I drove back last night, and I was dealing with the mess one day. Lee Myung Bak is really tired. His pale face and dark eyes are more obvious.

Looking at the rooftop, Yang Peiqing's eyes gradually had precipitation. At the beginning, Lee Myung Bak took himself to let off fireworks here at night.

Do you like yourself so early?

Different from Qiao Dongrui's fear and uneasiness, Yang Peiqing felt a sense of happiness gradually rising from her heart, with joy.

In the corner of the other building that neither of them had noticed, there was a camera that showed everything.

Life is like this, full of changes, who knows when the next moment, the world will collapse.

Qiao Dongrui, who is far away in Kyoto, is really busy and has no time. Just after he decided to contact the company, Qiao Li was also a decisive character. He took Qiao Dongrui to deal with all kinds of affairs of the company at the end of last year.

China's tradition, so that this time of year the company is the busiest. Need to pay a variety of directors, there are endless meetings, they do not know anything, more hard up.

However, the road you choose should go no matter what. What's more, the road to the summit has always been so difficult.

Even so, Qiao Dongrui did not forget that he would often send messages to Yang Peiqing. Say what happened today, irritable mood and miss her heart.

Has been used to the habit, Yang Peiqing never reply. There is something she likes to say on the phone, and what Qiao Dongrui needs is just a talker.

About Qiao's internal affairs, she tried not to say it. The influence of Jolie and Mrs. Joe on themselves is not good at all.

So more often, Yang Peiqing is silent, listening carefully to Qiao Dongrui's life.

After finishing a document, Qiao Dongrui looked up tired and picked up his mobile phone. Habitual unlock, there is a lot of information, but not her. Even if it is used to, still can not help but lost in the heart.

"Rudy, please bring me a cup of coffee without sugar." Take the phone and say to the assistant outside.

Because he is the only child of the chairman, Qiao Dongrui's starting point is very high. Just came to the company has its own office and assistant, this is also the successor's unique treatment.

Even if Qiao Li didn't let Qiao Dongrui hold any position, he consciously let Qiao Dongrui contact the people and affairs in the company to cultivate his ability.

There is no doubt that Qiao Dongrui will become the successor of Qiao family in the future. So there is absolutely no one who dares to deal with Qiao Dongrui carelessly. They are all highly nervous.

If we grasp the feet of future heirs, we will seize our own bright future. Who is not eager to prosper?

Qiao Dongrui went to the French window, it was already six o'clock, it was the rush hour. Qiao's new office building is in the center of Kyoto. He's on the 32nd floor.

Looking at the way home, the ants were as numb as the others. This is the life we should experience.

Most of the people, or such a drift. Sometimes, it's a kind of happiness to live naturally without ideal?

There was a rhythmic knock at the door, and Joe Dongrui called, "come in."

So Ludi came in with his coffee and saw Qiao Dongrui standing in front of the French window.

Winter dusk, is already very dark, Qiao Dongrui carries the light more obviously the figure is thin. Rudy's heart is also a little sigh, no one will be more aware of Qiao Dongrui's efforts than himself.

As the successor of a group, there is a lot of pressure behind it. Who is born easy?

"Here's your coffee, young master." Rudy put it on the table carefully and said to Joe.

Because Qiao Dongrui has not held any formal position in the company, let alone a student who is studying. It seems that it's a little inappropriate to call anything, so the company's people are simply called master Qiao Dongrui.

Qiao Dongrui turns his head and smiles at Ludwig. "Thank you." Different from the severity of the chairman, the young master seems to be particularly mild. Temper is also rare good, such a family, such a character is really rare.

"Young master, are you going to stay up late tonight? Shall I change the tea for you? Too much coffee is bad for your health. " Luddy thought about persuading.

It's only when you know the young master's good character that you dare to speak out like this. Otherwise, if you say this to other masters, you will only feel that you are busy.

After staying up late for several days, even Rudy felt that he couldn't bear it. There's no need to spell like this. I want to grow up quickly in a short time.

