Chapter 390

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
The bell rang at the end of the year-end examination of the Imperial College, and all the students were relieved. So far, the year-end examination of the whole Imperial College was officially ended.

All the students of bingshe couldn't help looking at Merton and secretly guessed in their hearts whether the mojiazi could make another miracle and get a grade in the law examination this time.

If so, I'm afraid the mojiazi will be an unprecedented six subjects and one class in the Imperial College.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to learn one class of law?" Li Tai sneered. He knew the routine of the Imperial College very well. If Mo Jiazi's articles beat him a lot, the Imperial College had to give him one class. In order not to offend them, they could only be divided into two classes.

On the contrary, if one of them exceeds the MOH family, the first three can only be their three brothers.

The prosperity of the people and the strength of the country is the way of governing the country. Li Tai thinks that who is his opponent in the whole Imperial College? What he attaches importance to is his two brothers. As for the poems written by Mo Jiazi, it is OK, but this is the way of governing the country. Even the flowers and flowers written are of little use, and words are the most suitable.

In particular, Li Tai also knows an advantage that Merton doesn't know, that is, the arrival of Li Shimin. For Li Shimin's preferences, Li Tai thinks that no matter whether the Mohist school can reach the unprecedented record of six subjects and one class a this time, this session of the Imperial College will still be talked about by everyone after the new year.

"This year's achievements are really good. The Imperial College has cultivated many good seedlings."

Li Shimin was secretly proud. He had foresight and sent the Mo family to the Imperial College. Otherwise, how could such a grand event happen

Apart from the freak Merton, the students of the Imperial College have produced many good seedlings this time. Some articles have unique views. Even he can't help nodding frequently, so the students will become the pillars of the Tang Dynasty in the future.

Especially when Li Shimin saw that Qin Huaiyu, who was called a scum of the Imperial College, could even get the top three in mathematics, his eyes almost didn't fall off. Cheng Yaojin, an old man, showed off.

"Go back to the emperor, the year-old exam has been successfully completed, please refer to it!" Ma Jiayun recovered from the shock and quickly bowed down.

"Oh!" Li Shimin's heart moved.

Li Shimin naturally had no time to mark the papers for the Imperial College. Only a few papers from bingshe were sent to Li Shimin, including those from the three princes and Merton.

"The three princes are indeed great talents. Their literary talent can be called an old way of governing the country. When they grow up in the future, they will become the right arm of his majesty." Kong Yingda accompanied Li Shimin to review the way. When he saw the examination papers of Li Chengqian, he couldn't help nodding with satisfaction, especially Li Tai's literary talent.

"I'm a naughty boy, but I can't afford to be praised by Kong Aiqing!" Li Shimin said, but he was very happy in his heart.

On a whim, he wanted to take an examination of the knowledge of the three princes and put them in the Imperial College. The same students competed fairly and did not disappoint him. He was quite satisfied with the strategy of governing the country in the article.

When the Imperial College heard the speech, they immediately showed a knowing smile. Even the emperor was very satisfied with the examination papers of the three princes. In this way, it is natural to rate the three princes as one.

However, at the moment, Merton's article has not been reviewed. It is not easy for everyone to make a hasty conclusion and wait patiently.

Finally, a unique examination paper appeared in Li Shimin's hands.

Looking at the neat and small pen font, Li Shimin did not look at the name, but also knew that this was Merton's test paper. Although Li Shimin was not interested in the dispute over pen and brush, he saw Merton's test paper now. Li Shimin felt a little more fond of Merton's test paper.

It can save time, effort, money and ink, and write good words. Who doesn't like such a pen?

"Say Tang Danian is young!"

When Li Shimin saw the title, he read it.

Kong Yingda said with a wry smile, "Your Majesty, the Mohist used a pen. The general way of writing is to read from left to right. It should be, said the young Tang Dynasty!"

"Young Tang said!"

When they heard the speech, they were shocked. "Ma Shuo" and "Shi Shuo" are all articles that can be spread through the ages, and Merton has another article "young Tang Shuo", how can we not shock the people.

Merton was only the title of the article, which immediately made the Imperial College people abandon their work and look forward to it.

Liu Yinian felt uneasy. The first class of the three princes had been determined, and he was afraid that it would increase the waves. He looked forward to Merton's mediocrity, but with the "Ma Shuo" and "Shi Shuo" Zhuyu in front, no one dared to hold too much hope.

"It seems that Merton is going to never look back on his argumentative style."

Li Shimin realized that he was looking forward to the examination papers in his opponent. If the "young Tang theory" in his hand can be comparable to the "teacher theory", then he must have a worthwhile trip today.

Thinking of this, he no longer had the awkward feeling of reading from left to right, and read it carefully word by word.

"Heaven and earth are vast, heaven and earth are boundless, Datang youth, stand tall and be self-improvement." Li Shimin only read one sentence in his heart, and his heart was immediately agitated.

The Tang Dynasty established a country for 16 years, just like the text said, just like a teenager.

"Young Datang, young Datang!" Li Shimin chewed the move repeatedly, and felt more and more profound.

"... therefore, today's responsibility lies not in others, but in my youth!"

As soon as Li Shimin's words fell, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Merton is so proud. What's in my youth? Doesn't it mean that it's his Mohist son who bears the responsibility of the Tang Dynasty.

"Mohists are too proud of themselves," Liu Yinian said angrily.

However, others were solemn. In just one year, Mozi made many achievements, created Qu Yuan plows and four-wheel carriages, and defeated drought, locusts and floods. It can be said that it is not too much to shoulder the responsibility of the Tang Dynasty.