Chapter 1752

Therefore, the most important thing to cure the dragon swallowing tree is to remove the smell of fire from the root of the tree. As soon as Lu jiuque's flame came out, the smell of that kind of fire was immediately removed. Under such a situation, the dragon eating trees had a ray of life.

Such a situation is called "breaking and then standing" in lingyao!

After listening to Lei Hong's explanation, everyone looked at the eyes of the soaring golden flame, how shocked they were.

The master of medicine, even if he is the master of Lingzhi, can not produce Lingzhi So it's not surprising that he knows the news.

But How can Lu jiuque, such an ordinary star soul master, know all this?! Can we say that the family where Lu jiuque is located has left no spare effort to cultivate him?!

Why, isn't she just a star soul master?

A star soul master who can't break through the Lord will be a waste in the future, no matter how smart he is.

Everyone's heart is like a river and sea, and Lu jiuque is busy with the owl in the fire.

Lu jiukui did not dare to get close to him. Then the owl started the "dark curtain" of talent and covered everything in the fire. After it was confirmed that no one could find out what they had done, Lu jiuque slowly offered a sacrifice to the spring of heaven. With a silver needle as the guide, he poured it into the root of the dragon eating trees.

Is this going to work?!

In fact, Lu jiuque doesn't know It's safe to have a mentality of being a dead horse as a living horse doctor. To know that Lu jiukuo has always been a doctor for treating people. To treat Warcraft or something, it has become a super class, let alone a plant. Lu jiuque has no way to start!

Using silver needle as a medium to guide Tianling spring into the root of dragon eating tree is obviously only a theoretical assumption, so Lu jiuque is also waiting for the result with great anxiety.

After a long time, the dragon eating tree in front of him showed no sign of recovery at all. Instead, it was just like the eggplant that had been beaten by frost. This made Lu jiuque very bad.

What can I do?

She doesn't have the strength of wood


Wait! Yes!

Lu jiukui touched his brow and remembered the old Bodhi who had left his mark. His endless power of life could definitely cure the dragon eating trees in front of him. But as if he had used the power of Bodhi, what if food shortage was involved?

Does she have a way to suppress food shortage?

When Lu jiukui was in a dilemma, qiongxue suddenly said, "little weak chicken, you send these guys to the Dragon grain world."


"You don't understand. Send it in and I'll deal with it!"

Lu jiuque's eyes brightened slightly, which reminds him that besides Bodhi, qiongxue is also a boundary tree.

But there are so many dragon eating trees. Does qiongxue really have a way to solve them all at once?!

Qiongxue feels the doubt and hesitation in Lu Jiuqian's heart. Who does the weak chicken think it is? It's the spirit of the world of dragon patterns. How many crooked necked trees can't be determined? Isn't that humiliating?!

"If you send it in, send it in. Don't talk nonsense! Hurry from here, Aoshuang is waiting for you to pass! "

Since qiongxue insisted so much, Lu jiuque had no choice but to send the dragon eating trees in front of him to the dragon pattern world , the fastest update of the webnovel!