Song Qianqiu looks at Lu Tingyu's car in front of her. She stands on the road for a long time.

She can't believe it. Just a few minutes ago, what Lu Tingyu said to her was even more unbelievable. Lu Tingyu just left her on the side of the road!


I don't know how long later, a cry came from behind. Song Qianqiu looked back and saw that the servant was coming along the road. "Just now Mr. Lu called and said that he would take you back, but if you want to take a walk on the roadside, he still has something to go back. Let's send someone to pick you up."

Song Qianqiu forced a few tears to grab his eyes, and pulled out a bitter smile“ Yes, I think it's a good day today. It's not far from home, so brother Tingyu won't send it away. I didn't expect that he would call back specially. "

"Yes! Brother Tingyu worried that I would go home alone, so he called home specially. " Clearly know that he did it just for the sake of the Song family, but give song Qianqiu feeling is like the last glimmer of hope, will her heart broken temporarily frozen up, forced to create a false impression of himself, in Lu Tingyu's heart, he actually has her existence, only, he still can't see clearly.

The next day, Gu Nanxi got up early in the morning, but he didn't find Lu Tingyou at home. It seems that he left early in the morning. Because Gloria has just entered the starlight project, there are still many things to deal with in the company. When Gu Nanxi came down from upstairs, he saw that Rong Ma had prepared a rich breakfast.

"Young lady, you are up. The young master felt that the company had to leave early in the morning. And let's prepare breakfast for you

These are all specially ordered by Lu Tingyu? However, compared with this, Gu Nanxi was even more surprised to see this rich breakfast. She looked at the dishes at that table, and then looked at Rong Ma, "it's just breakfast. You've made 20 courses!"

One breakfast for 20 times, when Cixi is reborn!

Rong Ma slightly embarrassed smile, "well, I really don't know what your taste is, we are also rude, this is not the only way to see your taste."

It has been some time since Gu Nanxi married Lu Tingyu, but the servants didn't know her taste and preference.

Looking at Rong Ma's embarrassed smile, Gu Nanxi lightly said nothing, then sat down and casually picked up a bowl of porridge in front of him. At the entrance of porridge, Gu Nanxi felt a little sour in his heart.

Gu Nanxi to the company, a busy is a whole day, when the busy work is not easy to come to an end, but found that the sky has been dark.

She was so tired that she leaned back in her chair and looked at her mobile phone at random, only to find that there were several missed calls on her mobile phone, all of which belonged to Lu Tingyou.

Just as she was about to call back, Lu Tingyu's phone rang again. Gu Nanxi did not hesitate to get through.

"Gu Nanxi, are you still in the company?" Lu Tingyou's tone was as steady as usual, but Gu Nanxi heard a different taste. He called one after another, should be worried, and questioned, what time, why are you still in the company.

Gu Nanxi ignored Lu Tingyu's displeasure and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot as soon as I was busy."

Lu Tingyu on the other end of the phone frowned slightly. He said, "I'll leave if I have something to do these days. I'm not at home these days. You need to... "

Before his words were finished, Gu Nanxi said, "don't worry. I know that. "

"I've set the time for the starlight project on the first of next month, with two weeks left. You're ready. I'll be back next week. "

After hanging up the phone, Gu Nanxi fell into a kind of meditation. In his memory, Lu Tingyu has been out on business for countless times since they got married. However, not once will he specially call her to explain.

Of course, in front of both parents, they will keep a reassuring attitude.

However, the real situation is quite different.

However, this time he made a special call to her and took the initiative to explain his whereabouts. It seems that some places are different. Why? Gu Nanxi really can't say

Busy work, soon let Gu Nanxi did not put too much energy on it.

A week later, that is, the week before the selection of starlight plan, a special exhibition was arranged by Xinghe for this starlight plan. To put it bluntly, it is a grand product exchange meeting, which will let every enterprise enter the selection to participate, so that they have the opportunity to know their opponents, and also provide them with another opportunity to publicize themselves.

At the same time, on this day, the participating enterprises will announce the stars who speak for their own jewelry.

Originally, it was not necessary to hold this exhibition. It was only necessary to hold a press conference to announce the endorsement stars.

