Chapter 358

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
Brick road in the south of the city.

Four wheeled carriages were not affected at all, and there was an endless stream of goods.

The thick snow has been removed, the roads are piled high on both sides, and several gray haired old men are doing the final finishing work.

These old men are specially employed by Mojia village and are responsible for road sanitation every day. The price of 300 Wen a month is certainly not in the eyes of young men, but it is not a small number for old men.

The whole brick road was quickly cleaned, and even a little ice was crushed by the coming and going carriages and turned into snow

Now the whole Guanzhong area is blocked by heavy snow, and the brick road in the south of the city is still unimpeded, which adds a bit of prosperity.

"Lord Mo built the brick road at the beginning, which was a sensation in the whole city. People don't understand it. Now it's only more than one month, and a heavy snow has completely corrected Lord Mo's name." on a carriage, suluosheng and Merton sit opposite each other, feeling the smooth driving of the carriage on the brick road, they can't help sighing.

Merton immediately smiled bitterly. He didn't understand. At that time, except that the Mojia village believed him unreservedly, the whole city called Merton a black sheep.

"Fortunately, all this is not in vain! Brick roads will certainly be popular in Datang after the heavy snow. It will be ten times more convenient for me to travel in Datang in the future." Merton said.

Suluosheng nodded. As an official, he was very clear that the most intolerable thing for a country was the disconnection of communication. Once the local government lost communication for a long time, it meant that the central government's control over it was immediately reduced to the freezing point.

The brick road just solves this problem. Whether it is covered by storm or snow, the brick road can still pass unimpeded.

The heavy snow completely made Chang'an City blind and deaf. If there was nothing before, but with the official road in the south of the city as a contrast, the disadvantage of rammed earth brick road was immediately exposed.

This does not count the economic value of brick roads. If you want to be rich, you should build roads first. Until today, suluosheng really understands this sentence.

Today, suloxon and Merton will host a wealth feast caused by brick roads.

Outside the ink technology exhibition.

"Lord Su, young master!"

As soon as the carriage stopped, Li Yi and Xu Jie met up.

"Second uncle, has everyone come?" Merton asked after getting off the bus.

Li Yi said with a smile, "don't worry, young master. How can they miss such a good thing."

Merton nodded and took the lead in walking towards the inking exhibition.

"Lord Mo!"

"Lord Su!"


At the moment, in the ink technology exhibition, people gathered and saw the three of Merton coming, so they hurried to salute.

These people stand on both sides of the road. On one side are the village heads of the villages on both sides of the brick road, while on the other side are businessmen who have contacts with Mojia village.

Li Yi and Xu Jie went between the two sides and organized discipline.

"Lord Su, please!" Merton invited.

Merton and suluosheng walked together to the rostrum in the middle. Suluosheng spoke a few official words and gave the rostrum to Merton.

As soon as Merton stopped, the whole audience was silent. One by one, they looked at Merton with complex eyes.

Although Merton is only weak, his achievements make everyone present ashamed.

In terms of village governance, Mojia village was still poor a year ago, but now it is not too much to say that it is the richest village in Guanzhong.

The village heads can be said to have watched the rise of Mojia village step by step, and how can they not be touched when they look at their own village.

In business, Mojia village has long been a model of Seiko manufacturing. All the things produced by Mojia village don't worry about sales. One year's commercial achievements are worth everyone's life.

Merton Lang said, "today's invitation from Mojia village is another wealth to discuss with you."

"Rich and noble!" the hearts of the people were shocked.

Businessmen are very sensitive to these two words. They have heard a lot about Mohist's means of turning stone into gold. Hearing Merton say so, they can't help but shine their eyes.

"Lord Mo, please tell me. We naturally believe in Lord Mo's vision!"

"Follow Lord Mo, who hasn't made a fortune!"


The crowd was immediately excited.

Merton nodded with satisfaction: "Mojia village is ready to further seek partners, including wood, iron ore, grain, medicinal materials, paper and food supplies."

