Chapter 274

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
"It's really light and soft!"

Su Lingnong picked up the quilt and weighed it carefully. He was surprised. Although it was not as light as the brocade quilt, it was much better than the hard and heavy cloth quilt.

"And it's warm."

Li Shimin draped the cotton quilt over his body. After a while, he felt sweating. The thermal effect was better than that of cloth and brocade.

They were so excited that they didn't enjoy their direct observation. They tore a big hole in the cotton quilt and took out a lot of white cotton from it.

Merton looked at the corners of his mouth. This is a unique cotton quilt in the world. He was born and died before he could use it.

Merton added: "in addition to making cotton blankets, these cotton can also be filled between clothes and made into winter clothes. As long as this thing is popularized, our people in the Tang Dynasty will no longer have to endure the bitter cold of winter."

"How about the output?" Su Lingnong asked.

Merton thought for a moment and said, "cotton is light, if nothing, it's not appropriate to measure it by weight. However, I estimate that the cotton planted on an acre of land is enough to keep the family free from cold."

"Well, let alone 20 gold, that's 200 gold and 2000 gold. It's also worth it." Li Shimin said excitedly.

In the winter of the Tang Dynasty, there is a lack of things to keep out the cold. The rich people have mink fur and brocade clothes to keep out the cold, but the poor people not only lack clothes to keep out the cold, but even most of the cloth beds are filled with wheat straw to keep out the cold.

Every winter is the most difficult time for the poor people in Datang. Once the temperature drops suddenly and the sky is cold, the cold will kill people every year.

"Moreover, cottonseed is rich in oil. It remains to be verified whether it can be eaten, but at least it can be lit as an oil lamp. There is no problem," Merton said.

Every night in Datang, it is dark. The biggest reason is that the cost of lighting in this era is very huge. Most rich people use candles. Although they are clean, they cost a lot.

Ordinary people often use oil lamps. Most of the oil comes from edible oil. Ordinary people don't even have enough oil and water to eat. They are willing to light the lamps there.

According to Merton's memory, although cottonseed can extract oil, it contains toxins. Without deep processing, it will cause men to regret all their lives. In addition, lighting oil is also a huge market and has no worries about sales.

"It's a treasure all over the body. Popularizing it one day earlier will benefit the people of the Tang Dynasty one day earlier. I immediately sent envoys to Gao Changguo to get seeds and vigorously promote it in the Tang Dynasty." Li Shimin said excitedly.

For the poor people, the most important thing is land. As long as it can be planted in the soil, all problems are not a problem.

"Your Majesty can't?" Su Lingnong quickly stopped.

"What?" Li Shimin immediately wondered. If Merton objected, Li Shimin could understand. After all, Merton bought it at a high price. If the Imperial Court went to Gaochang to get seeds, wouldn't the twenty gold of the Mohist family be in vain.

But how could su Lingnong, as a big farmer, object to such things that benefit the country and the people?

Su Lingnong explained, "Your Majesty, planting makers can be different from others, but they will be different according to the weather and soil. If there is a slight difference, it will be orange in Huainan and orange in Huaibei. Gaochangguo and Datang have different climates. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to promote it rashly."

Li Shimin suddenly knew that he was in a hurry.

Merton couldn't help admiring Su Lingnong, who was a real farmer.

He understands that in many cases, although it is simple and fast, it has endless consequences. In fact, we only heard what seeds were introduced into China in future generations, but we don't know that these seeds were domesticated for generations before they took root in the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He knew he was a little anxious. Then he took a deep breath and said, "even so, there are only a few seeds in your hands. How can you try planting."

Merton immediately showed a shy expression and said sheepishly, "Your Majesty, since he found that cotton can keep warm, he has placed a large number of orders with Hu merchants in the western regions, but a large number of cotton with cottonseed must come in February!"

At this time, there was no popping tool. Even Gao Changguo's stripping of cotton seeds was a troublesome thing. Although baidiezi was more valuable, the cotton with cotton seeds was cheap. Merton took the opportunity to purchase a large number of goods.

Li Shimin immediately heard the speech and stared at Merton with hatred and said, "do I mean your boy is smart or your boy is greedy for money?"

It is conceivable that once this soft and warm new cotton quilt is on the market, it will be popular in Chang'an city. At that time, the twenty gold of Mohist school will not come.

"Don't you plan ahead, boy? I hollowed out the Mojia village at the western regions event, and now I still owe a lot of money," Morton said bitterly.

Even he has to prepare fifty gold from Johor businessmen! There were also a steady stream of seeds sent by merchants from the western regions. All these needed yellow gold. After careful calculation, Merton suddenly saw Venus. It could be said that he was happy at that time and regretted it.

Thinking of this, Merton couldn't help looking at Li Shimin. At the moment, he hoped that Li Shimin's tiger body would shake, waved his hand and said: I'll pay this gold.

"It's up to you and others to try it first, and be sure to get cotton seeds suitable for Datang planting." Li Shimin directly ignored Merton's poor expression and said his ability to make money. The boy had to say second in Chang'an City, no one dared to say first, and dared to cry poor in front of him.

"Yes!" Merton and sullingnon answered at the same time.

"If Johor rice is true! That's the greatest blessing of the Tang Dynasty."

The success of cotton seeds proved that what Hu merchants said was true. Li Shimin couldn't help looking forward to the improved rice mentioned by Johor merchants,

Merton said, "tell your majesty, from the boy's point of view, there is no need for Johor businessmen to lie. Of course, the boy also said clearly that this rice seed needs to be planted in Lingnan road before it can be paid to this person."

"It's double gold." Li Shimin stabbed Morton coldly.

Merton immediately dropped blood in his heart and said, "if this rice is true, the Mohists will pay for it."


Li Shimin's face suddenly coagulated. It's a hundred gold. Even if rice is true, it doesn't do much good to the Mohist school, and what's the purpose of the Mohist school? "

Merton said without hesitation: "boy, in the ink technology exhibition, he once said that the Mohists want to lead the Mohist village to a well-off society. The prerequisite for reaching a well-off society is to solve the problem of food and clothing.

If you are poor, you can be alone and help the world. Cotton and rice seeds are the gifts for the people of the Tang Dynasty to solve food and clothing. The people of the Tang Dynasty know etiquette and honor and disgrace when they have enough food and clothing. Only when the people of the Tang Dynasty no longer have the worry of hunger and cold, and the theory of a hundred schools naturally prospers, will the Mohist School rise again. "

When Mohist school first appeared in Chang'an City, Merton knew that Mohist school was destined to keep a low profile, and Merton never concealed the ambition of Mohist school to rise again. As a famous school, if Mohist school tried to cover up, it would make people suspicious, but it would not be as good as big fight.