Chapter 2663

The vast abyss of demons rolled down and fell, dividing the world into two. The magic emperor was the most beautiful man. Anyone who saw this would fall in love with his beauty.

However, such a natural emperor walked to Lu jiukuo's side and knelt down devoutly. His respectful appearance seemed to respond to the gods he served.

After a brief period of consternation, there was an increasingly angry roar in the crowd.

"Lu jiuque! I see what you can say now

"Lu jiuque! You are a traitor to the whole Terran

"Lu jiuque! There is no absolution for you


Lu Jiu's lack of eyebrows became more and more intense. She frowned and sneered and raised her voice: "why, the people who lead the demons are the traitors of the Terrans?"?! Is it true that the relationship between you and me is at the bottom of death? "

Lu jiukui infused his soul power into his voice to ensure that his questions could be transmitted to every corner of the Terran world.

It's just that this kind of "common sense" question doesn't arouse people's thinking, and they answer it if they want to.

"It has been so since ancient times! You are a total traitor

"Since ancient times..." If she didn't understand the meaning of Bodhi's words today, maybe she would take the team between Terrans and demons for granted.

However Bodhi asked her to save the heaven and earth. The soul tree is the boundary tree of the endless abyss. There is a certain inevitable relationship between the Bodhi ancestor and the soul tree.

Finally The spirit of God tree, Bodhi ancestor and soul tree are the same source power!

In other words!

This is one world!

The endless abyss, the Terran world, and the already lost wilderness world, this is a world!

At that time, the real boundary tree was divided into innumerable parts, separated among different races

But why?

Why do life experiences from the same world launch such a killing?!

For rights? Wealth? Or resources?

Lu jiuque's hot breath almost made her burn. If she wanted to complete the agreement with Bodhi, she must save the sacred tree!

It's just How to save it?!

Is it to cut off the endless samsara, or to use the world compass to let the divine tree and the world return to the original time again?

They didn't give Lu Jiu too much time to choose. They assembled again and launched a bombardment on the abyss demon army!

In a flash, blood and corpses are like the flowers of death on the other side of the yellow spring


"Kill! Don't let go of any of them! "

"Kill all these hateful invaders!"

"Damn it!"


"Protect the Lord!"

"Why are these weak ants so clamoring to our demon lord?"

"Kill them!"



Blood, stretch into the sea!

Color the rammed earth with blood!

A shout, a scream, tear heart and lung.

Everyone here is fighting for their own purpose!

Watching this scene, Lu jiuque listened to the cry of the spirit of the divine tree gradually weakened, and the burning feeling of her eyebrows growing hotter, and felt that her soul was almost torn.

Homologous organisms in the same world are pushing each other to the brink of death.


There are so many beautiful memories in this world that she can't watch it happen. Even if she doesn't promise to Bodhi, she won't let it be destroyed

Because, this is where she met them! , the fastest update of the webnovel!