With the further development of Mojia village, it can be said that Mojia village is the most popular customer in Chang'an city. It is difficult to get the contract of Mojia village without getting rich.

"Second, some industries in Mojia village will also be outsourced. As long as you think the price is reasonable, good and cheap, you can negotiate with Mojia village."


There was a commotion among the merchants,

The outsourcing business of Mojia village has long been a sign. Before, Mojia village ordered Zhangjiazhuang's Zhangjia turbid wine to brew a dull horse. Why is it not an outsourcing business?

Recently, it came out that Mojia village outsourced the carriage of the four wheeled carriage to the public loser. Which merchant is not greedy for the outsourcing business of Mojia village? This is a super big order!

"Third, Mojia village can even cooperate with you in ink technology. As long as the price is reasonable, Mojia village can even upgrade technology and improve equipment for you."

Suddenly, more merchants were excited. It was not Mohist ink technology that Mohist village could achieve such great achievements. No one thought that Mohist village was willing to give up its right to dominate ink technology this time.

Suluosheng's eyes brightened and looked at Merton in surprise.

"You can also buy the secret skills of steelmaking and wine making in Mojia village." a merchant suddenly shouted.

After the rise of Mojia village, it has made public the secret skills of live fish, artificial incubation, red brick, and Quyuan plow and columbine. It can be imitated by craftsmen without Mojia village.

Only the secret techniques of steelmaking and wine making are retained, which are the pillar businesses of Mojia village at present.

Merton said with a smile: "if the industry of Mojia village is further upgraded in the future, it is not impossible to disclose these two secret skills."

Although they were slightly disappointed, it was worthwhile to hear Merton relax.

"But all this has a premise, that is, the Mojia village will give priority to the workshop cooperation of brick road in the south of the city." as soon as Merton's voice fell, all the villages in the south of the city were ecstatic.

In recent days, the land five miles south of Chang'an City has been sold out, but the land on both sides of the brick road five miles away is difficult to sell. Merton's move must make the villages on both sides of the brick road overflow.

If any industry wants to develop, it must be supported by many supporting industries. In Merton's plan, he plans to support a large number of workshops between Mojia village and Chang'an city to form an industrial corridor as the cornerstone of the take-off of Mojia village.

An iron merchant suddenly shouted, "why don't we buy the land of Mojia village and follow Lord Mojia!"

Many people suddenly felt that since they wanted to buy land, wouldn't it be better to buy the land of Mojia village? In this way, they can not only follow Mojia village to make a fortune, but also please Mojia children.

All the village heads were flustered. If so, there would be nothing else for them.

Merton shook his head and said, "the land in Mojia village is limited and will not take out the land."

The merchants were suddenly lost, but the village heads were relieved, and the villages near Mojia village were even more ecstatic.

For a long time, only the land on both sides of the brick road near Chang'an city can buy a good price. However, now only because their village is close to Mojia village, its land value must soar.

Land sales is one of them. So many workshops are built on the official road in the south of the city and close to their own village. In this way, their young and strong farmers can work to subsidize their livelihood. Over time, although their own village is not as good as Mojia village, it must be much richer than now.

"Not only that, I have discussed with the county magistrate that a bus route will be opened between the south of the city and Mojia village, and a team of captors will be stationed on the official road in the south of the city. At the same time, the early warning system will be set up simultaneously." Merton threw out one good news after another.

Su Luosheng immediately got up and said in a loud voice, "yes, as long as you abide by the law, this county can ensure your safety both inside and outside Chang'an city."

Su Luosheng has done so much and is extremely willing. After hearing Merton's industrial corridor plan, he was immediately conquered by Merton. It can be imagined that in the future, the official road in the south of the city will certainly be the second industrial park, which is a tax!

In this way, the industrial upgrading of Mojia village, the merchants get the dual support of the county government and Mojia village, the villages on both sides of the official road are getting richer and richer, and the county government gets taxes. It can be said that both sides make a lot of profits.

"Win win!"

People couldn't help thinking of the word spread from Mohism.