Chapter 2804

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Cui Bo's discovery immediately made everyone forget what they were about to say and looked at Cui Bo together.

"What did you find?"

"Motorcade! I think it's the cars found when they landed last night. Now they appear again. Do you think it's an electronic jamming car?"

Gao Yang was surprised and pleased and said, "it's possible! I'll go up and have a look. Everyone guard."

Gao Yang quickly walked up the rotating stairs and said loudly, "how far is it?"

"It has to be more than 1000 meters. You can come up and have a look."

Cui Bo was lying on the ground. When Gao Yang showed his head from the exit, he pressed down with his hand and whispered, "be careful. It's not easy for the enemy to see or shoot here, but you can't attract shells."

Gao Yang climbed slowly from the ground to the edge of the minaret, and then looked at Cui Bo's fingers through the gap in the railing.

"Over there, I was searching for the enemy's snipers and machine gunners. I accidentally saw two cars driving past at an intersection. It was sandy yellow. It felt like desert camouflage. The models were the same as what I saw before landing last night. They were small box trucks. Brother Yang, who do you think would paint ordinary pickup trucks as desert camouflage?"

Gao Yang looked through his telescope at the intersection pointed by Cui Bo, but he didn't find anything.


"After driving away, two cars flashed past the intersection. I saw one in my eyes, and then I quickly adjusted my sight. I didn't have time to use a telescope, but I saw it clearly. Which side do you look at, about 150 meters on the right, where is a tree, the small building on the left of the tree."

"See, a folk house should be a two-story building."

"The edge of the roof is a little higher and a little curved. It looks like the top of a bucket. It's black. It's like the top of a bucket used to bask in hot water for bathing. See?"

"Yes, only a small part is exposed. I can't judge what it is. It's really like the top of a water storage bucket."

"This morning, there was no such thing, but now there is."

Gao Yang was excited. He trembled and said, "are you sure?"

Cui Bo whispered, "I'm not very sure. It's too inconspicuous, but I must have observed where and found no abnormality. Now I look at where and think it's abnormal. I don't think I'll miss any abnormality. Since I just found it rather than at dawn, it just appeared."

I understand your confidence. Although your reason is too far fetched to be accepted as evidence, it is indeed a valuable discovery

Cui Bo whispered, "the straight-line distance is 1645 meters, a little far."

Gao Yang was puzzled, so he whispered, "not quite right. You said that if those cars are the source of electronic interference, why do they move? Since the interference effect has been well achieved, it must be hiding in a hidden place. Why do two cars drive out? Suppose, suppose those two cars are related to electronic interference."

Cui Bo whispered, "young brother, what conditions do you need to release electronic interference? I don't know much. Do you understand?"

Gao Yang thought for a moment and whispered, "electricity must be used, and the power consumption is still large. I don't know how this mobile electronic interference works, but I know that electricity must be used. Another is the antenna. I only know that the American ea6b electronic warfare aircraft is a mounted pod, and the pod itself has the function of antenna."

Speaking of this, Gao Yang cheered up and said, "power! Power vehicles may need to move. We don't know what kind of power supply mode the enemy's electronic interference adopts, but whether it's a large vehicle battery or a generator, as long as they use mobile power, they always have a chance to move?"

A large electronic jamming transmitter needs a huge amount of power. It's really a joke to rely on a car generator or battery for power supply. If an electronic jammer wants to work continuously, then an auxiliary vehicle is essential.

If the power source is a diesel or gasoline generator rather than a large battery pack, the enemy may really rule out special support vehicles to refuel and then come back.

Treble whispered, "by the way, if those two cars are oil vehicles, it makes sense."

Gao Yang said in a loud voice: "keep it for observation. I'll go down and ask. Taylor knows these better and pay attention to concealment."

After telling Cui Bo, Gao Yang quickly climbed backward. When he returned to the stairs, he almost jumped back to the hall.

"Pigeon, big bird, who else knows electronic interference? Who knows?"

The loud cry attracted everyone's attention. Peter said loudly: "I have been in contact with a small electronic jammer, a box with an antenna outside. It can be used when connected to the car. It can shield all electronic signals within one to two kilometers in diameter."

"It's a large one that can cover the whole city," he shouted

Taylor has run out. After hearing Gao Yang's question, he said in a hurry: "I know that ea6b prowler EW aircraft can interfere with a great area, but I really don't know much about the vehicle."

Yak came out from the inside and said in a hurry: "I know! If you want to block all models of the full frequency band, you need a lot of jamming transmitters to cover all frequency bands. In the past, you need a lot of jamming transmitters, but now the electronic warfare equipment is updated a lot. I don't know much about the existing equipment, but I know that if you want to cover the full frequency band and interference in a large area, the power must be large!"

Gao Yang said anxiously, "then how many cars do you think are enough? Small containers?"

Yak said without hesitation: "High power, large area and full frequency band, which means that the volume can not be too small. Even if the processor and interference transmitter, that is, the antenna, the power supply vehicle, the oil supply vehicle and the small container... At least three vehicles are required. If it is necessary to ensure long-term operation, whether it is a battery or a generator set, it is always safe to have backup. What's more Oil supply is also very important, because the power consumption of super power appliances is amazing, and the fuel consumption is also amazing, so there are at least three or more, but I doubt whether ace can get this very expensive and extremely confidential electronic warfare weapon. "

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said excitedly, "ACE ACE is interfering with us! Man, do you think they have found some signs? The rabbit may be the location of the enemy's interference source, which is only 1600 meters away from us. We have a chance. Now we just want to confirm it!"

Yak came to the spirit. He said in a trembling voice, "I'll go and have a look. I'll go up and have a look!"