Chapter 65

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
The biggest reason why the Tang Dynasty attaches importance to agriculture and suppresses business and takes agriculture and mulberry as the foundation of the country is that the grain output in this era is too low, and the ability to resist natural disasters can be weak. A slight fluctuation in heaven can lead to a large-scale reduction of grain production, or even a collapse of grain harvest.

Nongsang based was a national policy unswervingly pursued by that dynasty. Without carriages, you can walk, without silk and linen, but without food, you can only starve.

Businessmen have always been hated by people. They don't work in production, but they can earn a lot of profits. What's more, they hoard strange things and bid up prices, which has always been disliked by rulers.

However, selling Quyuan plows and columbine in Mojia village can not find any problems, because this commercial behavior not only does not damage the foundation of agriculture and mulberry, but also effectively promotes the development of agriculture.

"The child?"

Qin Qiong looked kind, and Merton didn't let him down.

It turned out that when Merton wrote to Li Shimin and asked the Mojia village to do business instead of being cheap, Qin Qiong was also worried that the child was on a wrong path. Now it seems that this decision is very correct.

Li Shimin's face showed a satisfied expression. Merton, a small catfish, tossed a lot of good things and surprised him again and again.

Even Li Chengqian has a proud look. As a friend, seeing Merton's doing so, he can't help feeling sharing weal and woe.

"This silly boy has made a good friend!" Yuchi Jingde looked at Merton beside his son with satisfaction. His own son knew that he would suffer a loss when he was with those fine and oily dandies in Chang'an City, but he could not rest assured when he was with Merton.

"Three hundred Wen is not expensive!"

The audience could not help but think that the average selling price of the old-fashioned pear cultivation is about 400 Wen, while the Quyuan plow is more advanced, saving manpower and material resources. At the same time, it can also cultivate deeply and carefully. Not to mention that with an additional 300 Wen, you can buy a cart that can sow 600 mu a day.

After Merton announced that all quyuanli cars produced by Mojia village are guaranteed for three years, people can't help but be moved.

Everyone is excited in the ink technology exhibition, and Kong Yingda and a group of doctoral assistants in the Imperial College next to him will pay close attention to the process of the ink technology exhibition.

After all, Mohism is one of the hundreds of schools of thought for thousands of years. As the holy land of Confucianism, they certainly have to pay close attention to it.

"Hum! Is Mohism reduced to juggling for a living?" Liu Yinian couldn't help disdaining when he heard the messenger say that Mohist Zi used a pulley to pull up a huge tripod.

Other doctors also laughed. It turned out that the Mohist school had been reduced to this place. Thanks to them, they were still in full battle readiness?

"Report!" then a messenger came running!

"Let's give a toast to the Lord. The mojiazi shows the new ploughing pear and columbine cart!"

When the messenger explained the advantages of Quyuan plow and the new columbine, everyone was shocked.

As great Confucians, they certainly know the importance of Nongsang and the importance of these new agricultural tools.

"I didn't expect that the MOH family really made something out of the drum!" Shen Hongcai, a doctor of mathematics, said with a long sigh.

"Could it be that the Mo family practiced fraud!" Liu Yinian did not believe.

"Impossible?" Kong Yingda shook his head. "Su Lingnong's stubborn eyes can't mix sand. If he hadn't verified it himself, he wouldn't have come out to testify."

The Imperial College was silent. They didn't believe that the little catfish jumping up and down under their hands had such an amazing move.

Ink technology exhibition.

"I believe everyone is thinking about how many fields can be reclaimed and how much food can be increased this year!" Merton said with a smile.

The audience was moved by the words and couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

"But are you satisfied?" Murton suddenly shouted.

Everyone was stunned. What if they were not satisfied? It's not easy to let the whole family eat.

"I said before that if the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty is coming, if everyone can only eat enough, how can it be regarded as a prosperous age?" Merton shook his head.

"Er, ER!" everyone was stunned. It was not a prosperous age. How could it be?

Li Shimin also looked at Merton in amazement, turned to the fish master and asked, "the Mohist village has bought so much food, but it's not enough."

Master Yu was not surprised at all. Li Shimin nodded and said, "the stock of Mojia village is enough for the whole village to eat for a year, but our young master said that this is the solution to food and clothing, which is far from a well-off society!"

"Well off?" Cheng Yaojin listened to the new word suspiciously.

Li Chengqian explained in a loud voice: "if you go back to the Duke of Lu, the word well-off already exists. In the book of songs, Daya · people's labor, it is said:" the people also work, and you can be well-off“

At the same time, it is also recorded in the book of rites · ritual transportation that "today's Avenue is hidden, and the world is home. Each person is close to his relatives, each son is his son, and the goods are his own. Adults and (aristocratic hereditary) regard rites as rites, and the city guogouchi is solid. Rites and righteousness regard discipline, upright monarchs and officials, Benedict father and son, make friends with brothers and sisters, establish systems, and establish (set) fields... Is a well-off society“

Li Chengqian gave a voice to explain the origin of the word well-off, smiled and said, "brother Mo's well-off probably refers to this kind of stable and rich life!"