Of course, such an opportunity is really a very important opportunity for companies who want to participate in the starlight program to show themselves. We will not want to give up, on the contrary, we are very surprised but very hard to seize this opportunity.

However, few people know that Lu Tingyou specially arranged this exhibition.

The plane is flying through the stars in the long dark night, but the lights are bright in the plane. After the news of holding the exhibition is released, various enterprises also act one after another.

As Lu Tingyou's most trusted special assistant, Lu Hao is reporting to Lu Tingyou in an orderly way.

"After the news of the exhibition was sent out, these people were really busy. They created various topics for their spokesmen to improve their appearance rate and awareness rate."

"Is it?" Lu Tingyu put the red wine cup in his hand beside him. He rubbed some sour corners of his eyes and said faintly, "what else can these people do? Most of them just want to find the latest famous stars, create some gossip, so that more people can remember in the shortest time

There is obvious disdain in the words.

"Of course, if you want to be a famous star, in addition to the cost of this link, a little bit famous is not all star river. Some people don't want to be subject to us here, so naturally they want to play some edge ball Lu Hao also understood, "however, I find it strange that there is not much need to hold such a fund-raising exhibition. You are holding such a fund-raising exhibition and postponing the selection meeting. It's just for the sake of shiluodiya. If it comes out, you won't be afraid that others will say you are determined. It's unfair?"

This made Lu Tingyu smile, "do you think so, too?"

"Of course I don't think so, but now, looking at the way of slotia's promotion, I vaguely expect that the company will stand out."

"What did she do?"

Naturally, she asked Gu Nanxi, what is her way when everyone is trying their best?

Lu Hao smiles and hands over his magazine

The magazine devoted a whole page to introducing not the spokesperson of slottiya, but the CEO of slottiya who led the staff of slottiya to the mountain area to deliver medicine to the children.

"The whole space has nothing to do with the publicity of the spokesperson. Oh, by the way, except this picture is good." Lu Hao said, pointing to the photos in the magazine.

In the photo, it's Gu Nanxi. Today, she is wearing the simplest white T-shirt and jeans. Behind a white cap, she shows a clean and refreshing horsetail, with a simple but sincere smile on her face.

The sunlight sprinkles on her body, in the green water and blue sky, so she looks clean, comfortable and natural, let people have a look, but can't help but want to see more.

Next to her is Xie Anlan, the spokesman of slotia.

Xie Anlan was originally a TV star. She was wearing heavy makeup in front of the screen, but today she is also plain and clean, and she is also wearing a white T-shirt and jeans.

At the moment, they seem to be playing happily with the children.

"She'll think of some wonderful moves. Now the most eye-catching thing is charity. But Xie Anlan has another kind of beauty when she takes off her make-up. Such simplicity is rare."

"I mean, she's really doing charity!" Lu Hao pointed out the problem, "don't you think there is something wrong? She is the daughter of Gu's family. She pays attention to dignity in everything she does. Even if she does charity, she always holds charity fund-raising auctions. When did you see Gu Nanxi go to remote mountainous areas

Once two words let Lu Tingyu panic, it seems that Gu Nanxi from the car accident, the whole person is not the same!

Fang Ya sent a new magazine to Gu Nanxi's office. She said: "the effect this time is surprisingly good. Especially in the propaganda, the lingdun was crushed to death! You know, this time, only lingdun is the most competitive. "

Fang Ya is very happy, but Gu Nanxi is very unhappy because she is the only one who knows many of the ideas, plans and even jewelry designs put forward by lingdun. In fact, she is the one who has worked hard behind them!

Now she has to try her best to overthrow her own efforts! This is to pay do not know how many times the effort.

But fortunately, the old people she used to use now came to silotia, which made her feel relieved.

"Are those people settled?"

Fang Ya knows that she asked the people who made trouble in lingdun before, "it's all arranged. However, I'm a little worried. Anyway, when there is such a problem in lingdun, they should do such a thing, but you give them an opportunity instead of saying it, and put them in such an important position. You know, this design is very important. In case of any mistake in the Planning Exhibition the day after tomorrow, we will lose such a good opportunity. "

Will she give such an important thing to those people? Fang Ya is really worried.

"It's too late today. Tomorrow, I'll accompany you to the factory."#####