"Isn't there a student in our class who got a full mark in physics this time? Guess what?" Yang Peiqing thought of the other physics teachers sitting in the office.

All the students in the same office are of the same grade. Most of the teachers teach the students in the same class, so they still know about the students in their own classes.

The young English teacher who just graduated giggled and said, "Oh, Mr. Zhang is showing off your class's achievements again. But I heard that this physics topic is quite abnormal. It's not easy to get full marks in the exam. In physics, it's Zhao Feiyang. "

Someone answered, physics teacher's face showed a proud smile. Then, when the teachers in the office were all smiling at themselves, they spoke slowly with satisfaction, "this time Zhao Feiyang did well in the exam, but he didn't get full marks. You never thought who it was. It was Yang Peiqing who got a full mark in physics this time! "

For Yang Peiqing, all the teachers have taught her. I know that although the girl is clever and hard-working, her grades have always been mediocre. The chemistry teacher couldn't help saying, "how could it be Yang Peiqing? I remember that she was not very good at science? "

"That's why I was surprised. I went to the dean's office to look through her test paper. I found that the answers are very beautiful. I really deserve the full mark. I have to be more careful than I am in the steps Miss Zhang thought of Yang Peiqing and said with satisfaction.

The teacher in charge of Yang Peiqing's class, that is, the Chinese teacher, could not help saying, "yes, Yang Peiqing did well in the exam this time. When everyone in the class lowered their heads, Yang Peiqing, who was still holding his chin and boring pen, was particularly obvious. She didn't notice what the teacher said at all. She was thinking about how to make money outside the window.

The English teacher's eyes fell on Yang Peiqing. She wanted to have a good look at the girl's strength. "Yang Peiqing, get up and read this passage of English."

Yang Peiqing is not very used to the name Yang Peiqing. At least when she is still distracted, someone calls her suddenly, and she still doesn't respond. After a few seconds of silence, Qiao Dongrui finally can't help but touch Yang Peiqing gently with his arm to remind her.

At this time, Yang Peiqing seemed to wake up from a dream and looked up at the English teacher, then stood up in a hurry.