Qiao Dongrui gently laughed, "no, there are still things I haven't seen tonight. My father asked me to write a feeling tomorrow. I'll make the time myself. You can get off work first. "Cell phone Ding Dong ring, there is a message to come. Qiao Dongrui opened it and looked at it. Rudy nodded and bent down to go out in silence.

Flipping the mobile phone's MMS, the photos inside clearly hurt my eyes. Not a word, just a few photos, is better than explaining everything.

On the old rooftop, Yang Peiqing sits on the chair and looks at Lee Myung Bak tenderly. They are close and harmonious. They look like a darling!

Qiao Dongrui's eyes immediately turned red. This is his girlfriend! Qingqing doesn't give her information back, but she is close to others here!

The picture on the mobile phone deeply touched Qiao Dongrui's heart, which had been bouncing tightly. Finally, in such a moment, it broke with a bang.

With great anger, Qiao Dongrui slams his mobile phone on the ground, as if he can't see the photos inside.

But forget, have seen engraved into his mind inside the picture, where is so easy to forget?

The intimacy of the two of them is a sharp blade in their own heart, with pricking blood dripping and no skin.

Young master suddenly rage, do not know what to see, put the hands of the mobile phone violently fell on the ground.

In a flash, the mobile phone fell apart.

Rudy is ready to quit the pace of a stop, so you can feel the endless anger of Qiao Dongrui. I couldn't help looking up. Qiao Dongrui's face turned white, but his eyes were full of faint red blood.

The fists were tightly clenched together, completely furious. With deep despair, Rudy was shocked to see that Qiao Dongrui might explode terror at any time.

Joe Dongrui, who has been smiling gently, has never been like this. Don't say angry drop mobile phone, no matter how embarrassed the old man inside the company, he is just a light smile. Even think that such a man, is never angry.

"What's the matter with you, young master?" Rudy asked, trembling, neither going nor staying.

What is it that makes the young master with good temper angry even when he can't wait to go out?

"Get out of here, get out of here!" Qiao Dongrui shouts at Ludi, with the depression and mania before the storm.

Lu Di looks at Qiao Dongrui this appearance, in the heart is more surprised, but also dare not disobey, for fear of anger disaster to his body, quickly retreat. He closed the door carefully.

Before I left, there was a suppressed roar and the sound of something breaking in the office. Rudy's heart was moving, and even colder.

What kind of thing is it? How can you let the young master's mood out of control like this? Rudy was curious and scared. He had never seen Qiao Dongrui like this.

He and the young master get along most closely. Some people say that Qiao Dongrui is also Qiao Li's son. The means are absolutely different. Every day mild appearance, perhaps in the heart how ruthless, only ruthless can be a good successor, there is no doubt.

But Rudy really knows that Qiao Dongrui is really good tempered. Even the old man of the company pointed to his nose and said that he was still responding in a low voice. He was definitely not suppressing, but really accepting with an open mind.

What's more, when he first chose an assistant, Rudy never thought that he would be elected. He is just a small employee who has just entered the company. Everyone knows if he is selected by the future successor.

The present assistant is the future confidant, and the future is limitless. So a lot of people want to have a chance to show around Qiao Dongrui.

Assistant this occupation, more or girls. There is never a lack of ambitious and beautiful women who want to climb up in the big group.

That day's assistant selection looked like a draft. There are a few women who are attracted by their beauty, so Luddy doesn't have any expectations.

But didn't find, Qiao Dongrui light of that day swept one eye, then confirmed for oneself. He couldn't believe it until now, but later he heard it.

It's because the young master has a girlfriend at school and doesn't want to have other women around him. That's why he chose his only man at that time.

I have to say that this reason is unbelievable, but Rudy is such a good luck. A man who doesn't need a female assistant for his girlfriend's sake.

I can't do it myself. So Rudy more confirmed Qiao Dongrui's temperament is really good, but it is because of this, will be more shocking for just see.

What is it? How could you be so angry?