Min Yu walks out of the hospital.

Yang Yi has already parked the car from the parking lot. After getting on the bus, he took a look at his owner. While starting the car, he asked: "Miss Huo and her brother are not seriously injured."

Min Yu light um a, still thinking about the problem, after a few seconds, he said to Yang Yi: "by the way, changqinglang's invitation letter, you go to prepare one for me."

"Good Is this invitation for Miss Huo's father? " Yang Yi asked more.

He remembered that when the old man didn't go back, he always gave his son miss copkho's father's preference.

"Yes." Min Yu looks out of the window of the car, faintly returning.

The behind the scenes organizer of Changqing corridor is min family. An invitation letter is a piece of cake.

Yang Yi touched the tip of his nose, quietly began to take the routine, his master son of this section upgraded.

After coughing, Yang Yi thought of the business and said, "a letter from the Australian League says that we need you to go to the branch office and renew the membership of the underground alliance. Only then will the division of power in s city fall into our hands."

Min Yu eyes squint, "when?"

"The deadline is no later than the end of the month." Yang Yi said slowly.

"I see."

Today is the 23rd. There are not a few days left.

Yang Yimo for a few minutes, a little more serious said: "safe on, I think this matter still needs to consider for a long time."

"Look again." Min Yu closed his eyes and his voice was lazy.

Yang Yi took a look at the rearview mirror and did not speak again.


the incident of Huo Xiang's car accident has become a hot topic on the Internet.

Because he is the top stream, so the attention is unprecedented high, fans have come to his micro blog message, see no response, many people also ran to Huo Tingrui and Huo Yao's Micro blog inquiry.

This is still the second. There are some people squatting downstairs in the brokerage company signed by Huo Xiang, hoping to get the exact news of their idols as soon as possible.

After listening to Huo Yao's words, Tong Yu immediately looked for someone to check the car. After getting that the brake had really touched people, he thought about the seriousness of the matter and did not announce the specific injury situation of Huo Xiang.

Because he didn't know who was behind the scenes. After all, the main purpose of the other party's action on the brake was to kill Huo Xiang. If he failed this time, he would certainly hide. At that time, it would be difficult to find out the person again.

Therefore, Tong Yu has been busy in the company for two days. He not only has to deal with the company leaders' questioning, but also pays close attention to the online, offline fan repercussions and daily entertainment siege.

At this point, in the office.

Tong Yu just hung up the phone of a brand side, sat on the chair, did not breathe, the assistant rushed in again, "Tong Ge, the event is not good."

Tong Yu pressed his eyebrows and asked with a headache, "what's the matter again?"

"There was a message on the Internet that lucky was suspected of K Pink, because of mental confusion, there will be a traffic accident. " The assistant holds the mobile phone and turns out the message to Tong Yu.

Tong Yu was not even in the mood of scanning. "This is nonsense. You let the public relations department control and comment."

"I've asked the public relations department to deal with it, but there are too many black powder with rhythm below, and we don't give the details of lucky, so there are still many fans who believe the rumors of black powder." The assistant said in a hurry.

Just as the assistant came in in in a hurry, the door of the office was not closed, and Tong Yu was trying to speak, but when he saw the man standing at the door, his brow wrinkled.

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