast, but a refraction of sunlight?"

"So the rainbow is not a disaster. We were all cheated!"


When they saw that the Mohists kept spraying water mist with water dragons, they suddenly realized the Tao.

"Yes! A rainbow is not a rainbow beast. It's just an ordinary natural phenomenon. You can think about it. Rainbows usually appear after rain or next to waterfalls. These are moments when water vapor is very heavy. Sunlight refracts colorful colors through countless small water mist, which is the reason for the emergence of rainbows," Merton explained.

If it had been before, people must have been skeptical about this statement, but before that, Merton directly used a prism to refract the colorful color of the sun. Then, a group of Mohist children could spray water mist to produce a rainbow, and they couldn't help but believe it.

With a wave of Merton's hand, the children of the Mohists stopped their water dragons one after another, lacking the supplement of water mist. Under the direct sunlight, the rainbow slowly dissipated in the air.

"Disappeared!" the crowd was suddenly disappointed.

Merton said, "there are no more than three conditions for the emergence of a rainbow. One is strong sunlight, the other is sufficient water vapor, and the third is the appropriate angle. If you are grateful, the Mohists create a rainbow for you every day."

"Can you make a rainbow every day?" this time, no one thought Merton was talking big. However, although they believed Merton's theory intellectually, they could not accept that the rainbow they had been panicking about was false.


In the box, Li Shimin looked at the Disappearing Rainbow and suddenly spit out two words.

Pound looked at Li Shimin puzzled.

"Minggui is one of the Mohist theories. Mohists know ghosts but don't believe in ghosts. Mozi said: if you want to prosper the benefits of the world and eliminate the harm of the world, you must distinguish the existence of ghosts and gods. Now, the theory of ghosts and gods that even Mohist saints can't prove has been conquered by Mohists." Li Shimin took a deep breath.

Pound nodded and thought of the feudal superstition reported in Mo magazine.

On the stage, Merton looked around and said in a deep voice, "Ming ghosts are Mohist ideas. It is unknown whether there are ghosts and gods in the world,

People often interpret incomprehensible natural phenomena as the theory of ghosts and gods. The means of witches and gods reported by Ink magazine have proved that they are not all normal phenomena, and so is the rainbow, but an uncommon natural phenomenon. "

"This is ink technology!"

In the stands, the public losers were dejected one by one. They thought they would be able to defeat Mohism in the future, but now it seems that the gap between public losers and Mohism is really a world apart.

"So it seems that my public loser will always be under the Mohist school!" the public loser chagrined.

Gongshu Hong said in a deep voice: "knowing shame and then courage, Mohism can dare to be the first in the world. As long as we learn Mohism secretly and stand firm first, there is no chance to surpass in the future."

"What my father said!" Gong Shuhao said confidently. Even if he came to see the ink technology exhibition, he was still playing with a lock in his hand. According to its shape, the lock was about to take shape.

"Mojiazi, the lock you want is about to succeed." gongshuhao looked at Merton on the stage and said with confidence. One day, he will stand in front of the stage like mojiazi and attract the attention of the public.

"Although the rainbow is rare, many people can still see it as long as you pay attention, but there is a once-in-a-century grand scene next. Please don't miss it." Merton raised his voice and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"On the first day of May, please share the once-in-a-century wonder, the dog eats the sun." Merton waved his big hand and pointed to the sun in the sky.

As Merton's voice ended, the whole venue was dead silent, and there was a sound of needle dropping.

"Tiangou eats the day!"

This voice kept echoing in everyone's mind. In this era, the dog eclipse has an extremely special meaning. Each dog eclipse represents various omens. The emperor is called the son of heaven, which means that he is sent by heaven to manage the people. Since heaven represents the emperor's father, it will warn his agent on earth, the emperor, through the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse, Express what he did wrong, what he should be careful about, etc.

"Ha ha! Is there anything wrong with me?" Li Shimin sneered.

As an emperor, his power is supreme, but once these natural phenomena occur, there will be a group of ministers to advise immediately, and even he has to give in.

However, everyone suddenly realized a problem, that is, why mojiazi could know in advance that there would be a solar eclipse in early May.

"Mo Jiazi, don't talk nonsense. The dog eating the sun is a warning from heaven. How can a common man spy on the will of heaven?" Quan Wanji couldn't stand it any longer and suddenly got up and scolded.

"Oh! It's Lord Quan!" Merton couldn't help smiling at Quan Wanji.

"Quan Wanji?"

People's eyes couldn't help but ponder around Merton and Quan Wanji. The news on chaotang had already spread all over Chang'an city. Everyone knew that Quan Wanji and mojiazi were very difficult to deal with, but they didn't expect Quan Wanji to appear at the ink technology exhibition and openly questioned Merton.

Quan Wanji's face was embarrassed. As a Confucian, he naturally knew that the reason why Confucianism could respect Confucianism alone was the induction between heaven and man.

Whenever there are eclipses, earthquakes, natural and man-made disasters in the sky, it will be regarded as a warning from heaven. However, the mojiazi has overcome drought, locust and flood one after another. After all, these three disasters are related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and the Confucianism recognized them by holding its nose. But this time, the mojiazi did not leave his hand, and even touched the vital gate of Confucianism restricting imperial power - Tiangou eating the sun.