"Prince, your highness is a talented person!" Master Yu said respectfully.

"Oh! It was mentioned in the hadith. It seems that I was right to throw this little catfish to the Imperial College." Li Shimin had to smile.

Cheng Yaojin couldn't help showing his big teeth when he was killed! Laugh, but they know all kinds of deeds of Mozi in the Imperial College.

"I know what is well-off!" Su Lingnong directly interrupted Merton to publicize his concept of well-off and said, "what do you say to achieve the well-off you say.

The audience burst into laughter.

Morton was embarrassed and said with a smile: "the boy thinks that the minimum standard of well-off is that everyone can eat meat every day!"

"Eat meat!"

There was an uproar.

You know, it's a rich family now. We don't eat meat every day. We are lucky to eat meat every new year's festival. It's hard to see a little oily smell at ordinary times.

Eating a good meal of meat is beyond everyone's reach, let alone eating meat every day.

In this era, cattle and horses are in a strategic position. They will go to jail if they eat them. Pork is fishy. Most of them can eat very little, which leads to the high price of meat. Otherwise, how could Mojia village create so much wealth in just a few months with the secret skills of live fish.

"How dare you say that?" Cheng Yaojin said in surprise. Of course, he knew how valuable it was to eat meat.

"The Mohist village has become so rich?" Li Shimin looked at Master Yu unkindly. If the Mohist village is so rich and asks to do business, it will be a crime of bullying the king.

"Your Majesty, the Mojia village has just been lifted out of poverty, but more than two months!" the fish master hurriedly said.

"What's the spirit of the Mo family? Do you want the whole world to eat fish!" Li Shimin said with a little dissatisfaction.

In his opinion, the method of artificial fish farming, even if it is fully promoted in Datang, is a drop in the bucket.

"The grass people are not only responsible for the secret skills of living fish and artificial fish culture, but they do not involve anything else. However, according to the internal circulation of Mojia village, the young master has provided a new secret skill, which has been successfully tested, and it is expected that everyone in Mojia Village can eat meat by the end of the year." the fish master gritted his teeth and said.

Although he didn't know what the young master's confidence was, according to the words of others, he also knew that the experiment in Mojia village had been successful. Now he had to bite his teeth and hold on. Everything depends on the young master, and the young master never let them down.

"Maybe everyone thinks it's impossible, but that's the magic of ink technology. Explore and innovate to make the impossible possible!" Merton roared.

Morton reaches out his hand. Qin Huaiyu and Chumo Wei Chi Baolin each carry a cage that is more than one person tall and made of black cloth.

Three cages are placed in the middle of the high platform, and everyone is staring at the three cages. Is this the secret skill that Mojia village says can make everyone eat meat every day.

With a wave of his hand, the black cloth of the three cages fell slowly, revealing the dense Plush things inside.

"It's impossible?"

Su Lingnong suddenly stood up and exclaimed.

"It's impossible?"

Li Shimin rushed to the window again and was shocked.

Everyone in the audience looked incredible.

This group of fluffy things are the chicks of chickens, ducks and geese. Each cage is divided into more than ten layers, and each layer is filled with dense cubs. Three familiar calls filled the audience.

"How did he do it?" everyone exclaimed.

You know, hens hatch chicks after autumn. Now it's just after the first month. It's cold. Hens don't want to hatch chicks at all, and even if hens are willing to hatch chicks, they can't hatch in this weather.

"This is the magic of ink technology, making the impossible possible?" Merton said with a smile.

"How did you do it? At this time, hens can't hatch chickens." Su Lingnong was shocked and went on stage again to verify the full three cages of cubs.

Soon he gave up, because there were three kinds of chickens, ducks and geese. Did these three kinds of poultry change their nature at the same time and can hatch their young in winter.

"Are the chickens, ducks and geese in Mojia village different and gifted!" Cheng Yaojin looked at the three cages of chickens, ducks and geese like a monster and asked the fish master.

"If you return to the Duke of Lu! As far as I know, the chickens, ducks and geese in Mojia village are not hatched in winter." the fish master replied with a bitter smile.

"What's going on? Are people hatched and kept warm in the quilt every day?" Yuchi Jingde said with a rare humor and a laugh.

Li Shimin couldn't help smiling! Suddenly he saw the fish master's solemn expression, suddenly stunned and asked unimaginably.

"Is it really human hatching?"

"Of course, people didn't warm up in the quilt!" Merton answered Li Shimin's question for the fish master on the high platform.

"But the Mojia village has mastered the artificial incubation technology." when the word fell, everyone was surprised.