Chapter 2787

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
It's been seven days in Baghdad, a whole week.

The black devil can always send information about badadi, but he can't confirm the exact location of badadi. It's not easy to get close to this super villain who has caused an uproar all over the world.

If you can't even get the exact location of the target, you will naturally be unable to act. There is no other way but to wait.

Grevatov was in Russia. Tata and Lebedev entered aisis, but they were not together. Rostowski and Vasili continued to wander around with Jim, both protecting Jim and using Jim as bait to transfer badadi's specific whereabouts.

It's not that you can find badadi after entering ace. Now the black devil has exhausted all methods and gathered all the resources that Gaoyang can find.

Gao Yang wants to carry out several pre war exercises, especially the exercise of entering and withdrawing combat by helicopter, but there is no such condition in Baghdad. They are very secret and hidden in Baghdad. It is impossible to use helicopters to take off and land, let alone in the urban area.

Gao Yang also hopes to initiate action at night. If it is during the day, he can only give up, because initiating action during the day means suicide. Although Gao Yang decides to kill badadi at all costs, he really doesn't want to commit suicide.

These days, all Satan should say that a man does not shed his armor and a horse does not leave his saddle.

All combat equipment must be ready for immediate use, helicopters must be ready to take off at any time, bulletproof vests, guns, ammunition and backpacks must be at hand, and they must be able to start within three minutes as soon as an order is given.

The combat state should be maintained, but we should have a good rest, because we don't know when we can act. Otherwise, Satan should be equipped.

After waiting for a whole week, Gao Yang finally got a call.

"At 21:30 p.m., at the kaibil temple in Mosul, the probability of the target appearing is more than 80%. We can't pick up, we can't know the exact room, and we can't confirm the guard force."

Gao Yang was having dinner. He received a call from Tata. After hastily saying that, Tata immediately hung up the phone.

The situation in Tata is not very good. I should have seized the only opportunity to send a message to the place where the satellite phone is hidden, but I can't communicate in more detail.

Gao Yang's heart began to pound. This is the only intelligence with attack value since waiting in Baghdad for a week. More than 80% probability is enough.

Gao Yang looked at his watch. It was 5:17 p.m. in time. The place was one of the landmark buildings in Mosul, and it was clear that Tata said badadi would appear.

Time, place, people.

Qi is alive.

Gao Yang suddenly stood up and shouted, "get ready to go!"

Wait and wait, people can't keep their nerves tight all the time. Everyone is either listening to music or lying in bed to rest, but when Gao Yang suddenly yells, everyone suddenly bounces up like a tight spring.

Quickly put on his backpack, Satan quickly lined up, and then moved closer to Gao Yang.

"Introduce the situation on the road and everyone get on the bus!"

Gao Yang gave a loud roar, and then said to the hurried polovich, "inform the airport that we are going to take off immediately."

Polovich took a deep breath and nodded suddenly. Then he immediately picked up the phone and began to call the person he contacted.

When the U.S. military withdrew from Iraq, it left a lot of equipment, tanks, armored vehicles, cars and helicopters. These weapons used to arm the Iraqi defense forces did not have much effect, and the people in charge of these weapons were more willing to turn these valuable and expensive things into money.

In order to use the two planes, Gao Yang spent a full $20 million, and he didn't buy the two planes, he just used them.

The price is very high, because it's impossible to spend less money. I don't know how many people have to take great risks for these two helicopters. Apart from others, just a group of people of unknown origin go to the military airport in Baghdad, board the two helicopters and fly away. How many joints do you have to get through.

But Gao Yang thinks it's worth it because he has two transport helicopters that can be used.

Polovich didn't come forward. None of the people who belong to big Ivan will appear. In the early stage, all those who should be contacted have been contacted. The rest is Satan's own business.

Everyone pulled down the hood, rushed into the car and flew to the military airport. The airport will arrive soon. A car belonging to the Iraqi defense force is waiting for them.

Gao Yang was relieved to see the agreed vehicle appear, and then he gently waved his hand. A total of seven cars approached the car waiting for them outside the airport.

When Satan's motorcade approached, the waiting vehicles began to move forward slowly, while Satan's motorcade followed. When the motorcade approached the airport sentry, Gao Yang was still a little nervous.

The car leading the way stopped in front of the sentry post, the window rolled down, a sentry saluted, the roadblock immediately withdrew, and a convoy slowly drove into the airport.

Unimpeded, the convoy stopped in front of two Black Hawk helicopters on the helipad.

Gao Yang gets out of the car, and Irene and Taylor get out of the car respectively. Gao Yang looks at Irene and points to one of the helicopters, then tilts his head towards Taylor and points to the other helicopter.

Irene and Taylor got on the plane respectively. Soon, Irene gave a thumbs up to Gao Yang in the helicopter cockpit, and Taylor gave a thumbs up following the climate.

The helicopter was OK. Gao Yang nodded and waved to the car. Five people came down, took out a box from the trunk and put it next to the car leading the way.

There is money in the box. The deposit of $5 million has been paid. These are the balance of $15 million.

A man came down from the car. He opened five boxes one after another, looked at the contents, took out a few at random, turned them over, confirmed that there was money in them, and didn't count them in detail, so he raised his head and nodded to the people who always sat in the back seat.

When the people in the car signaled, the person who came down to see the money immediately began to put the box into the trunk of the SUV. When he put all the money in the car, he nodded to Gao Yang, waved his hand and made a gesture that he could take off.

The car that came to trade with Gao Yang drove away, and Gao Yang waved his hand, and Satan's people began to board quickly.

The transaction has ended without a word.

According to the plan, everyone boarded their own helicopter and looked around. There was no abnormality. There was no one nearby, so he quickly waited for the helicopter.

After taking a deep breath, Gao Yang said in the walkie talkie, "take off."