Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

At this moment, Chen Lan had wrapped the red bedsheet around her chest, with only her shoulders and arms exposed, and her skin appeared even paler due to the love bites and bruises left from the previous night.

Tang Ye gazed at the marks he had left behind, involuntarily recalling the frenzy of last night. His eyes deepened, and he quickly turned away, unable to bear looking any longer.

He had no idea how he had ended up with this woman. The woman whose heart and eyes were preoccupied with someone else.

Chen Lan watched the man standing at the door, neither entering nor leaving. She suspected that he might be here to settle the bill, so her eyes scanned the area near the bed in search of her purse to pay with her bank card. However, her search yielded nothing.

Her clothes and shoes were all gone, leaving only a pair of olive-green trousers and a white shirt neatly folded on the side. Her mind buzzed, wondering if she had encountered an extortion scheme!

Chen Lan widened her eyes, and her brain raced. She was thinking about how to escape from this strong man! The next moment, her mind was pierced by a sudden pain, as if countless fragments were bursting out, threatening to crack her skull.

Unable to bear the agony, she clutched her head tightly, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?” Tang Ye heard the woman’s groaning and turned around to see her in this state. Chen Lan was pale, and he hurried to her side. “I’ll take you to the hospital!”

She held his hand as he tried to dress her. “No, I’m fine. No need to go to the hospital.”

The pain had gradually subsided, and the fragmented images in her mind were slowly piecing together. Chen Lan was shocked to realize that she had transmigrated into a book! She had become the malicious supporting female character who everyone despised.

“You don’t look well. Let’s go to the hospital,” Tang Ye carefully observed her and believed that going to the hospital would be the safer choice.

Chen Lan shook her head, her voice weak. “I’m fine. Really. Can you get me a glass of water?”

After scrutinizing Chen Lan for a while, Tang Ye eventually left the room.

She watched as the man exited the room and let out a sigh of relief. Only God knew how difficult it was for her to resist the impulse to attack everyone indiscriminately.

Not only had she lost the 50 million she had just won, but she had also become entangled in a series of misdeeds that would eventually lead to her tragic demise as a supporting character in the story, dying in a car accident with nobody to claim her body.

She had just finished reading this book before hitting the jackpot, and the memories were still fresh in her mind.

In the book, the character Chen Lan shared the same first and last name but had a completely different life from hers.

In the book, Chen Lan’s grandfather and father were high-ranking military officers, and her mother was a university professor. She had been pampered and adored since childhood.

However, she unreasonably fixated on the novel’s male protagonist, Liang Chen, and used every means to sabotage the relationship between the male and female leads, causing a scandal that became widely known in the military compound.

Her father, concerned that she wouldn’t find a suitable husband, married her off to their adopted son, Tang Ye.

But after marriage, Chen Lan didn’t let go of her obsession. Instead, she harbored resentment toward her own family, feeling that they were high-ranking officials and could have easily arranged her marriage to Liang Chen with a single word. Yet, they all refused to help her. So she became even more relentless, even plotting to run over the female lead, Wen Ting, with a car.

When her plan was exposed, her grandfather resigned from his position as the chief of the division to save her, but he died in despair on his sickbed. Her parents, influenced by her actions, were subsequently dismissed from their positions. Her mother, unable to bear the accusing stares of her students and the daily threatening letters, eventually took her own life. Not long after, her father followed suit.

After that, Chen Lan was run over by a speeding truck while walking on the street, putting an end to her life, which had become a tragic joke.

Thinking about the excruciating pain of being crushed by a truck, Chen Lan shuddered violently. She was terrified of pain, so she couldn’t allow the miserable life of the original character to repeat itself on her.

The first step in her journey of transmigration was to stay far away from the male and female leads.

“How are you feeling? Are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital?” Tang Ye’s cold voice interrupted Chen Lan’s thoughts.

She forced a smile, shook her head, and took a sip of water from the glass he handed her. Her face was still gloomy, especially after losing 50 million in one go.

However, this expression didn’t sit well with Tang Ye, who was standing nearby. He frowned, and his hand involuntarily tightened, making a crisp sound.

Sensing the increasing tension around her, Chen Lan looked up and saw him glaring at her with an unfriendly expression, leaving her somewhat puzzled.

Then, she remembered how Chen Lan in the book had treated Tang Ye, and it wasn’t pleasant.

Tang Ye’s parents had passed away when he was very young, and his uncle, who took him in, often mistreated him.

One year during the New Year’s celebration, his aunt kicked him out of the house for breaking a bowl, and the young boy nearly froze to death on that day of family reunion.

Fortunately, at that time, his father’s old comrade, who happened to be Chen Lan’s father, Chen Jun, found him. After learning about his situation, he brought Tang Ye back to his own home to raise him.

Her parents treated Tang Ye like their own child, providing him with education and opportunities. He didn’t disappoint them and managed to enter a military academy, eventually becoming a battalion commander at a young age.

The couple admired him, the military leaders respected him, and the soldiers in the unit looked up to him. However, in Chen Lan’s eyes, such an outstanding individual couldn’t measure up.

The original Chen Lan, who was privileged and had always put herself on a pedestal, couldn’t bear to have an unwanted child living in her home since she was a young girl, especially one who had stolen much of her parents’ love.

So, she often teamed up with several other kids of her age in the compound to isolate Tang Ye. They spread various rumors about him at school and even took advantage of Tang Ye’s sense of gratitude for living under their roof to insult him both verbally and physically.

Even after Tang Ye became a battalion commander, Chen Lan still looked down on him and frequently mocked him in front of his soldiers.

If it wasn’t for Chen Jun, who saw his daughter’s reputation deteriorating rapidly and worried that she wouldn’t find a husband, and if he hadn’t spoken up, Tang Ye would never have considered marrying her in his life.